We leave a trail of fire
With every step the flames begin to rise

We leave a trail of fire
With every step the flames begin to rise
[name] Henri Louis Fontaine
[etymology] Henri - From the Germanic name Heimirich meaning "home ruler", composed of the elements heim "home" and rih "ruler". It was later commonly spelled Heinrich, with the spelling altered due to the influence of other Germanic names like Haganrich, in which the first element is hag "enclosure".
Louis - The name Louis is a boy's name of German, French origin meaning "renowned warrior".
Fontaine - Derived from old French fontane "well". It was probably a nickname for a person living by a well, but I'm not sure that's what it actually means for my family. In any case, it's the name that we've had for a good number of generations.
[nicknames] Henri has no nicknames and will not respond if someone tries to use a nickname for him.
[alliance] though he is loyal enough to his family, he's really not that loyal. He would give them up for turkish delights.
[birthdate] february 2052
[zodiac sign] Aquarius
[age] eleven; henri has always had some level of celebration for his birthday, usually with kids from his class at day care or just with his family, he is not the most interested in parties, and doesn't really care for them.
[sexual orientation] unsure
[dialects] english, primarily, with french and flemish fluently due to that being his mother's native language. He also picked up a couple of maori words.
[hometown] Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand; he has never lived anywhere else and enjoys the harbour, it has everything he could possibly want.
[residency] Obsidian Harbour, Henri lives in a well protected house with her family. It is hidden from view with magic just due to his mother’s position as the minister for magic. The house itself is fairly big, he has a big room to herself, as does his sister. They share a play/study room. It has a large garden, and enough space for them to occasionally practice flying.
[vacation destination] Vacation as a concept he's fine with, but he'd much rather just read or follow whatever curiousity he has.
[heritage] Belgian/Kiwi
[blood status] Mixed blood
[blood type] AB (-ve)
[children] None
[mother] Victoire Fontaine
[relationship with her] Henri has a good relationship with his mother. They are close, but not overly close, she's a busy woman and he respects her dedication to her work. it can make things difficult but he doens't mind it. She gives him everything he needs. [etymology] Henri - From the Germanic name Heimirich meaning "home ruler", composed of the elements heim "home" and rih "ruler". It was later commonly spelled Heinrich, with the spelling altered due to the influence of other Germanic names like Haganrich, in which the first element is hag "enclosure".
Louis - The name Louis is a boy's name of German, French origin meaning "renowned warrior".
Fontaine - Derived from old French fontane "well". It was probably a nickname for a person living by a well, but I'm not sure that's what it actually means for my family. In any case, it's the name that we've had for a good number of generations.
[nicknames] Henri has no nicknames and will not respond if someone tries to use a nickname for him.
[alliance] though he is loyal enough to his family, he's really not that loyal. He would give them up for turkish delights.
[birthdate] february 2052
[zodiac sign] Aquarius
[age] eleven; henri has always had some level of celebration for his birthday, usually with kids from his class at day care or just with his family, he is not the most interested in parties, and doesn't really care for them.
[sexual orientation] unsure
[dialects] english, primarily, with french and flemish fluently due to that being his mother's native language. He also picked up a couple of maori words.
[hometown] Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand; he has never lived anywhere else and enjoys the harbour, it has everything he could possibly want.
[residency] Obsidian Harbour, Henri lives in a well protected house with her family. It is hidden from view with magic just due to his mother’s position as the minister for magic. The house itself is fairly big, he has a big room to herself, as does his sister. They share a play/study room. It has a large garden, and enough space for them to occasionally practice flying.
[vacation destination] Vacation as a concept he's fine with, but he'd much rather just read or follow whatever curiousity he has.
[heritage] Belgian/Kiwi
[blood status] Mixed blood
[blood type] AB (-ve)
[children] None
[mother] Victoire Fontaine
[father] Alexander Fontaine
[Relationship with him] Henri is close with his father, closer than he is with his mother but only because he's around more and around for Henri to be close to him. He appreciates him and how he will still let him go off and do his own thing.
[siblings] Sister; Apolline Fontaine
[first wand] Straight 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.[first wand] Straight 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: Pine wands are often found in the hands of the 'loner', they do not protest creative and new uses of magic and this is perhaps why they seem to be the wands most successfully used with non-verbal magic.
Core: This wand core works well for people who adapt easily to their surroundings while still maintaining their own personalities. Meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in Divination work.
Flexibility: Swishy: A wand which can quickly cast spells but may need to cast more than one to accomplish the job.
[occupation] too young
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] henri has no known allergies.
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] henri has no known allergies.
A leap of faith,
We're reaching for the skies,
We're reaching for the skies,
[five words] calm, collected, kind, honest, sentimental
[personality] Henri is an obsessive individual, he will focus and be difficult to tear away from certain things once he gets them in his head. he'll read and read until he's got nothing left. He'll forget to eat or do anything else. He is somewaht callous with his own life and well being, not really caring much to look after himself, and also clumsy, he's fallen out of many a tree. He'll trip up over everything and anything, and then just go back to what he was doing, rarely learning from it. He's a very smart individual, retaining lots of facts and knowledge in his head. He's not very good at making friends, but he also really doesn't try to make friends.
[beliefs] None, he wasn't raised in a religious household.
[boggart] He would likely see himself, but unable to remember anything.
[fears] not having an interest, he doesn't know how people function when they don't have specific interests, obsessive interests, he would fear to be so blank and bland.
[likes] Henri likes reading, currently he also really likes bugs, and finding out all about them.
[dislikes] being told what to do, homework, most sports
[goals] Henri just likes to learn
[strengths] Henri is a very bright individual, he is a smart guy, who has a good amount of knowledge about things. He dosn't often have to be told things twice, he just remembers things well.
[weaknesses] Henri can obsessive about facts, and though he will change interests from time to time, when he is keen on something, and learning about something it is very difficult for him to be pulled away, so he will occasionally do poorly in certain classes.
[magical talents] none yet
[other talents] Henri has a really excellent memory
[patronus form] African Grey Parrot
[personality] Henri is an obsessive individual, he will focus and be difficult to tear away from certain things once he gets them in his head. he'll read and read until he's got nothing left. He'll forget to eat or do anything else. He is somewaht callous with his own life and well being, not really caring much to look after himself, and also clumsy, he's fallen out of many a tree. He'll trip up over everything and anything, and then just go back to what he was doing, rarely learning from it. He's a very smart individual, retaining lots of facts and knowledge in his head. He's not very good at making friends, but he also really doesn't try to make friends.
[beliefs] None, he wasn't raised in a religious household.
[boggart] He would likely see himself, but unable to remember anything.
[fears] not having an interest, he doesn't know how people function when they don't have specific interests, obsessive interests, he would fear to be so blank and bland.
[likes] Henri likes reading, currently he also really likes bugs, and finding out all about them.
[dislikes] being told what to do, homework, most sports
[goals] Henri just likes to learn
[strengths] Henri is a very bright individual, he is a smart guy, who has a good amount of knowledge about things. He dosn't often have to be told things twice, he just remembers things well.
[weaknesses] Henri can obsessive about facts, and though he will change interests from time to time, when he is keen on something, and learning about something it is very difficult for him to be pulled away, so he will occasionally do poorly in certain classes.
[magical talents] none yet
[other talents] Henri has a really excellent memory
[patronus form] African Grey Parrot
And wе can't be tamed,
We don't need no prayer,
[relationship status] single
[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships]None
[first kiss] too young
[innocence] too young
[Living together] still lives with his parents
[children together] too young
[pets together] too young
[relationship with in-laws] too young
[most beautiful thing about them] too young
[favourite thing about them] too young
[proposal] too young
[married] too young
[thoughts at wedding] too young
[wedding outfit] too young
As long as we're together,
We're like a wildfire,
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] short blonde-ish brown hair
[hair modifications] none; he does not care about his hair, does not need it to look any which way.
[eyes] light blue eyes
[height] Henri is of slightly below average height for his age range, but he is likely to get a lot taller.
[weight] Henri is on the slim side, he's often distracted and thus is both active and doesn't eat particularly well.
[complexion] Henri is pretty pale, he's meticulous with sunscreen and spends more time in the shade than in the sun.
[scars] Henri is a pretty clumsy kid, so he has a myriad of small scars, he also has a birth mark above his left eye
[smile] henri has a wide and toothy smile
[body build] currently henri is small in most ways. He's also despite his smaller stature seemingly very unaware of his limbs, he will trip up over them, doesn't do space that well, all in all very unaware of himself and often his surroundings
[body modifications] none
[dominant hand] left handed; because of this his hands are usually covered in smudges
[style] henri has never once cared about his appearance, he wears what his mother buys him and is usually not even paying attention when he puts it on. his socks will be on the wrong feet and inside out, his jumpers and t-shirts will be on wrong. he'll forget to have a belt for his jeans, etc. Clothes are just function what he has to wear and nothing more to Henri.
I got only one desire,
In this world of dreams my heart found you,
In this world of dreams my heart found you,
[school] Hogwarts New Zealand;
[house] Hufflepuff
[sorting post]
Henri was very ready to be sorted. He knew it was the first step in his Hogwarts journey but better, it would enable him to sit down and then get back to the book he'd been reading. Henri knew it was important, his mother had pressed to him that sorting was important. But he also just wanted it to be done and over with sooner rather than later. The good thing was, his friend, the girl from the park was in his year, and that was cool. That was going to make things cool. He had sat with her on the train and was sticking close to her as they were brought into the hall. He trailed to the back a little distracted by what he was sure was a bug scuttling along the ground, and then he spotted his sister. He waved at her. "Hey Apolline!" Henri said excitedly, before almost bumping into one of the first years at the back and almost tripping up in the process.[house] Hufflepuff
[sorting post]
He found a spot to stand in and then looked to the front, peering across the other students as the hat began to sing. he knew this, well, he knew that the hat would sing, he knew that the singing would be followed with the names. he didn't know why the song was something the hat did, and he wondered if perhaps there were any books on it. Maybe he could look into the library and see if there was anything. There had to be something on it, because the hat was old, and people would've written about something so old. he knew from what his mother said that this hat served both Hogwarts, and whether it sang the same song or had region specific songs he didn't know. But someone would know.
"Fontaine, Henri,"
henri was so caught up in all of that, he just barely caught his name being called. "Sorry," he said loudly before moving to the front and then immediately as he stepped forward tripping up over his own feet. He fell to the ground with an oof, and then got back up and with not a hint of embarrassment at what had happened and how long he was taking brushed himself down and then went to sit. He looked up at the other students, and knew that the hat wouldn't be able to answer all of the questions that he had, mostly because he knew it didn't have the time, there were lots of other students to sort.
[sorting hat said]
"Those sure are a lot of questions floating around in your mind. You're curious, no doubt about that one. And that might make it seem obvious where I should send you, but you march to your own beat and you'll be best guided in... Hufflepuff!"[special titles and awards] n/a
[extracurricular activities]
[Yearbook Pictures]
[Yuleball Pictures]
[valentines pictures]
[hallowe'en pictures]
[favorite subject] tbc
[best subject] tbc
[loathed subject] None
[worst subject] None
[grade average] Os
[apparition] too young
[year of graduation] too young
[graduation post] too young
Burning in the dead of night
As stars above we glow,
Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from wildfire by smash into pieces
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye
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