Having A Wander.

Jake Coles

Well-Known Member
Jake was having a wander through Brightstone Village. He hadn't been there in a few years, and he felt like re-visiting the old place.
After All, he was born there...But Jake and his family moved a few miles away around 3 Years ago now, and he hadn't been back to Brightstone since.

He walked to the top of the hill that had a low wall around it. The hill looked down onto the Harbour. His mum and dad used to drive him there when he was little, and they would stand there and watch the sunset. And this is what Jake was doing now. He loved the view, and had always loved watching the beautiful sun go down on the harbour.

Jake was just getting into his own little world, when a young looking, smiley girl appeared next to him. Jake smiled back.
She didn't notice him as she had her i pod with her and she was dancing a bit as she banged her head and played an air guitar which she rocked at. "Daylight is coming" she sang a bit, but then looked at the sun.
Jake gently tapped the girl on the shoulder to get her attention.

He smiled at her, when he realised that she was plugged into her I-Pod.

"Hey." Jake Said, raising his normal speaking volume a little, so that she could hear him through her ear-phones.
She jumped a bit. "oh my god where did you come from?" she asked, turning the ipod off and blushing a bit.
Jake gave a welcoming and friendly smile to the girl and laughed as she jumped. "Hey, I'm Jake...And I've been here for at least 5 Minutes now..." Jake looked at the girl and smiled at her, then held his hand out to her.
Luna smiled at him and shook his hand. "i'm Luna" she said, smiling at him giggled as she let go of his hand.
Jake looked at Luna and smiled. "Cool. Well, it's nice to meet ya...Luna..."
Luna smiled at him. "i never caught your name" she said, smiling at him.
Jake Smiled, "Of Course, I Should Of Thought...Sorry About That...I'm Jake..."
Jake smiled and took the handshake. He found Luna strangely sweet already.

"So, you okay today? Plugging into your music just there I see..." Jake giggled a little.
Luna blushed at his words. "sorry I'm a music freak and couldn't help it" she said, smiling at him sweetly.
Jake smiled and then laughed, "Hey, there's nothing wrong with that, Music's good..."
Luna blushed. "yeah i know that true" she said, as she looked at the sunset.
Jake looked at Luna and smiled as she looked out at the sunset. "It's pretty awesome isn't it?...The view...I mean..."
Luna smiled. "yeah i wished i could stay here forever in this moment" she said, in her mind knowing it included him but she didn't tell him that for no reason.
Jake smiled. "Mmm." He nodded. "Definatly...I used to come here all the time with my parents, I love it here, it's one of those spots that I will know, love, and remember forever and ever..."

Jake looked at Luna, then smiled and laughed.
Luna wondered what he was laughing at, "um if you don't mind my asking what are you laughing at?" she asked, hoping he didn't take it defensive.
Jake gave Luna a cheeky smile, then paused before answering her question..."Of Course I Don't Mind...But I don't actually know...I suppose it's just because this spot brings back good memories from my childhood...I have plenty of stories to tell about Me, my parents and this spot..." Jake smiled, and then gave a cheeky wink at Luna, before laughing once again.
Luna sat and made herself comfortable. "tell me one and i'll tell you one" she said, staring up at him.
Jake smiled, "I dunno...My parents always used to bring me here when I was little...is that good enough for you? Now you can tell me one." He said joking around a little.
Luna smiled. "oh i found this when i was little and came here all the time now" she said, smiling at him and looking at the sunset still.
Jake lifted himself up onto the fence, then sat on it. "That sounds cool...the sunset is always great here isn't it..."
Jake smiled at Luna as he jumped off the fence, "So, do we wanna go somewhere?"

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