Heights are fun

Stephanie Duboit

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Steph sat at the end of the cliffs with her legs dangling over the edge. She wasn't scared of heights, i fact they comforted her. They made her feel bigger.
Steph looked over in the direction of the castle. She was meeting Shaylah and Sam but she had arrived early. The common room was broing her as she had no idea where Sasha or Angela were.
Shaylah walked along the cliff edge with a smile on her face. She was meeting up with Steph and Sam in a few minutes. She looked around, wondering if either of them had arrived yet. Shay saw Steph sat not far away.
She ran over to her friend and sat next to her. "Hey Steph. How are you??" She looked around at the view then looked to see if Sam was coming. She still thought he was dead gorgeous. There was no way she wanted to go out with him though. She had only eer had one boyfriend and already she realised how rubbish she was. She only wanted friends now.
Today seemed like a nice sort of day, just enough cloud to be cool but enough sun to warm him. Sam was strangely feeling the chill in these last few days which was unusual for him. He usually swum in the ice cold lake most mornings without complaints. Perhaps that sore throat had something to do with the chill.

Spending all that time with Sephora in the Hospital Wing was tiring him out, most likely. Either way, the sun was beautiful and his mood lifted instinctively. That and that he was meeting his new friends again. They were such energetic girls who always had something interesting to say. Sam even felt less shy around them than he had at first. His aunt would call it 'coming out of his shell'. Sam rolled his eyes to himself and grinned, approaching the girls at the cliff edge.

"Hallo you lot," he greeted happily, genuinely pleased to see them. It was Shaylah and Stephanie. "I haven't seen you in ages." said Sam as he seated himself next to the girls. "Anyone else coming?"
Steph turned round when she heard Sam's voice. "Hi Sam. How are you??" She smiled when she remembered the last time Sam and Shaylah had seen each other an she started to laugh quietly to herself hoping Shay wouldn't ask her what she was laughing for. "No. Just us three. Sydney and Sash are busy off doing something or another."
Shaylah heard Sam's voice and immediately turned to look at him. He was gorgeous. Shaylah didn't act like as much of an idiot as she did when she first met Sam. Then she heard Steph laughing. "Do I want to ask??" Then she turnd to Sam. "Sydney's going through a hard time at the moment so she's been quite quiet." Shaylah remembered the letter that Sydney had gotten from her mum not long ago. It had been horrible watching her friend collapse into tears.
Immediately his face fell when he was told about Sydney. Sam had the good grace not to ask about it, but he made a mental note to go and see her next chance he got. "Well at least you two look no worse for wear," he sighed with a tired smile. "It's been chaos all week. First that girl trying to commit suicide, then that enormous fight with Maria and Sephora in Hufflepuff." And Sam had been involved in both of those things. "On top of that, I think I'm coming down with something." said Sam as he wrinkled his nose with a laugh. "Best not to get too close,"

He glanced over to the cliff face where he had watched Aroha fall. Sam shuddered inwardly and turned back to the other two girls. "I hope things haven't been as crazy for you guys. What's been happening?"
Shaylah smiled. "I didn't realise I could get any worse for wear, I mean, I don't exactly have the best taste for fashion." She grinned knowing her joke was terrible. "I heard that a girl tried to commit suicide but don't know who or when. I saw the fight though. Me and Steph were heading to our common rooms from the lake and we saw it on our way. We would oly have gotten involved if one of them was a Sytherin though." Then Shaylah realised. "Isn't that Sephora girl your girlfriend??" She hadn't spoken to Sam much since he started going out wit her but she heard that he was going out with her. "I'll keep that in mind." Shaylah laughed.
"Life's been kinda boring for us. There was the thing with Sydney and then Steph beat up her sister but that's about it." There was no way Shaylah was about to mention the fact that she had now become secret best friends with a muggleborn. Even she couldn't explain what it was she liked about the girl.
Steph laughed. "They look terrible all the time, no doubt about it." Then she looked at Sam. "All I heard was that a girl ended up in the hospital wing after trying to jump from the cliffs." Steph added to Shaylah's comment. "Or a friend. I would have gotten involved if Sasha or Angela were in there and they're both Ravenclaw." Steph laughed when Shaylah sad she'd keep in mind the fact that she should stay away from Sam.
"I've been staying away from Sydney because of the mood she's in. I don't know how you have the courage to go up to her and try to comfort her." Steph looked at Shay. "If I went anywhere near her, I'd have my head chopped off." She laughed. "And beating up Les just has to be the highlight of the week. She loves herself way too much and she's gyffindor, that plus the fact that she is really dumb means I can have so much fun kicking her. She ended up in the hospital wing and I heard that she didn't want to tell the nurse any of what happened because she didn't want me to be expelled."
Sam was taken aback by all this talk about violence, of course. Hopefully the girls wouldn't notice how pink he was getting as Steph talked about another girl disparagingly, and kicking as well? He didn't understand any of it. Silently he nodded with wide eyes, hoping that they thought he understood. How embarrassing. Yet at the same time, Sam didn't wish to understand. Being spiteful and hating others seemed completely out of his league. There were people who made him angry... Tosh, thought Sam with a frown ... but no-one he would ever consider actually hurting. Maybe this was all metaphorical.

Even so, his curiosity got the better of him. Tentatively, he ventured "What's, er... wrong with Gryffindors?"

These girls really seemed to despise the lot of them. Perhaps a Gryffindor had done something terrible to one of the girls before, but he'd never heard any mention of that. Come to think of it, why would they hate all Gryffindors? Well, now was a good time to find out, if any.
Shaylah looked at Sam. "They are all grose. If you met Steph's sister then you'd know what I'm on about." Shaylah thought about who else was in Gryffidor. "There's also my ex-boyfriend. He is such an idiot. I was going out with him before we came here. I was willing to give him a chance when I found out he was in Gryffindor but he wanted nothing to do with a Slytherin. I hate him so much." He had been Shay's first boyfriend and she now didn't want to get into any relatonships with boys until she left the school and got a job.
What Shaylah wasn't going to tell anyone was that she liked a Gryffindor sixth year. He had saved her twice before school and couldn't believe that she liked him. Luckily, she hadn't seen him since she started at Hogwarts. If he had started talking to her in front of Steph or Sydney or even Sasha then they would be wonering what the hell she was doing.
"My sister is a lying pig and I hate her." Steph looked out over the cliffs. "The only thing I have in common with her is the way I look. Leslie and me are like twins when it comes to our looks." Steph didn't hate the way she looked, she just wish she looked less like Leslie.
Steph knew that Shaylah was hiding something at this point. Everytime they mentioned Gryffindors, Shay always seemed to get an odd look on her face that made Steph suspcious but so far she hadn't commented or sked questions.
Sam could only blink in amazement at the sudden onslaught of information. He looked between Shaylah and Stephanie, not bothering to hide his shock. Gryffindors are horrible people? thought Sam. He couldn't think the worst of anyone straight off though - after all, Ryan was in Gryffindor and he wasn't so bad a chap... but the girls wouldn't lie to him like this, so they really must be secretly mean people. For a Gryffindor boy to have turned down Shaylah ... it could only mean that they were horrible.

He nodded slowly at this, having been completely sucked in, and mentally resolved to avoid Gryffindors from now on. "But ... siblings shouldn't fight," he said out loud without meaning to. With an abashed look towards Stephanie, he corrected himself. "Sorry, I meant that-" There wasn't really a way to get himself out of the hole he had dug for himself. "I don't have any siblings, so I wouldn't know." Did the girls know that he was an orphan? Sam couldn't remember. Whatever the case, he felt sorry that he had judged so quickly.
"We never used to. We had a few fights but it was before I found out who she really was. She lied to me and now I can never forgive her." Steph remembered the way her sister used to act with her and shook her head. "You have something in common with Shay though." She grinned as she pointed out the fact. "She is an only child as well. Wel...except for me of course. The two of us are sisters." Steph laughed as she hugged Shay. They had been best friends basically since they saw each other. "Did your parents choose just to have one child??" Steph was just curious.
"Oh, no." said Sam amiably. "I don't have any parents. I live with my aunt." At least I think she's my aunt, he mused as an afterthought. Just in case the girls did what most people were likely to do in that situation, Sam added "But it's alright I didn't know them." Hopefully saying that wouldn't make things worse. It was true, Sam was very lonely, but it's not his parents he missed. How could you miss someone you didn't even know?

"It's nice that you guys are so close to each other," commented Sam with a kind smile. After seeing so many unhappy faces at Hogwarts, it was wonderful to see true friendship emerge.

(( Urgh, lame sorry. ))
"I've never met my mum. She left my dad when I had just been born. He refuses to talk about her but I think he still has feelings for her." Shaylah had seen the look on her dad's face when he mentioned her mum. He always looked upset as if he missed her but didn't want to see her.
"We love it. I've got close friends but me and Steph are very close. Sisters till the end." Shay laughed at her comment.

(It's alright. So is mine.)
Like anyone, Sam didn't quite know what to say to this. Yet he felt quite the same as Shaylah in this situation, and knew more than anyone how she must be feeling. At least Aunt Lola didn't have anyone to remember. She too was a lost child in the family, or so she had told him. Still, her telling him that didn't quite add up. "I know how you feel," said Sam with a sad smile that was open and honest. "It's strange though. Aunt Lola says that she can't remember who out family was, but that doesn't make much sense, does it? Either she's not telling the truth, suffering from memory loss or..." perhaps she's been Obliviated, thought Sam. But he could not say that, because that sounded like foul play. Yet it was something he has suspected all along. "...or perhaps she's right and she just never knew either. Anyway, someone out there knows who our family is. Just a matter of time, hm?" Sam told the girls.

He didn't mind speaking honestly about these sorts of things. He had no parents and so whatever family life he had was up to everyone else's speculation, including his own. "I've always wanted a brother though," said Sam as an afterthought, more to himself than them.

(( I'm sorry that this has taken so long. I'm not at my best at the moment, so it's not just this rp, sorry. ))
Shaylah was shocked to realise how much she had in common with Sam. She didn't know many people who didn't know their parents. Angela didn't know her dad but most of her other friends lived with their parents. "You should try searching for your parents. I've been nagging my dad to try and get him to tell me. So far, ten years hasn't even made him start to crack. It's so annoying." Shaylah grinned.
"I want a bigger family because my dad is the only family I have but then I realise that if I had more family I pobably wouldn't be as close to my dad as I am." Shay had always been very close with her dad and loved it. He was practically her best friend when she was younger as she only had one other friend.
Sam blinked in shock, having never thought of notion of looking for his parents. Some people who were adopted probably wanted to find their parents, but not Sam. "It's be nice I suppose, but there wouldn't be much point. If they wanted to know who their son was, they'd have means of finding out already. Besides, I don't need parents or anything. Aunt Lola would be sad because she'd think she was losing me. No, it's just best for me to stay like this." he told them both with a smile. He was just an unwanted child by both of his parents, and the last thing he needed was to be taken away to live with them in goodness-knows-where, away from his friends and anyone left who actually loved him in the first place. He'd die before that happened.

"I guess if you don't have siblings, you gotta stick together with your mates," nodded Sam loyally. Not that he could speak, because he wasn't exactly bursting at the seams with friends. But the principle was correct.
Shaylah grinned. "I suppose. Perhaps they had no choice though." She shrugged. "Just a thought. "What's your aunt like then?? Are you close to her??" There weren't many people that Shaylah could say she was particularly close to. She wasn't very trusting so she found it easy to lose friends. Even now she had two secrets that only Lily knew. Jay knew one but that was bound to happen as she had spent ten years with nearly no one except him.
"One of my dad's friends has kids who are so lucky. Him and his wife have seven kids of their own and they also look after their five nieces and nephews." Shaylah was friends with Lilz, Jerrod, Nick and Steven in the family so she knew how close they all were to each other. "I'd give anything to live with a family like theirs. They hardly ever have fights and when they do they last about an hour and then they're all best friends again." Shay always loved going their because they welcomed people in which made Shay feel like she was at home.
Sam's face hardened for a second as he thought about Shaylah's words. "Well they have a choice now, and their son's still waiting for them." However he regretted his harsh words, and his face softened again as he relaxed. Being without parents had never made him cry, but sometimes he was angry, and Sam was frightened of the angry version of himself. He shuddered to think of the damage he could do to someone that made him fly off the rails (although it had never happened before). "My Aunt is a very sweet old lady," he told them to distract himself. "In some ways, she is what's made me the way I am today. She's never yelled at me, or punished me for more than a day. She never swears, and helps around the community as often as she can. I guess she's the perfect mum, except..." There was a short pause as Sam frowned to himself. "It's not the same as having parents or siblings. I don't think I've ever done anything worth a belting, but even if I had she wouldn't. I'm missing the tough love."

He hadn't meant to talk so much about himself, but Sam thought it was only fair since Shaylah and Stephanie had been so honest with him. He'd not talked about this with Sephora yet, but they would come to it eventually. "I couldn't imagine being in such a household," said Sam as he smiled, and his smile lit up his entire face again as though the anger and worry of before hadn't existed.
Steph grinned when she saw the other side of Sam revealing itself. She looked at Shaylah and realised that they shared the same thought. Maybe he can be one of us after all?? So far, the four girls had only ever seen the kind side of him. They had never seen him show any sign of anger. Now was different. It was only for a brief moment but he still changed for that small amount of time. Perhaps if they could get him angry again, he would be more likely to act the way they did towards the Gryffindors and most of the people in the other houses. "I have both my parents but I'd do anything to live a life like Shaylah's. I'm not close to them at all. I hate being related to them." Steph cringed at the thought of her family. "My mum hid magic from me and my so called sister un till Les got her letter from Hogwarts. I was then left to find out about it through her and what she told me was just a bunch of lies anyway so I came to the school knowing nothing."
"I've never met the Greens but what Shay's told me about them makes me want to. They sound like an amazing family-even if it is cramped there." She smiled as she remembered all the things she had been told.
Perhaps luckily for Sam, he was very rarely angry. It took a lot to make him snap, but generally his anger stemmed from things like cruelty, slyness and harm to those he loved. However, if the girls could find something else that ticked him off, Sam was easily swayed by other people just as he was able to sway them. He was a very impressionable lad, and his anger was a sight to behold. For Sam was rather tall for his age, and had many a time been described as a gentle (albeit good-looking) giant. That was until he saw bullying or suchlike, and then it was game on.

He sighed wistfully, thinking about how wonderful it would be to live in such a large family. Sam remembered Artemis, the tiny third year girl with eight people in her family in total. It must be madness at their house. "This is why friends are so important," said Sam in a moment of seriousness. "If it wasn't for Hogwarts, I suppose...I wouldn't have this sort of family." He smiled fondly at the two girls, and it was obvious that he cared deeply for them and the rest of his friends. Suddenly a thought occurred to him, and he blurted it out without thinking. "What would you have done if I had been going out with Siobhan in Gryffindor?"
Steph started trying to think of ways that she could try and annoy Sam and then perhaps she could see that less friendly side of him. "If your parents were to turn up on your aunts doorstep asking to take you back, waht would you do??" It was the first thing that came into her mind and she was hoping it would lead to something else, otherwise she would have to try harder.
"I know what you're saying." She grinned. "My friends are the most amazing family ever. I'd never want anything to happen to them. If I hadn't come to Hogwarts, I would have never met them and then I would be stuck with my horrible excuse of a family." She thought about what Sam had said. "We would accept her to a limit but if she tried anything, we would have chucked her straight out." Then she grinned. "I'm fine putting up with Gryffindors who are friend of my friends but I'm not 100%. When I get the chance, I tend to have them pushed away in one way or another." This was the truth for Steph and she expected it probably was for Sasha and Shaylah too. Sydney was the only one she thought would probably do something about it.
A wave seemed to seep in on the sky-blue shores of Sam's eyes, and it was as though storm clouds gathered at the corners to roll in, tossing the sea. His parents were a forbidden subject, and he was not so angry at Stephanie for bringing it up more than he was angry at himself for feeling this way about them. Did he really harbour such vengeful feelings towards two people he had never even met? For all Sam knew, his parents were dead and long gone, unable to take him home to a loving family. He should not feel this way. But yet ... "It would be none of their business," said Sam slowly and with a deadly calm. "None at all, and if they had any sense they'd stay far away from my home and my true family," he answered, refusing to look at both girls.

There was a short pause in which Sam realised how vicious he had sounded and shrunk back into himself once more. That was had been truly unfair. "I'd let them explain, of course," he mumbled as if that would changed what he had said. "Enough about that. You're right. I guess we must be objective to any person, Gryffindor or not. Perhaps it isn't fair to judge purely based on house, but what do I know?" he smiled at them both, and then Sam was his gentle and happy self again. The troubles of but a moment ago were nothing. Silently he bit his lip, then leaned in to speak in a lower, conspiratorial tone. "Perhaps you shouldn't mention my parents a lot. It tends to make me ... argumentative."
Shay couldn't help but smile again when she heard Sam talking about his parents. The topic seemed to definitely make him angry and that was a good sign. Everyone had some fight somewhere in them, for some it was just harder to find. Sam was one of these people. He was kind to everyone and needed to fight back more. For a while, Steph had been like Sam. She had been a kind girl who was outgoing but quiet. Meeting Shaylah had changed that. Shay had helped her realise how much she had been misled and her personality changed completely. "In that way, you're like Steph. She says that her real dad is my dad because her dad's just revolting." She cringed at the thought of the muggle man.
"The first Gryffindor I met after I came to Hogwarts started moaning about life then started going on about how slytherins weren't worth her time. That's when I truly realised that they are scum." She shrugged. This had also been the first person Shaylah had beat up. Since then, there had been plenty of people who had got on her nerves enough to end up in the hospital wing. "Argumentative is good." She nodded. "It makes people realise that by messing with you, they will end up with a messed up face. That's also a good thing because it means you wont get any cr@p from anyone."

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