- Messages
- 81
Full Name:
- Helaku Makwa
Date of Birth:
- April 16
Current Age:
- 11
Basic Appearance:
- He's tan skin like all his family
-He has brown eyes and black hair
-He's better known for his sunken dimples and dazzling innocent smile
-He's about 4'11 almost 5'0
-He's very skinny like boys his age
-Just about his right elbow he has a birth mark that reminds him of a half moon shape
- Energetic little boy with the drive to music and everything around him. He's more laid back and calm besides that, he's very like in his ways. Other than that his brothers will consider him their pain in the butt who they like to mess with when they visit him and all. He's the youngest out of three so more favor in his own way.
Father, Pure Blood, Job TBA
Mother, MuggelBorn, Job TBA most likely teaching their community
Brother, Probably the oldest. Mixed Blood, TBA
Brother, probably second Oldest, Mixed Blood, TBA
-Makwa see Makaylah Makwa
- Bull Dog name Oasis
- Cat name Mello
Area of Residence:
- Seattle, Wasington
Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood
- Makah Native American
Special Abilities:
- None
Interests or Hobbies:
- A bit Boarding
- Moosical in Drums and Ukele
Additional Skills:
- Nope
- Fast Learner in Music
- Speed in Running and Jumping
- Performance
- Being away from Home
Describe your character in three words:
- Young, Playful, Musiqal
Favourite place to be:
- Home
- With his Brothers, he looks up to them
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To be able to get through in one piece
Best school subjects:
Worst school subjects:
Extracurricular Activities:
- 7 Years from Now
Current Job:
- None
Plans for your future:
- Undecided
Your Patronus:
- Bears
Your Patronus memory:
- Mom always telling me about the day I was born and the stories of how my parents met each other.
- Brothers taking me hiking one day and I made it all the way to the top of the mountain, it was incredible but scary.
Your Boggart:
- Muggels Airplan I don't trust them like Mom does
Your Animagus:
- Panda Bear, I saw them at Zoo once and thought they were incredible creatures
Mirror of Erised:
- I don't want anything but I like my dad and uncle to one day and make up.
A page from your diary:
-Dear journal,
Mom making me buy these weird clothes. I feel weird trying them out today. She said they were call robes, I've seen her and dad wear them, but they are just weird on me. I'm use to wearing clothes mom makes me or buy at this local shop in Seattle. Now in New Zealand, they're getting me ready for this school none of them attended, but I have to go. Makaylah told mom the school was fine, I don't trust my cousin word to much. She thinks everything fine when she not being bother by people.
Weird. I'm suppose to come back alone in September, I'm a bit scared but not really. I was told Quil will be attending the school next year, I think it's cool that I will have my cousins there. Still weird though, I never been more than a mile away from home without my parents. Now I have to go to a school where I be staying for seven years. Mom says if it doesn't fit me well, she allowed me to come back. She a better teacher anyways, she taught most of the community kids, why not me? Well I have to go, dad making me practice the ukele. Tomorrow the festival!
xx Helaku
- Helaku Makwa
Date of Birth:
- April 16
Current Age:
- 11
Basic Appearance:
- He's tan skin like all his family
-He has brown eyes and black hair
-He's better known for his sunken dimples and dazzling innocent smile
-He's about 4'11 almost 5'0
-He's very skinny like boys his age
-Just about his right elbow he has a birth mark that reminds him of a half moon shape
- Energetic little boy with the drive to music and everything around him. He's more laid back and calm besides that, he's very like in his ways. Other than that his brothers will consider him their pain in the butt who they like to mess with when they visit him and all. He's the youngest out of three so more favor in his own way.

Father, Pure Blood, Job TBA

Mother, MuggelBorn, Job TBA most likely teaching their community

Brother, Probably the oldest. Mixed Blood, TBA

Brother, probably second Oldest, Mixed Blood, TBA
-Makwa see Makaylah Makwa
- Bull Dog name Oasis
- Cat name Mello
Area of Residence:
- Seattle, Wasington
Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood
- Makah Native American
Special Abilities:
- None
Interests or Hobbies:
- A bit Boarding
- Moosical in Drums and Ukele
Additional Skills:
- Nope
- Fast Learner in Music
- Speed in Running and Jumping
- Performance
- Being away from Home
Describe your character in three words:
- Young, Playful, Musiqal
Favourite place to be:
- Home
- With his Brothers, he looks up to them
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To be able to get through in one piece
Best school subjects:
Worst school subjects:
Extracurricular Activities:
- 7 Years from Now
Current Job:
- None
Plans for your future:
- Undecided
Your Patronus:
- Bears
Your Patronus memory:
- Mom always telling me about the day I was born and the stories of how my parents met each other.
- Brothers taking me hiking one day and I made it all the way to the top of the mountain, it was incredible but scary.
Your Boggart:
- Muggels Airplan I don't trust them like Mom does
Your Animagus:
- Panda Bear, I saw them at Zoo once and thought they were incredible creatures
Mirror of Erised:
- I don't want anything but I like my dad and uncle to one day and make up.
A page from your diary:
-Dear journal,
Mom making me buy these weird clothes. I feel weird trying them out today. She said they were call robes, I've seen her and dad wear them, but they are just weird on me. I'm use to wearing clothes mom makes me or buy at this local shop in Seattle. Now in New Zealand, they're getting me ready for this school none of them attended, but I have to go. Makaylah told mom the school was fine, I don't trust my cousin word to much. She thinks everything fine when she not being bother by people.
Weird. I'm suppose to come back alone in September, I'm a bit scared but not really. I was told Quil will be attending the school next year, I think it's cool that I will have my cousins there. Still weird though, I never been more than a mile away from home without my parents. Now I have to go to a school where I be staying for seven years. Mom says if it doesn't fit me well, she allowed me to come back. She a better teacher anyways, she taught most of the community kids, why not me? Well I have to go, dad making me practice the ukele. Tomorrow the festival!
xx Helaku