Heidi Longbottom

Heidi Longbottom

Well-Known Member
[color=996F66]look at the stars,look how they shine for you,and everything you do,yeah they were all yellow[/color]
[color=7A5852]<FONT font="elephant">IT’S A LIE SHE’S BEEN CARRING AROUNDIT’S THE LIE THAT WILL BRING HER DOWN[/color][color=996F66]m a k e y o u r m o v e[/color]​
[color=8C7773]Name:[/color] heidi trill longbottom
[color=8C7773]Nickname: [/color]
trill or trillyboo
[color=8C7773]Age/Birthday: [/color]11 years old August 8, 2015 [color=8C7773]
Gender: [/color]
[color=8C7773]Orientation: [/color] straight
[color=8C7773]Blood Status: [/color]mixed blood
[color=8C7773]Affiliation: [/color] no one as of now
Year/House: [/color]unsorted
Wand: [/color]
haven't purchase it yet
[color=996F66]m a k e y o u r m o v e[/color]​

[color=8C7773]Eyes: [/color] bluish green
[color=8C7773]Hair: [/color] dirty blonde medium brown
[color=8C7773]Height: [/color] 60 inches
[color=8C7773]Weight: [/color]110 pounds
[color=8C7773]Distinguishing Features(if any): [/color]
Just fading scars of where my warts used to be along my thumbs creases
[color=8C7773]Play-by: [/color]ABBOTT, sian
[color=8C7773]Overall appearance: [/color] heidi would be your average weight and height of an eleven year old girl. she very lanky figure, her form yet developed due to her young age. heidi also wears clothing to cover up herself pretty well, often she can come across being a tomboy. however her long dirty blonde hair will speak otherwise for this average girl of eleven years old. heidi not very wealthy so her clothing are constantly from handy me down stores or relatives who would give heidi clothes up. she not brother by it, typically to a sort of type of girl they wouldn't like it, still heidi doesn't care for them. she rather wear old style dresses anyways, ones with floral design for some reason she would wear them more often than her torn down denim faded jeans.

[color=7A5852]IT’S THE SIMPLE FLAW
[color=996F66]m a k e y o u r m o v e[/color]​

[color=8C7773]Erised: [/color] one will probably be achieving something great when attending Hogwarts to make herself confidence level rise, she can admit to not caring but that's just denial in her part, heidi wants to achieve greater goals in life if she had the chance to do so.
[color=8C7773]Patronus: [/color] her happiest memory would probably be the day she was able to ride a Ferris wheel without being afraid. the moment had been a great experience after conquering her fear of them she realize there had been nothing to be afraid, what her form would probably be Otter or an tawny owl both native to the Yorkshire, England [color=8C7773]
Boggart: [/color] twister, hurricane, heidi afraid of natural disaster
[color=8C7773]Dementor: [/color] losing her father and mother at a young age, her mom passed away due to a heart attack and her father had been swept away by sea. [color=8C7773]Amortentia:[/color] salty breezy sea, wild flowers in the forest, and the smell of calm chowder

[color=996F66]m a k e y o u r m o v e[/color]​

[color=8C7773] Likes: [/color]-Heidi loves to sketch when she has nothing to do
-her favorite color is aqua since she lives near the shorelines of the harbor
-she loves traveling with her aunt and younger brother James
-she loves eating Jamaican or any tropical food despite growing up half her childhood in Yorkshire -she loves wild bobcat but can't own one
-she likes or wants to be tall one day
-she likes to wears beads and earrings that she made herself to match her outfit
-She loves to sail when they aren't crossing the seven seas, mostly when they are on vacation somewhere tropical
[color=8C7773]Dislikes: [/color]-she dislikes the smell of old boots -she hates eating oatmeal and grits,
-she doesn't like bats or anything to do with caves
-she dislike the color pink for some reason it makes her skin curl
-she hates being alone, but doesn't like being an a crowd either
-she avoids flying at all cause
[color=8C7773]Strengths: [/color] -my drawings,
-my hidden ambitious
-Being able to handle two lost
[color=8C7773]Weaknesses [/color]-Flying, if she flies she on the verge of hurling
-Lucille's famous clam chowder, if her aunt's make it, Heidi will end up having a stomach after chowing down so much of it!
-Natures's Wrath, cruel wrath, hurricane, twisters, despite her travels at seas.
[color=8C7773]Overall Personality: [/color]Due to many sorts of quality, Heidi stands undecided about herself. She picked up a lot overall from both her parents at a young age and when it comes to deciding her future, it will be undecided as well. Since she lost both her parents at a young age, she a strong believer of destiny. Maybe passion leads you to where you want to be but the future not definite for Heidi. She wants to achieve and be recognize, yet she doesn't care if she achieve greater dreams. She would see it only as being a way to build confidence, not that she lacks any, she just rather her life goes it as flows.
Heidi doesn't mind having friends but because of her constant travel along the sea it was hard to keep up with them.Her only way for keeping contact would be owling her friends back at Yorkshire or the ones she met along her travel, other than that she lives mostly in the company of both James and her aunt Lucille. Yeah it could be hecticed at times, being with the same company often. But that's like anyone else who live normal in a house, with their family. The only difference they meet new people by the end of the week from different country, so in other words she doesn't mind it all. So doesn't her brother James, its like they were born to travel.

[color=996F66]m a k e y o u r m o v e[/color]​

[color=8C7773]Family: [/color]
Her father Albert Longbottom had been the one to raise both Heidi and James growing up. Her father had been a hardworker since Heidi could remember, she never really could say how many times her father did not work a day in life. To the point he died working for his family by the time Heidi was six and James just four years old, Albert died fishing in Yorkshire, he did everything he could for his family. Her father was said to be scrawny but was capable of lifting three times his weight, he nearly touched six feet, and had olive tone complexion like Heidi, a true definition of what a hard working fellow would look like. He wore yellow for when he was out at sea fishing for big loads of catch trouts while their aunt Lucille raised James and Heidi With Albert at times when he was home.
Jenna Longbottom
Jenna was born and raised the northside of Yorkshire. She had been an artistic young woman who fell in love with Albert when they first met while Jenna was traveling the east side of Yorkshire. Jenna didn't go back home when she fell over heel for Albert. She just didn't expect life of a fisherman's wife would be difficult. No matter if magic brought them together, still she felt abounded for months. By the time she had James she had plan to move back Northen Yorkshire, it was sudden death from a heart attack that claim her life. Albert believe she died because of heartache and he blames himself for that lost. That's when Albert died from hardship, and the perfect storm swept him and seven crews away. Jenna had been a normal looking woman, but had eyes and a body that would eat a rich fellow heart out. Her hair was the same as Heidi, except she had curls that fell right down midback, and a slender waist that came after baring two children. She prefer natural looks over tons of makeup, she really did look enticing, sadly life was cut short for the both Longbottom's parents.
Lucille Longbottom is Albert oldest sister out of six children and probably the only one in her family that didn't married or had any children. She helped raised her siblings growing up so it wasn't shocking she end up that way. Besides she loved traveling by boats just like Albert, they shared the same passion. Except Lucille had been an explorer, traveling the seas in search whatever she could find. Mostly artifacts in the dark ages of the wizaring world, coming across scrolls and ancient magic. Lucille put her carees on hold when Jenna passed away. When Albert died she decided to take Heidi and James off to sea. They travel down from Yorkshire, heading towards South Africa. They lived a full life of sea, Lucille doing her best to juggle her passion and both Jame&Heidi normal life. She did her best raising both children, despite their constant traveling.
James Longbottom, Heidi's younger sibling of age 8 years old. Because he was to young to witness both parents dying, James has faint memories of them both. James just know both his parents passed away, and for this reason he often ask Heidi questions about them. James would do anything to get very little information about his parents. From reading old journals to looking through old photos. James asked his aunt many times about them. He lived his young years trying to recall every aspects of their lives. He's inspired to be a writer someday or an explore like his aunt.
[color=8C7773]Pets: [/color]None sadly animals were never kept inside the house growing up or at sea when they stayed permanently with aunt Lucille.
[color=8C7773]Residence: [/color] where they live outside of the Harbors now, were they live on their boat with aunt Lucille[color=8C7773]History: [/color]
Heidi was born and raised in East, Yorkshire were her parents meant at a young age. Her childhood was spent with Jenna most of time since her father had been a fisherman, struggling afloat to take care of his small family. Heidi's days were spent enduring nature walks with Jenna or cooking with Jenna, since her mom hadn't been much of a cook. So Jenna experiment with her daughter, whatever they made up they gave it a silly name. Heidi remember these days, they are still engraved in her memories. She may have been young but she remembers them the most, unfortunately she can't say much about Albert Longbottom.
Now at an age eleven Heidi travels with her aunt and younger brother James by sea. They still live through their parents memories even if James had been to young to understand when they passed away. Heidi and her aunt made sure to tell James about their parents. From the day James was born, to the days when their father came to visit James for the first time. Heidi told him loads of memories she shared with James when he was a child, other than that. Constant traveling has kept them away from sadness, instead they lived their life as any other. Regardless if they travel many country, Aunt Lucille raised them to take advantage of life as its given to them and Heidi knows death promise some day, she doesn't let her get down. Just as stated Heidi strong believer of destiny.

[color=996F66]m a k e y o u r m o v e[/color]​

[color=8C7773]Name/Alias: [/color] madderz
[color=8C7773]Age: [/color] nyob
[color=8C7773]Roleplay Experience: [/color] three years
[color=8C7773]How you heard about us: [/color] facebook
[color=8C7773]Code Phrase: [/color] ya!</SIZE>
[color=8C7773]this template is credit to xmrsmalfoyx at CAUTION 2.0.
Feel free to add and change as necessary, but please do leave my credit here.
I worked very hard on this, and I’d rather not
have to send my horde of zombie soldiers after you.
<SIZE size="50">.
Hey Madz :D

What is Heidi's favorite possession?
Does Heidi think she's a good artist?
Does Heidi like traveling so much?
What is her favorite place that she's traveled to?
Does she get along well with her aunt? her brother?
What is Heidi's favorite possession?
All her mom old clothes, which she often wears instead of brand new ones unless her aunts bought something out of care. Her moms old possession just leaves a great deal of memory behind, that Heidi which she had more or instead she left with what's left behind.

Does Heidi think she's a good artist?
Heidi wouldn't say she much of an artist because she consider herself amateur. All her work either copied from old magazine her mom used to read and collect them. Her focus usually are traces of people she seen in the magazine, never anything inspired out of nowhere. Only thing she can claim her own, is self portraits of herself, brother and aunt Lucille.

Does Heidi like traveling so much?

Yes she used to it by now after losing her father not to long ago, she's been doing it for a couple years now by boat. Her aunt never wanted to live a normal life so she decided if she were to stay with her niece and nephew she mights as well bring them along.

What is her favorite place that she's traveled to?
The Islands, mostly South Africa, that's where she met a native Kenji, girl who'd she spend an entire weeks exploring the south reign for a while.

Does she get along well with her aunt? her brother?
Well commonly siblings fight and argue, so its similiar to any other sibling. But she loves James and her aunt Lucille who's been raising her since mom passed away. She appreciate what the woman done for them, unless Lucille was a mean woman. There's no reason not to like James and her aunt.

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