🌹 Rose Giving Head Of The Pack

Peregrine Piper

Amateur Magical Paleontologist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
red rose for @Zerrin Fergusson

Peregrine felt like she had a very important job to do. She had been entrusted with a red rose for the Head Boy, and she was determined to do a good job with the delivery. She wasn't entirely sure how one could do a bad job with a delivery, but perhaps if she was unlucky she'd drop the rose, or even worse somehow manage to throw it into the Head Boy's face. It wasn't as though that was something she'd actually do, but somehow Peregrine feared she'd do something absurd. At any rate, she had been told the prefects had their common room on the second floor and so she nervously looked around in the hope that she might find it. "Um, excuse me, sorry, I'm looking for Zerrin?" she asked as she found more of the older students milling about. "I have a rose for him?" She didn't really know why she phrased that as a question, but that's how it came out.
Zerrin was on his way downstairs, though honestly he was only half paying attention, his mind elsewhere. He did pull out of it though when he heard himself mentioned, and he slowed, looking to the first year. "Hey, I'm here," He greeted, slipping over and bending down to give her a smile at her level. Were all first years this short? Probably- it didn't help that he'd grown again over break.
Peregrine was a little nervous, somehow this was more intimidating than a hippogriff, even if Zerrin seemed perfectly nice. She had just somehow gotten the idea that she'd do something wrong in her head and it wouldn't leave, even if she had perfectly good rationale as to why that was silly. "Ah, here you go!" she exclaimed, thrusting the rose out a little faster than she intended to somehow avoid dwelling on it even further. "Oh, and there's a note, here, sorry," she added, holding the note out with her other hand.

Love you, brother.

Zerrin flinched back a little as the girl smacked him in the face with the rose. He rubbed his nose, chuckling as he took the rose and note. "Thanks!" He peeked at the note, already knowing who it was from but smiling anyway. "Knew it," He slipped it into his pocket. "What's your name?" He asked, giving her an easy smile.
Peregrine stepped back and put her hands to her face when she realised what she'd done, apparently her worst fears had come true and she had totally messed this up. She felt horribly ashamed. "Oh, Merlin, I'm so, so sorry," she said from between her hands, feeling like she had to fix this somehow but not quite being sure what to do. It was easier when she was just trying to apologies for Percy. "I didn't mean to, I just...got nervous..." she trailed off, feeling even worse saying that out loud. She was supposed to be reliable and mature and 'very grown up', as everyone had always put it. "Um, I'm Peregrine...I'm not in trouble, am I?"
Zerrin paused before laughing lightly, shaking his head at her. "Oh, goodness no. You're not in any trouble at all." He reassured her. "I thought it was kind of funny, actually." He tried to reassure her. "Peregrine is such a nice name," He commented. "I like it! Do you have any nicknames?" He asked, thinking there were a few ways you could go with that.
Peregrine blushed a little. "Thank you." Zerrin was really nice, and she was relieved that he was as there were no doubt plenty of students who wouldn't have time for a first year student. She nodded at the nickname comment. "Oh yeah, loads. Perry, Pez, Rin, Minnie, Birdie..." she rattled off, not adding 'Penguin' as she didn't really want anyone calling her that, she just gave Jasper a pass because she hadn't quite worked out how to correct him on it and now it was a bit too late anyway. She shrugged. "Do you get nicknames for Zerrin?"
Zerrin listened to her, smiling softly. "Those are cute! Do you have a favorite?" He asked. He liked Pez a bit himself. He considered her question. "A few. Zer, Zer-bear, Rin, one of my little sisters calls me Zerry." He chuckled. "That's oddly my favorite, but it could just be because it's from her."

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