Help needed!

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Lint Hendrix

OOC First Name
Knotted 16 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core, First Year Supplies(Raven
Hello ^_^ so yeah, the title says it all, I need YOUR help!
I just want to get the ball rolling and start RPing with my characters, but need some people to help me out.
I have two new first year students I'm looking for some friends for. Perhaps even an annoyance/enemy, although not for Lint, as he's too laid back and easy going to argue with anyone!
I intend on creating an adult character, possibly two (a male and female), but thought I'd post here first to see if anyone's looking for a potential other for any of their adult characters or something of the likes, as I'd like to have a purpose for them right from the off so they don't just fall by the wayside. So yeah, if you have any ideas/suggestions about this fire ahead!

First years..

Murron McClintoch -
First year Gryffindor. Muggleborn. Originally born and raised in Kingussie, a small village in the Scottish Highlands, her family has recently relocated to Madagascar due to her fathers work commitments as a Zoologist.
Murron is kind, sarcastic, bubbly, always smiling, adventurous and strong willed. She's a total tomboy, has three younger brothers and enjoys playing the muggle game football. Loves the outdoors and exploring. Would talk to absolutely anyone and is very easy to get along with. Likely to befriend anyone who seems a little shy and left out, and does not condone bullying in any way, would stick up for anyone who appears to be being picked on. It would take a real nasty piece of work to properly piss her off and get her angry, so was thinking maybe the typical Gryffindor-Slytherin type rivalry if there's any obnoxious, mean Slytherin first years out there.

Lint Hendrix -
Ravenclaw first year, half-blood. Lint is a very shy guy and it would be unlikely for him to approach anyone and be the one to strike up a conversation, especially with females :blush: but once you get talking to him, he's a very kind-hearted and funny wee guy. He's caring and thoughtful of others, very unselfish, highly intelligent and has been home schooled since the age of 5. He will probably always be seen with a book in his hand and is very ambitious, he wishes to become a Professor. Of which subject he's currently unsure. Education excites him and he thrives off of knowledge. He's pretty much the text book definition of a nice guy!

If you have any potential friends/enemies or plot ideas for Murron or Lint, please post away :)
Looking it over, I think I have a couple of options for you.

Murron McClintoch: For this girl, I have Valery Matthias. He is a young, pure-blood wizard that is desiring acceptance since his family didn't like his mother's line. His dad has one unique job, and Valery doesn't like it. He is also a real lover of music. He is plenty friendly. So, I think the two can be friends.
Lint Hendrix: And, for this one, I have Garrett Hensel. He is the son of the former Minister of like, ten or eleven years. Give or take. He was mostly kept at home, where he was away from the Daily Prophet. He is really awkward around people, prone to being full of anxiety, and hasn't been around people his own age. At all. In his life. I figure the two of them can be friends, but it might take a while.
Danielle Corelli​
</i><FONT font="Georgia"><COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">

I can offer her to both characters..Dani is friendly,confident,not shy and can spice conversations with music especially when she has her guitar with her..Her love for books makes her compatible with<B> Lint Hendrix while her love for the outdoors fits Murron McClintoch..

As for the adult characters,I have two girls,Rhianne Delle Clivey,Hogwarts Librarian, and <COLOR color="#2F4F4F">Irene Meredith,Ministry Employee..As of now,Rhi has a thread going with Celestyn while Irene has one with Professor Misha..Soon Irene will have one with Oliver..As you noticed,both of my characters only have plots with guys..So,I am still open with plots with girls too..If you want to know more you can check my plot thread here..
Ozias Fowler Is currently my only character, but I think he'd be good for Lint as he too is a first year Ravenclaw. Ozias is also very ambitious, craving knowledge wanting to know everything he physically can, he's also very open and talkative. Ozias is currently also friends with Lizeth Sarkozi-Gereben and Bridget Cross, he will likely try to introduce them all together.
You can see him interacting with the 2 girls in this rp The Beauty of Silence
So sorry it's taken me so long to get back to yous, I've had a busy few weeks of over time and college interviews :doh:

Hadan: Both of your suggestions sound great. Sounds like Murron and Valerie could be friends from the off. It might take Lint and Garrett a while, given they're both socially awkward, but they could persevere with each other. Seems like they have a lot in common where they've never had any proper friends or been around many/any people their own age.
Any ideas for topics or preferences as to where/how each pair could meet?

Irene: Danielle sounds great and like she would be suitable for the two of my firsties. Her and Murron could easily get on really well and she could possibly bring Lint out of his shell a little if she persevered with him.
Have you any ideas for how they could meet?

Ozias: Ozias sounds like the kind of person Lint wishes he was lol, intelligent and ambitious but not entirely awkward and shy. I reckon the two of them could be good friends and they are of similar mind set. Perhaps we could have them meet in the common room or something since they're both Ravenclaws?

Again, so sorry for the delay guys!
Murron & Valery: Valery can be found just about anywhere. xD but I think he has a time exploring, so probably outside or the towers?
Garrett & Lint: I think the best place for these two would be in their dorm. They could be alone there, and one of them speak up. xD
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