Henry Drake

Henry Drake

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14 Inches Oak, Thestral Bone




Henry Christopher Drake
Age: 26
Birthdate: October 15th 1999 to Richard and Angelica Drake
Hometown: Henry lived in western Europe with his family until the age of 26 he now currently resides in New Zealand.
Wand: Henry's wand is a black 14 inch Oak, with a Thestral Bone making up the core. The wand is supposed to be good with both Charms and Curses and is said to belong to wizards who are more than they appear. The wand is straight with tiny little indentures engraved along the handle where ancient runes have been carved in. When translated the runes say 'Per Calx Decor Adveho Petalosa e Diligo , Per Diligo Venia Adveho Ossa e Calx'. Latin for 'Through Stone's Beauty Comes Petals of Love, From Love's Grace Comes Bones of Stone'
School: Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin Prefect
Occupation:Henry is currently unemployed living off his parents money, however he does hope to enter politics soon.
Gender: Male
Blood Status: Pureblood
Race:Caucasian, 1/4 Italian, 1/4 Greek, 1/4 Anglo Saxon, 1/4 Germanic

Physical Description:

A Greek God come to life, Henry is 6'5 and very athletic allowing him to have a muscular physic. Henry enjoys keeping a tan by sun bathing regularly while ensuring that his body remains in top shape by swimming and running virtually everyday. His eyes are naturally crystal blue and his hair is dark brown and tends to be short though enough so that someone can still run their hand through it if they chose to. Henry dresses in the latest male fashion wearing very expensive clothes that is usually paid for by his family's fortune. Henry is very well endowed as he's not afraid to mention and enjoys showing off his body whenever he get's the chance. Taking very good care of himself Henry tends to shave most of his body and never seems to have a hair out of place nor a mark that might otherwise destroy the perfection he strives for himself, he also wears some makeup at times but it's usually to cover up the love bites that seem to always be on him. Women often remark that Henry is a perfect ten thanks to how well he takes care of himself though genetics also play a part since his mother was a Model and Actress and his father was a well kept Politician just like his son. Henry enjoyed playing Quidditch and other wizarding sports and still does whenever he is giving the chance to enjoy them, though his lifestyle choices tend to keep him very busy yet still physically active.​



Henry has always been popular and ambitious due to his upbringing, while in school his ambition placed him in Slytherin House he quickly became popular due to his natural charisma and confidence especially when it came to dating. Henry never had a girlfriend since he was always messing around with more than one girl at a time and quickly earned the title 'Man-Sloot' while in school. He quickly became sexually active even while in school though always made sure to stay within the rules unless he was sure that he was going to get away with it. In his fifth year he became Prefect thus increasing his Confidence in himself to the point of cockiness. Henry's attitude towards life has always been to have fun while he's young enough to truly enjoy it, though respectful towards older people and very fun loving with the ladies. Henry is more than laid back with how he goes through life enjoying things as they come and taking his time with everything that he does. Henry doesn't have many male friends possibly due to the fact that many of them get jealous of him but also because he has no interest in sleeping with men so why would he want to have them around. Henry comes off as a romantic at times and is actually a nice person to be around though his high libido tends to make him a very big flirt with women to a point that it may simply become annoying. Henry is friendly with pretty much everyone but tends to avoid prudes since his life style tends to go against what they believe in, he has many female friends all around the world with almost all of them having had a sexual relationship with him at one point.

Henry Drake was born in 1999, the third child of Richard Drake and Angelica Drake. Unlike his older brother Henry was born healthy and therefore tended to play more active games with his father than Joseph. When he was a child they lived in France and would often play games with his younger siblings, Joseph joined in the games later on once he was healthy enough. Henry showed his magical potential at age 8 though it was shown then not to be very potent only enough to show that he was a magical child like the rest of his family. At age 11, Henry joined his two older siblings at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and like everyone else in his family was sorted into Slytherin House. Even at a young age, Henry was very popular with other children. He was cute when he was little and handsome when he was older, he also had alot of energy and was very good at sports and other athletic things. While at School he was not bad at studies though his older siblings seemed to show much more aptitude towards learning, perhaps this was because Henry didn't care for books and instead like to play jokes with his friends. As he got older and became interested in girls he became less involved in his studies. He began dating much sooner than his older brother however he never really had a girlfriend since he was always surrounded by a swarm of girl's all vying for his attention. During his 4th Year he began playing Quidditch taking position as a Chaser for the Slytherin team, in his 5th Year he was made a Prefect. During his 6th Year he became sexually active with other girl's in the school so much that rumor's began to spread that he had found the room of requirements and turned it into his personal love dungeon. These rumor's of course could never be verified however he never did get caught doing anything too inappropriate with any of the girls.

After graduating Henry took a year off to travel Europe by then his father had switched jobs and moved to England. Due to his older brother's frail health, Henry was expected to enter the political field and continue the family's tradition in his stead. Henry studied a little after Hogwarts but spent most of his time traveling, sleeping around, and drinking much like his father had when he was the same age. Richard Drake figured it was just a phase and that Henry would eventually come to his senses and begin his career in politics. After three years of waiting however Richard finally made Henry come home and began training his son himself along with help from a few of his aides. It was then that Henry did in fact take an interest in politics however he also wanted to rebel against what his parents were forcing on him and so continued the same actions he had for the next six years. Finally after having enough Richard Drake sent Henry down south away from the family due to the fact that Henry's name often found itself in the Daily Prophet along with a picture of him and several different women. Henry is very confident in himself and enjoys having fun, he has many friends throughout Europe which is another reason Richard Drake probably sent him down south to a place where he had never been before and didn't know anyone. Reluctantly Henry did as his father commanded of him, not because he had decided to accept his destiny and follow the footsteps his father had laid before him but because if he didn't he would be completely cut off from the family money. This was unacceptable in his opinion so he did as commanded, part of him was actually glad to get away from his family considering they always seemed to look down on him as a trouble maker. This may have been true but it was still a fact that greatly annoyed Henry.

After moving to New Zealand Henry was given enough money to buy an apartment, as soon as he was partially moved in he began going back to his old ways. Henry quickly found himself a drink and a girl and before he had finished unpacked had already settled back into a lifestyle of women, drinking and parties. To his great annoyance Henry receives around five letters a day from his father with different orders and scoldings in each one, the letters are not actually from Richard Drake however they are written by his aides. Henry is always very annoyed when he receives one of these letters and has started to destroy them without reading them. After a night with a couple of twins Henry walked down Bleak Street an in attempt to give the two time to get dressed and out of his apartment; life; during the walk he discovered Leah Winters and Luthor Silverback covering up the evidence of a murder the two of them had performed. Before he could do anything about it, Lolita Silverback obliterated his memory, Luthor Silverback began screaming and eventually Lolita Silverback ordered his execution at the hands of Leah Winters. Not trusted to perform the task alone she and the House Elf Tin took Henry to a wooded area outside the city, there Leah began trying to convince Tin not to tell on her since she had felt a connection with Henry and didn't want to kill him. Henry woke up and began a short conversation with the woman he referred to as 'Sleeping Beauty' feeling a connection towards her as well. Fear in growing too attached to Henry and thus having to kill him or worse being discovered as not having killed him like she was ordered too, Leah Winters began trying to shun him though after a quick deal promised to meet Henry again. Before she left him however Henry gave her a goodbye kiss and thus confirmed that there was a powerful connection between the two of them.

Almost a month would pass by before they met again, Henry continued to sleep with many women however tended to be drawn towards women that looked like Leah. Henry would use these women since while sleeping with them he would imagine he was sleeping with Leah instead, his desire for her seemed to grow quite a bit during their time apart. Finally, bitter and annoyed with himself Henry decided to sleep with someone that looked nothing like her in an attempt to drive her from his mind. This woman took the form of Cynthia Vandervoort, while at a club he took her into the male restroom and had carnal relations with her. On the way to the restroom Henry saw Leah though continued with Cynthia in an attempt to make her jealous for making him wait so long. Afterward Henry left Cynthia and went straight for his 'Sleeping Beauty' from there he began seducing her once more and while she was angry at first going as far as to say that he was disgusting, she eventually began to fall for his charm. She revealed her name to him and even shared in a very passionate kiss that was also very sensual. Fear consumed Leah Winters again but also a desire not to simply become another notch on Henry's Drake belt and so after the kiss she left him again.


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-Richard Drake is the known father of Katherine, Joseph, and Henry and is believed to be the father of the twins Michael and Michelle Drake. Born into Politics by his father Eric Drake, Richard attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Slytherin House. He met many well founded families and would use those connections later on when he began his own political career. Much like his son Henry, during his youth Richard was both a playboy and a trouble maker, a famous story from his youth involves him and some friends getting drunk and bewitching a muggle car into crashing into several well populated muggle homes. He married Angelica Lent in the year of 1978 and began his political career. In 1987 he became a Governor in the French Ministry, his first child was born in 1995 and was named after his mother Katherine. Richard moved up through the ranks and is now a high ranking official in the English Ministry including having a chair on the Wisengmont and an order of Merlin third class thanks to his donations. In 2005 it was discovered that his wife had been having an affair on him, this was not very surprising for Richard considering he had numerous affairs while they were married, they both agreed to be faithful to each other and have been ever since though rumor's of Richards continued infidel acts still appear from time to time. They are considered to be happily married however.

-Born Angelica Lent she was one of the last in the Lent family's pureblood gene she was born into a political family much like Richard Drake and in fact was convinced to date him by her father and mother who were good friends with the Drake Family. She went to school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sorted into Slytherin House, afterwards she began dating Richard. They were married in 1978 and she became his house maker wife however in the early years she stayed by her husband helping out with the campaigns. Once he became Governor, she convinced him into starting a family giving birth to their first daughter Katherine in 1995. Knowing that Richard wanted a son she quickly tried to get pregnant again giving birth to Joseph Drake in 1997 a few years later she was pregnant again with their second son Henry in 1999. Soon after her son's birth she began to have an affair with a man named Marco Stefano a pureblood politician from Italy, soon after she gave birth to twins named Michelle and Michael. It is unknown whether the twins are Richards or Marco's though it is widely believed and acknowledged within the family that they are in fact Richards. Though many estranged relatives and others who are not part of the family boldly state that they look nothing like Richard and therefore must be Marco's. Despite her infidelity which came to light in 2005, she and Richard stayed together and are now considered to be happily married once more.

<FONT font="Monaco">-Katherine Drake was born in April of 1995 to Richard and Angelica Drake she is their first born child but did not grow up their favorite. Katherine was raised to be a strong woman by her father and has since made a career for herself. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and like her parents was sorted into Slytherin House. Upon Graduation Katherine began working in politics in what many believe was an attempt to earn her father's love and respect. This did not last long however as she moved instead to Magical Law where she has found both her passion as well as true love in the Mixed Blood Larry Randolph. Though she loves Larry she has made it clear that they can never be married nor can she ever give birth to her children or otherwise be removed from her family entirely. Katherine has no intentions however of ever marrying and is instead happy with her life though she still tries to be close to her family even if that isn't possible now that she has recently moved across the seas to America.


-Joseph Drake is the first boy in the Drake family and was born in April of 2007, he has long since been considered the golden child in the family especially since he was frail at birth leaving him in a somewhat premature state. As a child he was weak and always seemed to get sick quickly, though after many procedures he was finally brought to a normal level of health though his appearance gave him the impression that he was younger than he actually was. He was still able to play with his younger brothers though and enjoyed playing sports though he would have to stop and take more breaks than either of his younger siblings. Joseph attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House afterwards he tried to start his own political ambitions however was talked down by his father due to fear that the stress would hurt him, instead he went on to work in the Ministry for Magic in France as an administrator for money and banking working closely along with the Goblins of Gringotts and other well known wizarding families. He is believed to be single however he actually has two girlfriends both barely over the age of 17, much like his younger brother Henry he has no intentions of settling down however is better at concealing his actions leaving him still as the golden child within the family.


-Born in the year 2000 in the middle of their mother's infidelity with Marco Stefano the two Drake twins Michael and Michelle Drake have often been criticized by people outside of the family. They have never been treated any differently however than their siblings other than the fact that they did not attend Hogwarts like everyone else did. By there choice the twins attended the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France since it was closer to their home. Since graduating they have moved to France full time living close to each other while working at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Regulations and the Department of Magical Sports. They have always been very close to each other since they were never really sure about their birth and therefore are the closest in the family. They are sometimes mistaken for lovers since they rarely do anything without the consent of the other including when it comes to dating. They are both seeing another pair of twins at the moment who are like them are pureblood, it is rumored that if the relationship goes well the two of them will marrying both of their lovers and have a double wedding.


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