Hemi Te Rua

Hemi Te Rua

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curved 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core


Name: Hemi Te Rua
- Hemi is a Maori form of James
- Te Rua Translates as the second.
So yep, Hemi's name directly translated is James The Second. Doesn't quite have the same ring to it!

House: Gryffindor
Blood: Muggle Born
Heritage: Half Maori and half European Kiwi
Birthplace: Rotorua, New Zealand
Grew up in: Rotorua, New Zealand
Birthday: 29th November, at present he is 11 years old
Sexual Orientation: He's too young to know at this stage but probably straight
Voice: You want to know what he sounds like? Well I'll tell you. Hemi has a thick Maori accent, it's high rising, as if everything he says is a question? His voice breaks at some point in second year but stays relatively soft and isn't a very deep voice even as an adult.
Bilingual: Hemi speak English and Maori, but only uses the latter at home.

Star Sign: Sagittarius
Astrology: Gryffindors born under this sign are exuberant and full of good humour. They are intelligent, but often do not make the best of students, because they would rather be outside enjoying the fresh air or off studying on their own. They aren't good at diplomatic silence; if a teacher makes a mistake, the Gryffindor Sag will draw attention to it right away, usually loudly and in front of the entire class. At length. These students can get into trouble - their hot tempers make for easy dueling matches, and their impish senses of humour inspire a great many practical jokes. Still, they rarely mean anything malicious. They're too jovial to harbour malice. These Gryffindors are likeable extraverts, on good terms with practically everybody, and they generally do all right in the end. Many excellent Quidditch players come from this sign.


Brown eyes, an islander complexion, and dark wavy hair. He is on the shorter side compared to his peers, measuring about 4'5 when he started at Hogwarts. He has an average build and he's not going to tell you his weight because that's private.


Hemi has lots of energy and enjoys running around and going on adventures. Arriving at Hogwarts has made him more active than usual because there is so much to learn and see which he never knew about in his muggle life. His energy makes him fun to mess around with, get into trouble with and even orchestrate a prank or two with.

Hemi lacks common sense and proper judgement. This leads him to make silly mistakes and respond to certain situations in unusual ways or create problems which could have been averted if only he wasn't so foolish!

Most of the time Hemi is chilled out and not argumentative, but if he finds himself in a situation where he is provoked, Hemi can lash out with little warning. He is not one to back down from an argument and will stand his ground. The same goes for defending his friends and loved ones.

Socially Awkward
A close friend of his or someone on an adventure with him would not notice, but in a normal setting Hemi can be quite awkward and difficult to have a conversation with. His social anxiety fuels his desire to break school rules and run amok as it distracts from how awkward he is the rest of the time.

Hemi is from a large family who are very close. He has been brought up with the understanding that loyalty is very important, if not the most important thing. He will stick by his friends and fight for them without a second thought.

Liberal in a non-political way
Hemi respects other people and listens to their ideas and opinions (especially if it has anything to do with trouble making). He learns best from experiences rather than in a theoretical classroom setting and he has to get involved, he can't be a bystander.


Father: Tangaroa 'Tango' Te Rua
Maori muggle who works with computers. Known affectionately by his family and friends as Tango, he has always been a bit of a funny man and a prankster. It is where Hemi gets his sense of humour from and he sees him as somewhat a role model.

Mother: Sofia Te Rua (maiden name Feathershall)
Muggle, she is first generation Kiwi, both her parents were from England and migrated to New Zealand. She grew up in Wellington but moved to Rotorua as an adult, where she met her current husband (Hemi's dad). Sadly, both grandparents died before Hemi was born so he knows very little about his English roots. Sofia or 'mum', as Hemi calls her is a full time mother and works parttime at the primary school Hemi attended. She is also pregnant with her sixth child.

Backstory: Hemi's parents met when Sofia moved to Rotorua for a fresh start after losing both her parents in a tragic car accident. Tango was one of the first people Sofia met and it is said they hit it off straight away. Tango introduced Sofia to his Maori family and she married into the tribe sometime later. Hemi is their first born and also a wizard. Many unexplained happenings went on when Hemi was young which were cleared up when his Hogwarts acceptance letter arrived. Hemi has a number of cousins who are unaware of his schooling and think he attends a muggle boarding school in the UK as its against wizarding law for them to know the truth. Hemi hates having to keep this secret but doesn't want to be expelled from Hogwarts.

Kaia Te Rua (female aged 11)

Nikora (male aged 8), Aria (female aged 5), Manaaki (male aged 2)


Favourite Subject: Charms because he finds it really useful and interesting
Least Favourie Subject: Probably History of Magic, but only because it's all about writing essays about stuff that happened in the past. What a waste of time!
Extracurricular Activities: Pranking unsuspecting victims, and Quidditch (the latter was not something he enjoyed until second year)
Best Teacher: Professor Monty Pendleton of course
Worst Teacher: Professor Cyndi Kingsley, but only because she makes his life difficult with all these punishments, it's so unfair!
His Aspirations: To pull off the greatest prank Hogwarts has ever seen!
After Hogwarts: Hemi never wants to have a job, he wants to be an explorer and just use magic to make life easy for himself


First Wand: The one he has now
First Magic: Four year old Hemi had a tantrum and blew up a birthday cake. His muggle family thought it was just one of those things they couldn't explain
First Spell: I believe it was Lumos in Charms Class
First Prank: He stuck a galleon to the floor and it was utterly hilarious :p
First Kiss: It hasn't happened yet
First Crush: Mhmm we'll see
First Friend: I'm not too sure, he met so many in a short space of time
First Best Friend: Madeline Walden
First Rival: Or rivals, the Savage twins, but he can easily avoid them.
First Broomstick: He doesn't have one, but he's saving up!

His Boggart: I don't think he could answer this until he saw one.
His Animagus: He is far too young and inexperienced to master this skill but I reckon it would be a squirrel, just sayin'
His Patronus: Probably the same as his animagus, they usually are the same aren't they? Or perhaps not, I'm thinking of Harry Potter and his fathers stag coincidence



As you would expect, Hemi had absolutely no idea what he was doing when he got to Hogwarts. Hogwarts doesn't cater much for the naive muggle born as he fumbled through his first week. The school was a world away from home, and Hemi learnt the hard way, as he searched for a power outlet for his laptop when Hogwarts don't use electicity. He used a Quidditch broom for sweeping too.

Gradually he found his feet and could start doing what he loves - playing pranks and rule breaking. By the time the Christmas break came along, Hemi was out of control, establishing himself as a trouble maker and making friends along the way. His grades have been looking good though!

His most noteworthy Achievements

- Successfully broke into the Reatricted Section of the library.
- Won the 'Most Ridiculous Costume' prize at the Halloween feast (Hemi dressed up as a girl.
- Met a centaur.
- Partly to blame for a Gryffindor wide curfew.

A collection of my favourite roleplays from first year... the majority of which are pranks!

Making a mess on his first day
In the muggle world, brooms are for cleaning, right?! Yes. So muggle born Hemi on his first day at Hogwarts uses an unfortunate prefects Quidditch broom to sweep the floor. Needless to say that it horrifies a few Quidditch fans in the Gryffindor Common Room.

Stuck after curfew
Hemi get’s his foot stuck in a vanishing step just before curfew but fortunately Lawrence comes to his rescue. They are shortly discovered out after curfew by a prefect and two professors but they have enough of an excuse to evade detention. Rightly so, on this occasion Hemi is innocent (Read on to hear about all the times he isn’t).

Free Galleon
His first real prank at Hogwarts. Hemi glues a galleon to the floor to trick people, and it works yay! He quickly finds an accomplice called Charlotte.

Knock and Run
Another prank! Hemi and Charlotte pester Professor Cliffeton one evening with a game of Knock and Run. Needless to say that he is not amused! Seriously, he doesn't find it slightly entertaining even though the two first years think it’s hilarious.

The Set Up and Easy Access
Lawrence and Hemi get curious about the Restricted Section and are the first people in many, many years, to break in. Unfortunately they do get caught but at least they had fun.

Bit wet there?
Oh gee, Hemi pranks another Professor. Professor Pendleton see's the funny side, pranking Hemi back quite spectacularly. Well worth the read.​

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