Hello darlings!

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Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
This is Onyx. He's a quiet drummer boy, twin to Sapphire, with a shared sweet tooth and love for cinnamon. He's rather laid back, and he's rather gay. I'll be attempting to transfer him into HNZ this coming school year, and he'll need some girlfriends and boyfriends and probably a final... Eventually. He's a charming little flirt. So. Anyone interested?
And friends. I forgot to say friends.
Heyyyy :D

I can offer Nixon as a potential love interest, or friend, or both!

Nixon is going to realise he is Bi eventually, and during school I plan for him to get involved with a bunch of different boys and girls. I am totally game for Onyx to be one of those people, regardless of whether he is transferred or not.

Just keep in mind that Nixon has issues with emotional attachment, so when he does start 'dating' people, he will repeatedly get bored very quickly, ghost them, and move on to someone else. When he graduates he will get over it and be a better person to date, but until then he's a mess to deal with.

On a positive note, Nixon is completely loyal to his friends and would go to the ends of the earth for them. It's your choice whether you would want Onyx to have Nixon as a romantic interest or a friend, or a friend that becomes a romantic interest. But it's important to keep in mind that if you want romance it probably won't turn out very well :p

Let me know what you think!
Actually darling... What if he dates sapphire this year and then onyx later before he realizes they're twins? And then one of them punches him and they can either be enemies or all be friends. It would certainly be dramatic ;)
That's a really interesting idea :devious:

I'm game for it :woot: Nixon has not had much interest dating yet, but he is thirteen now so it would make sense for him to begin dating, even if its a really innocent type of relationship. It could be the start of his bad habits!

I'm still working on the thread for Nixon and Sapphire, once I've posted that we could go from there?
That sounds good to me, lol ;) and who says your first relationship has to be super mature? He's barely a teen.
True that! Will send you the link to the rp when its posted :hug:
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