Help me out?

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Kiera Kaster

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
<SIZE size="150">Katheryn Kingsley


Katheryn Kingsley is the sister of Kiera Potter and Cameron Kingsley. She is a twenty-four year old broadway actress who is quite successful. She graduated from Hogwarts New Zealand where she was in Hufflepuff. Kat currently lives in New York City. She is a kind, sweet girl.

I really need friends for Kat and a romantic interest. I'm interested in any ideas you might have.

<B>Alianne Finch


Alianne Finch is the wife of Izaak Finch. Aly has a son named Liam who is a year and a half old (I think). She is a bright positive person with lots of energy. She is sweet-natured and very adventurous. She has amethyst eyes which runs in her family. She is originally from Tennessee so she has a thick southern accent. Her twin brother, Alex, moved to New Zealand to be an auror and she followed him because she had nothing better to do. It was the best decision of her life since she met Izaak in New Zealand.

I'm looking for friends for her. If you have something else in mind, let me know.

Chloe Livingstone


I might be changing her PB soon.

Chloe is a twenty-four year old model. She is internationally known as a model. She is from a wealthy family. Her father is a wizard and her mother is a muggle. They own a chain of hotels around the globe. Chloe grew up on the upper east side of New York City. Chloe is as beautiful as she is vain. She is a flirt. Chloe is used to getting whatever and whoever she wants. I haven't rped much with her so I'm pretty much up for anything. Love interests, friends, enemies....I'm up for it all.

Ezra Shaffer


Ezra is a sixth year Slytherin. He is dating Karah Love, so he's good in the love department. What Ezra needs are friends. If you have any ideas for him, let me know.

If you have any ideas for any of my other characters, I'm all ears :D
When Cyndi and Alianne's babies are older, we could have an RP in the park and let them make friends. It seems that they are about the same age. I think the moms will probably get along well too. :)
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