Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
I bet this is going to be amazing!
I doubt I'll get the chance to see it anytime soon though. :(
Joined the early bird ticket thing so hopefully i'll be able to scoop some cheap tickets :woot: so excited!

Truthfully, I'm slightly disappointed. Not only does it ruin the "all was well" bit, but make it more accessible by selling a book or a movie.
I agree about this ruining the 'all is well' bit. I've been at the point where I wish Rowling would stop and let us use our imaginations to decide what is happening with our beloved characters and their families.
I was pretty disappointed with it too of all the things she could've done. My sister has done the early bird thing so she'll probably get me a ticket, but I don't think I'll go. I love Harry Potter, but as time goes on I care less and Less for JKRowling and the stuff she keeps putting out about the Potter!verse and also all the stuff she keeps spouting politically.
I'll almost certainly go, I'm a mixed bag about it though - as others have pointed out. I need to see more about what's going to happen before I comment.
I just don't get as excited about new Harry Potter releases like I used to! JK Rowling needs to slow down!
Yeaah... I don't think I'll be going :D I don't even want to know what happens!
I couldn't go if I wanted to seeing as it's only in London, right now. :p
I'm sure I'll still read everything about it though. :tut:
Cyndi: that's like me. I'll complain all about it until it actually starts getting shown, (hopefully) I'll go and watch it (or at least read about it), and then get into it so much :p
I got three tickets to go and see it in July, pretty excited :woot:
What? Is it out already?
Yeah, I'm not holding my breath either tbh.
Have you all heard the news about this being released as a book this year?
Yassss, I'm pretty excited about it!
I read it as the preview script (so the script they work off on the previews, so any changes made after the previews for the official release won't be included) is what is going to be published.

So that'll be interesting
I don't know if I want to read it either way. I guess I'm just all HPed out, which is something I never thought I would say, but between Pottermore, the Magical Beasts and all the rest she spouts about on Twitter, it's been getting a little ridiculous. I mean I am all for an immersive environment and yeah, I'm happy for her to answer her fans questions because clearly someone wants them, but I feel like she's moving way too fast and that she's pushing things out just coz, it lost its magic for me ages ago. I still enjoy the movies and the books and I always will, but I don't think I want to invest anymore money in something that's becoming less special to me the more I see it around.
I agree about JKR. I'd prefer an encyclopedia, not Pottermore which she seems to be using as her encyclopedia. I have mixed feelings about the Cursed Child, though I am excited about the movie. I'm confused. :p I do miss being able to use my imagination and theorize 'what ifs.' I feel like you are able to do that less and less with this world because she's giving us new information every time we turn around that we are then supposed to integrate because she says so and it's Canon. For me, part of the fun of reading a book is being able to use my imagination, especially to fill in the blanks afterwards.
Ive no idea what possessed me, but i preordered the book/play.

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