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Fae Walker

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Curved 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Yeah, I'm sorry for that title.
Anyways, I decided to try and create a somewhat older character to have some variation.


[Name] Fae Leila Walker
[Age] 18
[Playby] Freya Mavor

So this is Fae. She has just recently graduated from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and is now living with her parents back in New Zealand. She's an only child and has always been rather spoiled, but she tried to make up for that by giving some of her things to less fortunate kids. Her parents have never set her a lot of boundaries and because of this she is quite the little rebel sometimes. She's an outgoing girl who loves to party and be surrounded by people, but when at home really enjoys the silence. She isn't sure of what to do next with her life and might need someone to help her find her way.

[What she needs] Friends, enemies and other types of relationships that you can think of. I am open to suggestions and plot ideas!
Hee Marijke i have Claire Dubois she is 17 years so in her last year of beauxbatons. Maybe they can be friends from school? I love to have an rp with Fae. Claire is also a little spoiled but wants to keep that to her self. She is not very intelligent so very blonde. But that can make you laugh, she is a bit of a flirt and a great friend to everyone.
[Fae x Claire] I'd love to get an rp going between them! The fact that they only differ a year and therefore might know each other from school is also a nice idea. I think Claires blondeness when talking about intelligence might sometimes cause them to have a laugh and I think they'll get along just fine!
Hey there Marijke!

I can offer you 2 people, so you can pick, first, Cavani Who also recently graduated from Beauxbatons, and now attends muggle university in New Zealand. She's a very kind person who has always listened to her parents. She could in a way been seen as a bit of a rebel right now, as she's truly enjoying life at university which isn't always safe, but it's nothing her parents aren't really alright with her doing. Cavani could make a good friend.

Next, Celestyn He's a tad older than Fae but, maybe something there could work in terms of the older guy, and the girl who wants to be a rebel. I dunno. Celestyn is fairly self centred, he's trying to forward his career and he's truly to settle down.

Let me know if you want to RP any of the two I suggested! Or if you had any other ideas. Or if you want to RP Fae with another character of mine.
Okay both of your characters sound amazing and I'd love to rp with both of them, but starting with one and later adding another rp might be good! In that way I'd like to start with the latter of the next two, so just tell me what you think!

I think that [Cavani x Fae] would work out great! I think they'd connect really wel and could become good friends.

[Celestyn x Fae] also sounds great! He seems like someone Fae could get along with and the age difference might be seen as rebellious, but she probably wouldn't pay to much attention to it as long as they have fun and get along!
Fae Walker said:
Okay both of your characters sound amazing and I'd love to rp with both of them, but starting with one and later adding another rp might be good! In that way I'd like to start with the latter of the next two, so just tell me what you think!

I think that [Cavani x Fae] would work out great! I think they'd connect really wel and could become good friends.

[Celestyn x Fae] also sounds great! He seems like someone Fae could get along with and the age difference might be seen as rebellious, but she probably wouldn't pay to much attention to it as long as they have fun and get along!
I agree with all of this! Would you like to start the Celestyn&Fae one, or would you like me to?
Well I'm awful at starting a topic, so if you'd want to do it that'll be great. However if you're busy or anything I'll be willing to start one too, if you could maybe help me choose a place for such a topic.
Awesome, thanks!
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