Closed Heard You Like Quidditch

Friday Weeks

sweet(ish) | naive | two-faced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2" Flexible Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/48 (13)
Friday was not often in the library, in fact this was perhaps her second time in the library since joining the school the year prior, but it didn't matter, she wasn't there to find a book or anything. She'd mostly been looking for her brother to ask him something and known the places he might be were the library and the quidditch pitch. She had looked outside for him yesterday, thinking that the ravenclaw try-outs were then, but instead spotting hufflepuff. It just so happened as Friday was walking through the library that she spotted Artie. She liked the other girl, she was nice and naive and seemed to believe Friday when Friday said things. That was always a plus. She had also seen the girl at the quidditch try-out. "A little birdy told me you were trying out for quidditch yesterday?" she said, just sitting down next to her, though speaking quietly given that this was a library.
Artemis Vasilakis had tried out for Quidditch as a beater, and she loved the idea of following after her big brother. Whether or not she made the team was unknown to her so far. If she was an alternate, she would be so happy! Artie decided to spend some time in the library so that she could read up on the rules and fouls of Quidditch. She wanted to play fairly, and not accidentally cause any sort of grief if she could avoid it. The Hufflepuff was almost half way done with the book when she heard a quiet voice. She almost jumped out of her skin since she was so focused, her peripheral vision failed to alert her. She managed to catch her breath, with her hand on her chest. "Friday, you scared me!" Artie's voice was soft though. "But yes! I tried out as a beater! Just like my older brother. Did you try out? Do you like Quidditch a lot?" Artie didn't know that she was just laying down the questions.
Friday giggled a little, "Aw sorry Artie," she said, though she wasn't really all that sorry. More that she didn't really care that she had scared her. She was more interested in sitting with her, in gossiping and finding out about it. "Oh, that's cool, I bet you'll make an amazing beater," Friday replied before shaking her head. "God no, have you seen how competitive the gryffindor team is, no way. I like watching it, but no to playing," she said. "Ooooh, this is so exciting. Hopefully you get a spot and I can cheer on you from the stands,"
Artie definitely knew where Friday was coming from. Gryffindor did have a full team, and they were competitive! Although, Slytherin gave them a run for their money, the Hufflepuff thought. "That’s fair! If I don’t make the team, I am going to watch every game. Not that I don’t do that already!" Artie giggled at the sheer thought of not watching the games. She didn’t even cheer anyone on. She just loved watching! If her friends played, she would cheer them on, of course. She just did not have that option yet. "Oh, you would? That sounds lovely! How was your break? I bet it was exciting seeing your siblings again! The ones not in school yet."
Friday gave a little scoff, "You'll make the team, Artie, they'd be crazy not to have you," she said back, wanting to make sure that Artie thought of her as a supportive friend. Friday was sure that Artemis had a good chance at it, but wasn't really as certain as she was making herself out to be. The gryffindor nodded. "Of course," Friday replied. "Though if you play Ravenclaw, I'll cheer for you and my brother," she said. "Oh it was fine, It's nice to not have homework, or deal with terrible Gryffindors," she said. "How was your break?"
Artie could not be happier. She had such a supportive friend! She brushed her hair over her shoulder and smiled, "You are very sweet! I don't know if I am that good, but I do hope to be! And, between us, I think if I make the team, my brother will buy me a broom." Artie did not have one of her own just yet, not a good one anyway. Just one handed down from one of her older siblings. "Oh! Your brother is a beater too! And if you cheer for both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, you'd win no matter what." Artie sure had a way of looking at things half-full. She did wonder how many horrible Gryffindors there were, but she agreed, no homework to deal with! "I got to hang out with my siblings. Nothing big happened, but it was nice sleep in! But now we have to think of what electives we want after this year."
Friday gave a smile as the girl called her sweet, that had been what she was aiming for, to be thought of as sweet, by her. Friday didn't think it mattered how good she was, but was sure it helped. People hd to learn and get better, that was the role of quidditch teams at school. "Oh, what kind of broom will you go for?" she didn't know anything about brooms, but was more than willing to talk to Artie about them if she was. "Sleeping in is so nice. Do you have an idea of what you'll pick?" She asked.
Artie never thought of what sort of broom she might get from her brother. It was possible that she might have to ask for a specific one! "Since I'm not a chaser or a seeker, I think a Nimbus 2000 will work!" Artie knew that broom was great many decades ago, but that broom should cover her needs easily! Artie just did not want to spend all of her brother's money on things that she might not even need. "Well, I already know everything about the muggle world, so probably not that. Maybe Care of Magical Creatures! I love animals, and the thought of taking care of them!" Artie decided on a back up plan. If she didn't make it as a Quidditch person, then she would take care of animals. "What about you?"
Friday didn't know why different positions would need different brooms, but she just nodded. "I think that'll work amazing," Friday said, wanting Artie to feel confident in her pick for a broom. Friday had not thought ahead to which classes she would pick. She wanted to go with whatever was easiest, and would require the least amount of work for just a passing grade. "Care Of Magical creatures will be great for you," Friday didn't like animals in the slightest. "I don't know, I like the idea of divination, like crystal balls and future seeing, but I don't know what else. Might just take muggle studies because it'll be easy,"
Artie felt really empowered when Friday agreed with her, and honestly, Artie was just eating it up. She could not help it. She always felt so happy when she wasn't wrong! But, wasn't that everyone though? "If you don't want to take it, I imagine that you don't care much for animals, which is fine! It isn't for everyone! Divination sounds so cool too! Seeing your future sounds so neat, but it might ruin the surprise." Artie wondered if she should go for that too. She thought about it, but she was not sure. Muggle Studies seemed easy, for both of them. "But it can also brace yourself if something bad were to happen..."
Friday nodded in agreement, she wouldn't say why she didn't want to do it, when it seemed like Artie was a big fan of it. "I don't think you see that clearly," she said, but it was something she wanted to do. To know what was maybe coming, to learn how to peak at it. It felt truly witchy, no more of being just a muggleborn with a stick. "It can," she agreed, "But hogwarts is safe, we're safe, so it's okay," she tried to assure Artie, not wanting the other girl to get upset.
Artie thought it was a more literal sort of thing, and she was unsure how it worked. Maybe she could take it just to see. Or... "Well, if you take it, would you show me how it works? If anyone reads my future, I'd rather it be you!" Artie felt that she could trust Friday with her entire heart, but she was naive though - which might have worked in Friday's favor. "Oh, I don't think anything bad would happen to us here! I think the professors here are very nice and protective! I really like Professor Corrins! Do you have a favorite?"
Friday nodded. "Oh, of course!" she agreed quickly, she would obviously be more than happy to be the one person who Artie trusted when it came to these things. She just wanted to be that person. Friday gave a warm smile. "Of course I will, and if i develop seer abilities I'll make sure to always help tell your future," she said. Friday smiled at her and nodded. She didn't mind professor Corrins, the woman was pretty and she was nice, but Friday didn't care for classes. "Professor Waldgrave, the new dada professor is dreamy," she said.
Artie did not want to immediately ask her for that anytime soon. She would probably do that in a couple of years since Friday might be a pro by then. She assumed that her friendship with Friday would remain for the rest of the school tenure, if not after that too! Artie was naive though, and always thought of things half full. "I would love to meet a real seer! I'd have so many questions for them!" Artie did not know that the school actually had one. She was not going to take Divination, so she likely would not know unless someone told her. Artie giggled at Friday's reveal of what she thought of Professor Waldgrave. "Yes, he was totally cute too! I hope he sticks around until our fifth year."
Friday nodded in agreement. "Same," she said, she just wanted to know if she would be popular, if she would succeed in things that she set her mind to. Maybe if the boy she'd end up with would be cute, popular and rich. She was fairly decided that she would take Divination as an elective when she got the chance to. Friday giggled softly. "He's like the only cute professor in this whole school," she said, since none of the others were, most of them were just old.
Artie did not know if Professor Waldgrave was the only cute professor in the school. She thought that Professor Zumwalt was cute. But her version of cute might have been slightly off from Friday's version. "So far. We haven't really seen the upper year professors yet!" Artie wondered if DADA was just a cute professor subject. Transfiguration was okay, but she had not seen the upper year one. Charms upper year professor, she had yet to see too. "I wonder what the elective professors will be like!"
Friday shrugged a little. "We might not have had them, but they do sit at mealtimes, and they're not cute, not like Professor Waldgrave," she countered. She thought the care of magical creatures professor for upper years was kind of cute, but that was maybe about it. "I've heard Divination's professor is very friendly, like has hot chocolate in her class, and cakes," she said, having always listened in to the gossip around her.
Artie would need to pay more attention to the staff table when she ate then so that she could see who was who, and who was cute. The transfiguration professor for the younger years was rather cute too. Perhaps not as cute as Professor Waldgrave. She would need to think more on it, since so far, she only found the female professors to be the best looking ones. That is until Professor Cade left. "Really? That is sweet! I might have to take up that class just to get my sugary fixes." Artie did wonder how Friday knew about this stuff. Gossip maybe? "What else have you heard?"
Friday was glad that Artie was taking on her opinion about the staff and how cute they were after all, some of them, so many of them were truly just not cute. She knew too that they were older, so really the appeal of them was mostly that they were completely unattainable, and she wasn't about to go for any anyway. They were professors. Which, ew. "Well, I've heard that Professor Josephs class isn't too hard if you learn the basics of ancient runes, which like, how hard could that be. That the older potions professor barely really speaks, and that the older charms professor is seeing one of the nurses, oh and the head of house for slytherin is with a nurse, and the giant history professor, he's also seeing one of the nurses," she said. "If you want to bag a professor the trick is to become a nurse,"

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