hello i need RPs

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Mima Scarlet

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Hello! Now that my internet is working I'm looking to RP with people!

Here's who I have available:

Mima Scarlet, 2nd year Hufflepuff: Mima's a pureblood who lives a rather secluded lifestyle in a manor near Brightstone. Her mother is a depressed writer mourning the loss of Mima's twin, Maribelle, who was stillborn. Mima has spent her life being fairly neglected by living family, so she has spent her time talking to the family portraits and Alice, the ghost of her great-aunt who haunts the place. Maribelle has come alive as her imaginary friend, too, acting somewhat like the devil on her shoulder, spurring her on and criticising her.

So yeah, she's a little messed up.

Mima would like some friends, people who teach her that there are different ways of life and that it's okay to not be a pureblood. Having had that instilled in her from a young age, she's very naive and doesn't know much about the world. But she's not afraid to learn. She's got a healthy curiosity, she's just a little stubborn. She's a nice person, though, when she can just be herself - she is a Hufflepuff, after all. So yeah, anyone willing to take on friendship, thank you and good luck! xD

I also have Sabrina Emmerich. She also lives outside Brightstone, however in kind of a run down shack, if you will. She's rather poor but she's one of the nicest people you'll meet. Another Hufflepuff. She's tried to take more serious jobs but she's quite sick with depression, which makes it very hard for her to work a stable job. She tries her hardest to deal with it, though. She just works hosting kids parties - muggle, mostly, where her 'magic tricks' are the most spectacular and fortune telling (both muggle and magical). She'd work as a cool big sis figure to students, she's always willing to offer a cup of tea, a friendly ear and some good advice. She's also a seer, so if anyone needs a seer for plots... She'd also like some friends her own age, or close to it, so anyone out there who would like a good friend, Sabrina's your girl.

Thane Seymour is a healer at St. Mungo's. He was born in Australia, went to school at Hogwarts Scotland (Ravenclaw), moved back to Australia...then had a bit of a breakdown, went missing (presumed dead) and wound up in New Zealand. He still feels guilty over it, leaving his daughter and the mother of his child alone to fend for themselves. He sees it as the worst thing he's ever done, but he knows he can't just go back and apologise, not after all that's happened.
Despite this, he's a good person. He spent the next few years studying to be a healer - he had done quite well for himself at school - as a form of atonement. He enjoys his work, though. He worked for a muggle retirement home for a while, where he was adored by the old folks (especially the nannas). He's a great carer and an intelligent person, he's good at what he does.
I'm looking for friends and love interests for Thane. He's got a few demons to get over (abandoning his child - he's not hung up over Annie, Annie had decided she was a lesbian and they were friendly but no longer in love) which he knows will always haunt him, but he's ready to keep moving with his life.

I've also got my 3 unsorteds, Elsa Seymour (unsurprisingly, the daughter that Thane abandoned), Charles Martin and Daisy Taylor. They've recently become best friends and will stick together no matter what - though I anticipate they'll have their differences as time goes on.
I guess I'm not really looking for much for them yet but in the near future.

Elsa: Proud daughter of the ocean. She absolutely loves water and swimming, can barely be without it. She's a bit frank in her opinions, often saying things that indirectly upset people without meaning to. She's not a mean person though she's not the nicest person out there. She's got a good head for numbers and is quite intelligent. She's more used to wizarding things than muggle things, too, despite having grown up in a muggle community. She'd make a good friend once you get used to her.

Daisy: The sweetest girl you'll ever meet, though incredibly shy and awkward. From a poor aboriginal family. They work hard but don't earn much for it. She's the youngest daughter of five, with her older brothers leaving her to be a little left out. She's an artist and a gardener, with a tendency for daydreaming. She's never got a bad word to say about anybody. Muggleborn and doesn't know anything about the wizarding world. A good friend to all.

Charles: also known as Charlie. Rich boy. A bit pompous and arrogant, but a nice guy at heart. Very organised, very good with words. Not so with numbers. Lucky he's got Elsa to put him in his place. A natural born leader. Once you get past the initial 'spoiled rich boy' facade, you learn that he's a friendly type of guy. He's having a bit of a crisis because his mother just informed him that she's a witch and that he, too, is a wizard. He wasn't expecting that and now he's confused. He'd be up for friends and possibly even girlfriends (nothing altogether serious, just someone to hold hands with etc).

So yeah that's what I've got for the moment, let me know if you're interested in RPing!
MILLA :hug: Okay so I have a couple different things...first off I have my little unsorted, Kyndel James, that I can offer up to be friends with one or more of your unsorteds. Sort of a little friendship development before starting school and whatnot :) Secondly, I can offer up Serena for Thane...think it might be an interesting pairing for a while since he's all tore up about leaving his child and Serena has a 1 year old daughter (both she and the baby were abandoned by Harrison). Let me know what you think and we can work up something for everyone :) So glad you're back :)
Ooh yes, that sounds great!
(Damn Linda, leaving our ladies abandoned. :lol: D: )

Unsorted friendship should be fine, I'll think about that more soon haha. As for Thane and Serena, it sounds great, would you like me to start a topic in Vibez or something?
BENJAMINandMIMA; halloo. i don't know if you will accept this but, i have a guy who's named Benjamin Chase. He's a 2nd year Slytherin, pureblood and perhaps as wealthy as Mima. Okay so, he's a typical pureblood who doesn't really want to be in the company of a muggle born. He believes in pureblood supremacy because of his family's traits and teachings. I don't think I'd like to change the fact that he hates muggle borns but, I'd like to get him a friend or an acquaintance. yeah so just tell me and let us plot! I'd like to him to have a pureblood friend at least, and I think he and Mima would get along infamously. Tell me what you think!
Oooh, that would be great! I wanted Mima to be in Slytherin, but she was a Hufflepuff so I had to change her around a bit. I think it would be good for her to have someone 'of her class' to be friends with - and they both could stand to learn a lot about the world haha. But I think they'd get along quite well. Shall we RP?
Thane Seymour said:
Ooh yes, that sounds great!
(Damn Linda, leaving our ladies abandoned. :lol: D: )

Unsorted friendship should be fine, I'll think about that more soon haha. As for Thane and Serena, it sounds great, would you like me to start a topic in Vibez or something?
Yes if you could please ma'am that would be fantastical :)
BENJAMINandMIMA; Fortunately for me, this guy got Slytherin. Wait, lemme add some more information. So throughout his whole Hogwarts life, HE HAS NEVER MET A PUREBLOOD. It's a bit torture for him and he spends his time anywhere where there is silence. But damn him, fights and arguments follow his back all the time. Every time a person surrounds him, they get into arguments that are full of sarcasm. I think him and Mima will get along so we we should try them out together. But what can they talk about? I dunno I'm just rambling away. Tell me more.
@Katie: Started a topic in Vibez for you. *nod*

Well, as for Benjamin and Mima, perhaps they could both wind up in the same place looking for quiet, and they're sort of suspicious of each other and perhaps even have an argument until one of them drops the fact that they're a pureblood, which abruptly ceases the argument and they start talking about how odd it is that they never meet other purebloods and being weirded out about muggles and such, idk xD
Okay Sooohhh

i have
Phoebe Silver who is a young flirty girl who likes to have flings (till she get what she wants) and then moves on, she's graduated (Slytherin) and now i'm not sure what shes going.

Lake Silver is a Durmy maybe 7th year (I haven't decided yet) he's a loner and boring, very moody and easily distracted

Cleo Silver is a Ravenclaw first year, she's shy but pretty and very lonely, she's finding it hard to make friends

Perseus Frost, 8 year old boy who was abandoned by thius nother when she found out he was a half blood and was left to live with his older Sister Kida, he has one friend who he likes a little bit but not sure why, he's going to go to Hogwarts.. eventually

Alina Ater, she's a Ghost, she was a DE's wife and she was killed and haunts hogwarts waiting for her Daughter to go there, when she did she didn't talk to her and is now left all lonely in the castle.

and i think thats all i got...
Kida Frost said:
Perseus Frost, 8 year old boy who was abandoned by thius nother when she found out he was a half blood and was left to live with his older Sister Kida, he has one friend who he likes a little bit but not sure why, he's going to go to Hogwarts.. eventually
I LOVE YOU PERSEUS. - Victoria. Kidding. :p
BENJAMINandMIMA; Oh that would be great! I think Benjamin would love this, since he is actually gonna meet a pureblood! *frantics* I'd love to start the topic. I'll link you whenever I'm done. Just give me a few days alright?
BENJAMINandMIMA; There you go! CLICKY. I was distracted so it's a bit weird. It'll be better next time though! I hope.
Excellent, I shall reply now.

Ash, how would you feel about Alina and Mima being friends of sorts? Mima's best friend is the ghost of her great-aunt so seeing another ghost wouldn't bother her at all - she'd probably just ask questions and otherwise act normal haha.
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