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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hi all!

I’m looking for some RPs and I need your help! I’m open to listening to ideas about any of my characters, but here are a few that I’m really looking to have RPs for:
1. Maximilian Faber – He’s about to graduate from Durmstrang, and I was never able to do much with him there. He has a rather sad family history, which has prevented him from making very many friends in school. I think graduating will provide him with a fresh start though. He’s looking to work as a photographer for one of the Daily Prophets, so I think it’d be neat to have an RP with a reporter. Maybe they’re working on something together? I’m pretty open for anything with him. I do think he’d be more open with someone who didn’t go to Durmstrang though.

2. Alana Finch – she’s about to be sorted and very enthusiastic about it. :p I’d like to have her meet a couple of other children in the same boat while doing her school shopping. She isn’t always the friendliest of girls, so I think it could be fun and it’s be great to have some relationships going into HNZ. I think it’d also be great if she comes across someone she might have known for years, maybe another child from a magical family that leans towards the dark side?

3. Preston Paine – He’s going to be heading into his final year at HNZ, and I’d really like him to go out having fun. For that, I’d like him to meet someone possibly during the Halloween party that he’ll begin to go out with and date through a good portion of the school year or longer. I don’t mind how long the relationship lasts. We can definitely discuss that. I also have another, slightly younger student who I wouldn’t mind having a little girlfriend as well.


I got some ideas for all three!

1. I have one reporter, Lothar Litvack. He is happily married, and he had one rough accident where he accidentally blew up his house (his parents along with it) with a mishap potion. He has a few scars and stuff, but that happened a long time ago. He went to HS, was a Gryffindor, and is pretty much the perfect guy for Maximilian to get along with. Lothar could show him the ropes!

2. Alana, boy do I have a lot of options for her. I know that I have Chaos and Havoc Zhefarovich that will be sorted in the same year, same as Orion Snow and Kairi Styx. All of them descend from the darker families. Chaos and Havoc, I can't remember which one is the worst twin, but the other is like a referee. Orion is silent, for the most part, and the son of a hitman. He doesn't get along with people that much, like his dad. And finally, there is Kairi. She is of course, the youngest daughter of Kalif. She has an older twin named Kassye. Kairi...she has the demeanor of her dad, but god, she has Nicolette's temper.

3. I can offer just one thing for Preston. I don't know how it can turn out, but Vixen is a current third year. She is about to enter her fourth, and is Sergei's cousin. She can be friends with Preston, since she isn't as prejudice as the rest of them. I don't think a relationship could occur since of the age (and if so later, couldn't last cause Preston would be slaughtered), but either way, Sergei would be livid. XD

There's my two cents, so have what you will!
Thanks for replying!

Max & Lothar
This sounds great! Maybe Max can be doing an internship with him? If that works for you, I can start something soonish.

Alana & all those people :p
I'm still learning her personality so I'd be up for RPing her with any of them. Tell me which one of them you want to RP most and we can use that to decide?

Preston & Vixen
Let me think about this some more. I'm not sure Preston would befriend another Zhefarovich after his experience with Sergei. I think he'd probably think it was part of some scheme to embarass him or something if a Z was suddenly nice to him.
Max and Lothar: Perfect, it does! ^^
Alana and Chaos/Havoc/Orion/Kairi: Sounds good! Um, if Alana starts something, I can join with the one that I have the most muse with since I couldn't tell you which one I wanna RP the most.
Preston and Vixen: Even though she is a girl? Well, girls are sneaky. Let me know once you have thought it through!
I don't know if it would work, but I figure there's no harm in at least suggesting, or even trying, but I have Willow Hydran here. She's kind of unpredictable in that, regardless of how long I've had her, I've not really role-played her enough to have her entire personality figured out. She's Hazel's little sister, but she is more like Justin Kuya then like Hazel. Willow is mischievous and recently she has been a little flirty. She's going into fifth year, so the age gap isn't too big and she's generally a pleasant girl to be around. She's a bit of an information junkie, i guess, in that she will go out of her way and even into danger to get the information she wants. She's not much of a girlie girl and is willing to get down and dirty with her tendency to enjoy gardening. She also can have really dumb moments and jump into doing things without thinking of the consequences. Yeah, that's about it I think.
I can offer anything for Hanna Mitchelle Freecss since I haven't done much with her and I'm willing to try anything really.. xD Mitch is all-smiles and is actually pretty good with handling conversations. She can be predictable at certain times since she's like an open book with her actions and sometimes with emotions as well, though at times she learns to control the latter especially with her upbringing. She's kind of like a less calmer and more playful/smiley version of Killua since she hasn't undergone assassination training as a child. She was brought up to be a lady of the house more than anything and is even arranged in an arranged marriage right now (but that doesn't even matter since it won't happen in the future anyway cause she has a final :teehee: )... xD Well, that's it, I guess but I can answer any question you have about her. :)
Hadan Hensel said:
Max and Lothar: Perfect, it does! ^^
Alana and Chaos/Havoc/Orion/Kairi: Sounds good! Um, if Alana starts something, I can join with the one that I have the most muse with since I couldn't tell you which one I wanna RP the most.
Preston and Vixen: Even though she is a girl? Well, girls are sneaky. Let me know once you have thought it through!
Max & Lothar: I'm on it. Just switched him to a new group so I'll work on the RP soon.
Alana & ? : Okies. I'll get to this soon as well.
Preston & Vixen: Even if she's a girl. Unless Preston & Sergei make up, I can't see him becoming friendly with another Z.
Willow Jaye Hydran said:
I don't know if it would work, but I figure there's no harm in at least suggesting, or even trying, but I have Willow Hydran here. She's kind of unpredictable in that, regardless of how long I've had her, I've not really role-played her enough to have her entire personality figured out. She's Hazel's little sister, but she is more like Justin Kuya then like Hazel. Willow is mischievous and recently she has been a little flirty. She's going into fifth year, so the age gap isn't too big and she's generally a pleasant girl to be around. She's a bit of an information junkie, i guess, in that she will go out of her way and even into danger to get the information she wants. She's not much of a girlie girl and is willing to get down and dirty with her tendency to enjoy gardening. She also can have really dumb moments and jump into doing things without thinking of the consequences. Yeah, that's about it I think.
Preston does like flirty girls. :p I don't know that they have much in common though. Maybe we can RP them and see how they get along?
Hanna Mitchelle Freecss said:
I can offer anything for Hanna Mitchelle Freecss since I haven't done much with her and I'm willing to try anything really.. xD Mitch is all-smiles and is actually pretty good with handling conversations. She can be predictable at certain times since she's like an open book with her actions and sometimes with emotions as well, though at times she learns to control the latter especially with her upbringing. She's kind of like a less calmer and more playful/smiley version of Killua since she hasn't undergone assassination training as a child. She was brought up to be a lady of the house more than anything and is even arranged in an arranged marriage right now (but that doesn't even matter since it won't happen in the future anyway cause she has a final :teehee: )... xD Well, that's it, I guess but I can answer any question you have about her. :)
I could see this working and they'd sort of know each other from being prefects. Maybe we can try RPing them when the new IC year starts or bumping into each other as they shop for school supplies to see how they get along?
Preston&Willow: Well, there isn't really anything that Willow wouldn't be willing to try so maybe we can find a common interest for them? xD Or he could always suggest something as she is so curious. If all else fails, I'm sure they can never have enough friends :)
Max & Lothar: Yay! PM me the link when it is up!
Alana & ? : Same for this one? xD
Preston & Vixen: I was actually kinda hoping that they'd find a middle ground in their current RP. Well, him and Sergei. :r
Yep! We could do that.. :D If it all works out, then it'll be great.. If it doesn't... Well, it'll still be fun.. :teehee:
Since I've done basically nothing with Mars since I made her (I'm the worst) I kind of want to throw her into any sort of plot. She is a quiet person, keeps to herself mostly during the school year but during breaks she has a habit of going backpacking with her muggle friends but I'm thinking they're gonna say that they haven't ever met any of her school friends and are gonna pressure her into it so she's going to want to make friends here before the end of her seventh year? I don't know, if they really click I'm fine with Preston/Mars dating too but she won't be doing anything other than holding hands and hugs and cuddles and stuff because I'm fairly sure I'm going to make her asexual. So thoughts?
Max & Lothar: I should have some free time this weekend, so I'll try to get the RP going then. Same for Alana.
Preston & Vixen: If they do, then maybe I'd reconsider. Otherwise, nope. :p

Preston & Willow: I think you're right. Preston certainly is in need of friends, so if that's the worst that could come out of this, I think that's a good thing for him. :)

Preston & Hannah: Would you be able to start this one?

Preston & Marlene: I like this plot even without the dating thrown in. Preston has many of the same issues with his muggle friends, so I could see him being willing to help with this. We just have to get them somehow talking about it. :)
Yep! I could get to it tonight... Sunday at the latest.. xD
Preston&Willow: I can start something for them as the new year starts if you like, or we could wait a little. :)
I don't mind waiting a little. Whenever you can. :)
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