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- Wand
- Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Full Name: Harriet Turner
- Birth Date: 12th June 2008
- Current Age: 12
- Basic Appearance: Harri has medium length brown hair, she is about 5'9, she has green eyes, and is usually smiling!
- Parents: Sam Turner and Brooke Duke
- Siblings, if any: None, though her cousin Tommy has lived with her for her whole life so he is practically a brother
- Pets, if any: A St'Bernard called Bruce, at her house in England, and Jaspar a ginger cat which she brings to school with her
- Area of Residence: England, Surrey
- Blood status: Muggle bron
(If your character is a sorted student
- Hogwarts House (And why): Harri is a Gryffindor. She is selfless, confident and brave. She will stand up for her friends no matter what.
- Best school subjects (And why): Harri's best subject is potions, she is quite naturally talented at it and enjoys it lots.Though he highest achievment is in History of magic and she does enjoy this also.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Astronomy, she finds it extremly boring as she has a short attention span and does not find listening to lectures very interesting.
(all characters
- What would their Patronus be? A silver fox, (changed from A wolf.)
- What would their Boggart be? A huge snake.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A silver fox (Changed from wolf)
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Harri would see herself and Emma (her best friend from out of school) grown up together.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Harri would use the memory of one of the birthdays, where her whole family were happy together, Emma was alive and the day was completly blissful.
- Write an example roleplay by your character: It was fast approaching christmas and snow began to slowly decend from the sky. The house looked beautiful, it was decorated from head to toe in decorations. Fairy lights twinkled happily around windowsills, bits of tinsel was scattered around the house, she could hear her dad and James sharing a joke a laughing meerily in the other room. She sighed happily, she was completly relaxed, nothing could possibly spoil this peaceful mood that surrounded her now. There was three loud taps at the door and Harri froze in her seat. Everyone she wanted to be here was here and anyone else would seem to be an intruder into her world. She heard her dad get up and open the door followed by a high pitched dramatic voice, which could only belong to Brooke. Her mum. Most girls would love having their mums around at christmas. But not Harri. Not this christmas. She sat froozen in her seat, silently praying that her mum would skip straight into the lounge dealing with whatever buisness she had come here on, "Harri darling!" too late her mum was calling for her, her high pitched snobby tone filling the room, "Hey Mum," she said feebily staying seated and simply waving, hopeing praying she would go. "Thats no way to greet your mother! Come over and give me a hug," the voice was fake, as if she had to say it rather then she wanted to. Unwillingly Harri stood up and trudged across the room hugging the bag of bones she called 'mum'. "You've lost weight," she accused jabbing at Harri's ribs. Harri blushed furiously after hearing about her mum and dad's divorce she had practically stopped eating, and though she had been eating normal for atleast a few months the weight had stayed off, "No, you just haven't seen me for a long time," Harri said turning it around on her mum. Harri heard a loud sniff which she recognised as dissaproval from her mum. She took the chance and dashed out of the room stowing up the stairs into her bedroom. "Bruce," she sighed, relieved. The one person who would understand her. She snuggled up to the huge St.Bernards neck feeling his soft fur surround her, "I've missed you boy," she said honestly. "Miaooow," she heard Jaspar stalk into the room and jump onto Bruce back settling down for a nap as always. Harri smiled at the sight, they looked so cute together. She laid on her bed and listened to what was going on below. She may not want to talk to her mum but she did want to know what was going on, "...Coming to live with me," she caught the last muffeled shout of her mothers snooby tone. "But she doesn't want to," her heart panged as her dad argued back, ever the peace keeper. She closed her ears after this, she didn't want to know the rest. She couldn't bare being argued over, she wasn't worth it. All she wanted was to stay here with her dad, she didn't want to move to California to live with her mum and her mums boyfriend. She would hate that. She would hate him. She had yet to meet Austin though she knew she would hate him. He sounded disgusting, all-american boy, far too young for her mother. She shook her head in disgust.
"Hey Harri!" the door banged open and in trapced Tommy, "Ever learn to knock?" she asked though her tone was light and friendly, "Whatcha doing," he asked bounding in and helping himself to a chocolate frog that lay on her desk, "Hey that was my last one!" she said playfully grabbing half off of him and shoving it in her mouth. He shook his head laughing. Harri grinned, her and Tommy were practically brother and sister, they argued, alot. Though they laughed about ten times as much, he had lived her since Harri was about four so to her he was her brother. Harri and Tommy continued chatting lightly and Harri was glad of the distraction, Tommys loud deep voice blocked out her mum and dad, ripping each other to shreads below.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
- Birth Date: 12th June 2008
- Current Age: 12
- Basic Appearance: Harri has medium length brown hair, she is about 5'9, she has green eyes, and is usually smiling!
- Parents: Sam Turner and Brooke Duke
- Siblings, if any: None, though her cousin Tommy has lived with her for her whole life so he is practically a brother
- Pets, if any: A St'Bernard called Bruce, at her house in England, and Jaspar a ginger cat which she brings to school with her
- Area of Residence: England, Surrey
- Blood status: Muggle bron
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why): Harri is a Gryffindor. She is selfless, confident and brave. She will stand up for her friends no matter what.
- Best school subjects (And why): Harri's best subject is potions, she is quite naturally talented at it and enjoys it lots.Though he highest achievment is in History of magic and she does enjoy this also.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Astronomy, she finds it extremly boring as she has a short attention span and does not find listening to lectures very interesting.
(all characters

- What would their Patronus be? A silver fox, (changed from A wolf.)
- What would their Boggart be? A huge snake.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A silver fox (Changed from wolf)
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Harri would see herself and Emma (her best friend from out of school) grown up together.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Harri would use the memory of one of the birthdays, where her whole family were happy together, Emma was alive and the day was completly blissful.
- Write an example roleplay by your character: It was fast approaching christmas and snow began to slowly decend from the sky. The house looked beautiful, it was decorated from head to toe in decorations. Fairy lights twinkled happily around windowsills, bits of tinsel was scattered around the house, she could hear her dad and James sharing a joke a laughing meerily in the other room. She sighed happily, she was completly relaxed, nothing could possibly spoil this peaceful mood that surrounded her now. There was three loud taps at the door and Harri froze in her seat. Everyone she wanted to be here was here and anyone else would seem to be an intruder into her world. She heard her dad get up and open the door followed by a high pitched dramatic voice, which could only belong to Brooke. Her mum. Most girls would love having their mums around at christmas. But not Harri. Not this christmas. She sat froozen in her seat, silently praying that her mum would skip straight into the lounge dealing with whatever buisness she had come here on, "Harri darling!" too late her mum was calling for her, her high pitched snobby tone filling the room, "Hey Mum," she said feebily staying seated and simply waving, hopeing praying she would go. "Thats no way to greet your mother! Come over and give me a hug," the voice was fake, as if she had to say it rather then she wanted to. Unwillingly Harri stood up and trudged across the room hugging the bag of bones she called 'mum'. "You've lost weight," she accused jabbing at Harri's ribs. Harri blushed furiously after hearing about her mum and dad's divorce she had practically stopped eating, and though she had been eating normal for atleast a few months the weight had stayed off, "No, you just haven't seen me for a long time," Harri said turning it around on her mum. Harri heard a loud sniff which she recognised as dissaproval from her mum. She took the chance and dashed out of the room stowing up the stairs into her bedroom. "Bruce," she sighed, relieved. The one person who would understand her. She snuggled up to the huge St.Bernards neck feeling his soft fur surround her, "I've missed you boy," she said honestly. "Miaooow," she heard Jaspar stalk into the room and jump onto Bruce back settling down for a nap as always. Harri smiled at the sight, they looked so cute together. She laid on her bed and listened to what was going on below. She may not want to talk to her mum but she did want to know what was going on, "...Coming to live with me," she caught the last muffeled shout of her mothers snooby tone. "But she doesn't want to," her heart panged as her dad argued back, ever the peace keeper. She closed her ears after this, she didn't want to know the rest. She couldn't bare being argued over, she wasn't worth it. All she wanted was to stay here with her dad, she didn't want to move to California to live with her mum and her mums boyfriend. She would hate that. She would hate him. She had yet to meet Austin though she knew she would hate him. He sounded disgusting, all-american boy, far too young for her mother. She shook her head in disgust.
"Hey Harri!" the door banged open and in trapced Tommy, "Ever learn to knock?" she asked though her tone was light and friendly, "Whatcha doing," he asked bounding in and helping himself to a chocolate frog that lay on her desk, "Hey that was my last one!" she said playfully grabbing half off of him and shoving it in her mouth. He shook his head laughing. Harri grinned, her and Tommy were practically brother and sister, they argued, alot. Though they laughed about ten times as much, he had lived her since Harri was about four so to her he was her brother. Harri and Tommy continued chatting lightly and Harri was glad of the distraction, Tommys loud deep voice blocked out her mum and dad, ripping each other to shreads below.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Emma,
Today was the worst yet. I miss you so much, today marked the years anniversary. I went down to the lakefront, I remember you used to pretend to hate swimming though you were dead good at it. Under 11 champion if I remember correctly?! Why did you have to go? I have so much to tell you. So much has happened since that day. Too much prehaps, I feel like I'm loosing everyone close to me, everything I care about slowly slips away, is it me? Am I the cause? It's feels good to be able to release these worries, of course I could never say them out loud, that would be far too embaressing, I don't want to seem weak and out of control. I have to learn to control my emotions better. But everytime I think of a happy time we shared my throat clogs up and I feel my eyes sting. You were too young to go, you had your whole life ahead of you! What about the plans we made? Growing up and living together. Our children being bestfriends? All the memories they would share that we shared. The first day of school when I covered you in mud! And got sent to the headteachers office! On my fist day! Us two being best friends, snivelling todlers, then just kids. Just kids. I want that so bad, i want to be a kid again, when boys were yuck! Adults were boring! Seeing that new cartoon on tele was the most important thing in the world! And wearing your socks pulled up or rolled down was the biggest decision you had to make. Each day it gets bettter, I'm not forgetting you I promise. I could never forget you ever. Your still a part of everything I do. I'm always thinking 'oh Emma would like this or that' but then I remember. When I wake up in the morning I forget at first, for a few seconds your alive, and everything dandy, then reality dawns. But I'm feeling better, I miss you but my friends are helping me. I'm learning to laugh at our memories instead of cry, to talk about the good times and not feel sad about them. The times when we laughed together and cried togethr, those memories are so fresh the could have happened aa second ago.
I miss you so much, Love Harri