Hashtag Need New Friends

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
So, yeah. I realised I was a little bored.
Anyway, I have a bunch of characters, with very few plots/topics. Replies for me are slow(ish) And a prompt to remember to post is something you should do, if it seems I've forgotten.

Right, so what I'm offering today, are a couple of characters that maybe need a little more in the way of plots.

The First is Professor Misha Haden, a 23 year old Charms professor. He's a durmstrang graduate who decided to go into teaching. He was previous like 15, and at Durmstrang, but I decided that, it would be better if he was an adult. That being said, the poor guy has no friends. No plots, no nothing. So he needs a couple of people. He's a friendly enough guy, he's not the very outgoing type. He doesn't go nuts over meeting new people. In fact the first time you meet him, he'll most likely not make much of an impression, however, get him more comfortable with you and he's a life long friend. You could stab him in the back and he'd apologise for being awful. He's a strong lad, but he's overly trusting and is okay with people walking over him. So, I repeat, he needs a bit of everything.

The second is my new shiny character, Sage Ottavi, she's 11 and a Slytherin. She's an a$$hole. She's out for herself, and doesn't give much of sh!t about others. She's not that kind unless she wants something. She loves control. Loves having it, loves being the best. Loves being the centre of attention. Now, for her, I'm looking for someone perhaps quite like her in nature, though she'd never like to have to fight for control. She also needs people who'll do what she says, gets things for her, doing things for her without much question, minions you could say. And of course she needs a couple of enemies. People who hated every fiber of her being.

Next up, we have my Beaux girl, Charlotte Williams. Now, she was Hogwarts student, but I had a revelation about her and transferred her. Now she attends Beauxbatons. Charlotte has bounced around from place to place her entire life. She's a very friendly girl. She's the opposite of Sage. She likes letting other people be at the centre. She has huge problems with her self-esteem. Despite being fairly pretty. She's however, feeling the weight of her family. People who are demanding that she be proper and be a Williams. For her, I maybe need one or two friends, and a guy, to break her out of her little shell. Someone who'll decide that she's pretty enough to date. She'll reject him, to begin with. Stating he doesn't conform with her family, so the plot would be that he fights for her. That's about all I need for her, any plot ideas are welcome.

Now, these are the three that really do need plots, however, should you wish to post with any of my other characters, here is a list of them: CLICK Just either PM me, on this or the other Archer account, or post in this lovely topic here.
And as a side note, The Archer clan is a large family, so, should you go through the family tree and spot someone interesting that you'd like to RP, let me know! I'll see if that would work with plot ideas I have. Anyway, Thanks!

Hey Emzies :D

I have Eugene here who could easily be Sage's enemy.He is not shy or anything and is generally friendly but theres a side of him that knows how to deal with people he doesn't like.He is a Hufflepuff but one that's got some nerves so he would stand up to her if she tried to bully him or scare him.He has been bullied before and he learned how to stand up to bullies.He would usually get revenge by pranking them instead of getting into a direct fight.However,he wouldn't just provoke her so the plot could start by some sort of accident like him dropping something on her head or spilling a drink all over her (something like that) and then she could blow up at him and try to jinx him but would fail and just punch him or something.And then we can just wing it xD

So let me know what you think
^_^ Payal
Hey, that sounds real interesting for her. And winging it would seem like the best thing. I like winging it. It's a good idea. Do you want to start a topic, or do you want me to just join the open topic, or do you want me to start a new topic?
Hi Emzies!

I have Kaoru, a first year Puffle. He's kind, friendly, always smiling... He's quite good at making friends, and he's always running about! He is, however, a little insecure about being left behind. Kaoru loves the outdoors, but isn't too fond of quiet places, like libraries.
I also have Alia, a fifth year Gryffindor. She doesn't really work that hard, leaves things until last minute. She's rather chilled and laidbck, doesn't get her up much. She likes having fun, and not boring lessons.

Yay! :D Could you please start a new topic in the Great Hall? It was what I had in mind since it would be highly embarrasing and would hurt Eugene's ego alot if he was punched infront of everyone so that would be good for the plot...
I can offer Sabrina as a friend for Misha?

Sabrina's 29, but she seems a lot younger due to her naive and somewhat childish demeanour. She's a lot more knowledgeable and sensible than she lets on, but she appears to be something of a cloud-cuckoolander. She's a Seer and she's highly perceptive. She has a tendency to see the best in everybody, and she's a very friendly person. After all, she was a Hufflepuff.

She's something of a hippie. She often works doing "magic" for kids parties, occasionally babysitting or working as a fortune teller...odd jobs here and there, really. She has depression and mild anxiety, and she finds it very difficult to work, as she sometimes gets overwhelmed and freaks out in crowds and groups. Still, she's trying to deal with it, and as much as she hates herself, she loves other people and she's a very good friend to anyone who wants her friendship.

As such, I think she'd be a good friend for Misha, if you want? Since they both seem to be gentle people, I think they'll get along. Up to you, though!
So, Payal, Here is the topic, it's fairly awful. I'm very sorry. Others will be better.

Domino, For your Hufflepuff, well, Sage would point blank hate him. Just not want to bother with him. So we could do something there. I think it could be fairly fun. As for you Gryffindor, Maybe a friend for Stefan, or Tybalt. If your looking for something relationship wise, I have Tessin, Biography found, Here He's a durmstrang and I have no plots for him. So, whatever is good.
What do you think?

Camilla, that actually sounds really good. I think he'd liked her a lot. They could meet at one of these kids parties. He could be a going a muggle friend's kid's second birthday, and notice that she's doing "magic" And strike up a conversation about if she believes in real magic, thinking she's a muggle. They could hit it off, I think. End up being good friends, which is good for him.
What do you think?

Ooh, that sounds really good and sounds like it would be a fun RP! I really like the sound of that! Would you like to start something, or would you like me to?
I don't mind. I can start it if you would like, or you can if you want to!
Whatever is fine with me!

Sorry, I haven't been on recently :p

Well, to be honest, I think Kaoru needs someone to hate him XD Burst his bubble and all that. He needs to realise not everyone is as friendly as he is. With Alia, I think Stefan and Tybalt friendship would be awesome. And the same with the relationship thing with Tessin. He seems pretty cool :p

I can offer Margo here as a bitter enemy to Sage. In fact, she's going to be friends with Eugene so it might work out quite well as Margo is fiercely loyal to her friends and tends to hold grudges, and if she saw you messing with one of her friends would instantly hate you forever.

Margo is an extremely energetic, outgoing, bubbly, adventurous an mischievous person. She believes in fair treatment and equality, and can't stand people who think they're better than others. She loves pulling a good prank, but is generally a good student. If you'd like to know more, her bio is right under my signature.
Camilla, I will start that up soon! And PM it to the appropriate account!

Domino, That sounds good for them. Would you like to start something, or shall I?
As for Alia, Would you like to RP with Stefan or Tybalt first? And we can wait for the next weekend for the Tessin and Alia.

Amy, That sounds good. She could even jump in the topic they have now. Since she's friend with him. Which would mean more enemies. Which she would be happy with!What do you think?
With Kaoru: I'm kinda... Without Internet... At the moment XD I'll have it back within the next two days... And I have loads of posts to do. Would you mind? :#
With Alia: Either really. I don't mind. Tis up to you. And with Tessin, yeah we'll wait until the week-end.
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