Harder than It Looks

Isaia Romanes

Former Ravenclaw & Head Boy / Gentle
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 9 1/2" Rigid Willow Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Doing something like this would be a Gryffindor's work, not his. Isaia was a Ravenclaw, witty and clever. Bravery was not in his forte, but somehow, Isaia had managed. Ever since he became friends with Aphrodite Snow, there was just something about her that he liked. It was not her good looks because - well, she was beautiful, but that's besides the point - it had to be her bright attitude or something. It was getting closer to summer, and closer to the one thing that girls always looked forward to. The Yule Ball. He wanted to ask her for her hand to come with him, as a date and not as a friend. Isaia was not too worried on how she would take it, but the he was confident that either way, things would work out for the best. Dressed in a rather casual outfit, Isaia hoped that it was not too casual. He needed to make something good happen in his life, and that was because without his parents around and his uncle scaring the crap out of everyone, he needed something good to happen. So far, Hogwarts New Zealand had been that. Freedom away from the place in Italy. He just felt bad for his younger brother Sergios, having to go through and marry some girl that he had not even met because Collineus wanted to ensure that the purebloods would survive. Isaia was a pureblood, but he was not dwelling on it. It was just blood to him. All he knew that was now he did not let anyone bother him anymore, and that included that boy, Doriano Knight. One would say that Isaia was growing up, or growing some dignity, but he thought it was a combination of both, and having a hardass uncle to bear some backbone into the Ravenclaw. Perhaps it was a combination of both. Isaia walked down to the lake, where the waves of the shore was all he could hear. He wondered if there were any other lucky siblings of his that were getting dates to the Yule Ball. He knew that Isabella would not care at all. Ostensia had Damian as a boyfriend, so they would probably go. He was unsure about Sergios though. He would probably just spend time playing with sports or something.

He arrived and he took a seat on the shore, where he would wait for the gorgeous Aphrodite Snow to come along and join him, and he would ask her to be his date to the Yule Ball. He had everything planned out in his mind. He had two brownies in his pocket that they could share, thanks to the chefs in the kitchen. Today, everything would be perfect. Isaia had it out in his mind but knowing him, something would go go wrong or just differ from what he planned out. He hoped that things would work out to his favor, and he would be going to the Ball, with the one that he figured he had a crush on by now hanging on his arm while he danced with her. He was an average dancer, so it was not like he was going to make a fool of himself. Though he just hoped that in the background of the Yule Ball, that he would not pull off anything stupid because some boys were like that. It was true though, he like many others were growing to have a smart mouth, but he never pulled it on Aphrodite. He teased her lightly, but it was always with laughs and jokes, Nothing that one would consider harmful. And right now, he was playing the waiting game, waiting for the Gryffindor girl to arrive.
<COLOR color="#000">Aphrodite turned her head to look behind her and make sure none of her friends had followed her. Eventually they were bound to notice that she had snuck away from the table while they weren't paying attention. Since the the conversation wasn't all that interesting to begin with, Aphrodite didn't feel bad for ditching them. Aphrodite, Krystin, and LeAnn were falling apart as a group anyways. As much as they tried to hang out and stuff, it was easy for even the dumbest of people to see that they were growing apart. Krystin had this thing with some Ravenclaw boy. Aphrodite never learned his name and probably didn't want to know his name either. But whomever he was, he did a good job at keeping Krystin's attention. That was a good thing it seemed because she didn't give as much trouble to her friends any longer it seemed, but at the same time it also meant that she had little time for anything else when it came to others. LeAnn, Aphrodite wasn't really sure what her deal was. But she appeared to be just as busy as Krystin was. Quidditch, studying, sleeping, and hanging out with Isaia. That had just about taken up the young Gryffindor's life lately. If there were more hours in the day Aphrodite might have more of a chance to get other things done. Alas there was only twenty-four. So what she was doing now would just have to work. Aphrodite did work on singing from time to time. But nearly as much as she used to a few years back. Right now it just seemed a lot less important to her than other things did. Aphrodite's aunt always told her that her voice would bring her great luck and fortune when she was older and more mature. Aphrodite had always believed her too. If it had never been for that woman's words to her back then, singing never would have been an option for Aphrodite. Because that would've been the last thing she would ever want to do with her life. Aphrodite turned to look one more time to be sure the coast was still clear. When she saw no one she grinned softly and headed toward the lakefront. Isaia had told her to meet him there. Of course she wasn't going to miss out on that. Isaia was a very comforting person to hang out with. He was good at listening, good at understanding, and good when it came to treating another person kindly. Aphrodite felt comfortable hanging out with him. Even more than she did with her own family, well her sister's family. The home was extremely cozy and welcoming, but Aphrodite still preferred to hang out with Isaia.

Aphrodite quickly noticed Isaia when she arrived at the Lakefront. He was sitting by the shore. Aphrodite smiled and figured that she had better hurry up and join her crush before he thought that she stood him up or something. Casually she stepped over, her bright red flats squishing the grass and sand beneath them with every step. Once at the shore, Aphrodite smoothed her skirt out and sat down next to Isaia. Her creamy pale legs folding to the side as she did so. "Sorry if I'm late. I had to sneak away from my friends." After all the time she and Isaia spent together, she figured he might know why she had to sneak awake. Even after all this time, Aphrodite still worried that they might not like him and give her hell over hanging out with him, or worse, decide that they liked him too and try to steal him from her. Even if Isaia didn't like them back she was sure they could find a way to at least get him away from her. Aphrodite smiled softly, hoping he would accept her apology. They needed to catch up tonight anyways because the past week had been difficult for her. She had less time than she would've liked to hang out with him, due to Quidditch. But she fully intended on making it up to him whenever she could.​
Isaia had little to no clue that Aphrodite did not know how Krystin and himself were related. He thought that she might have told Aphrodite that they were first cousins. Isaia had to live with her, but he was spending all his time at the school, to keep as far from her as possible, but also trying to be around his siblings as well. They were the closest to them ever since his parents kind of vanished. Isaia was sure that they would show up eventually, but he had given up as well. It would not be long until his older sisters would be old enough to collect what they could and move out. If they could, it might be possible to get in touch with their oldest brother that had a different father, but Isaia did not even know the name for the man. And what he did not know was that his older half-brother was engaged to Aphrodite's older half-sister. It was a small world, but it was not too bad at all. Isaia was ignorant of how close the wizarding families were, and if he had known, he might not really care either way. As long as Aphrodite was not related to him, that was all that matters. He was hoping though, that by now, she would like him as much as he liked her. Girls were complicated but he thought that they were wonderful too. Growing up with sisters helped him understand more on how they acted around the boys that they liked, even though Isabella had yet to find someone that she really likes, and Ostensia seems to be in love with that Damian guy, which Isaia thought was kind of cool because they seemed like a cute couple overall. Isaia did not have eyes for anyone else though. That might have been because he was too timid to really talk to anyone else but he was starting to overcome that, and getting more social and out there. Then again his more sarcastic side was coming out.

Once Aphrodite arrived and told him that she was sorry that she was late, even though she wasn't, and she had to sneak away from her friends, he completely understood. Krystin was hard to get away from, he knew that by experience. He did not know too much about LeAnn though, but then again he hardly saw her around anymore either. Aphrodite was normally busy with Quidditch and now that he was on the team as a Beater, he didn't know if he would have as much free time anymore. Isaia was just glad that he was even considered on the team though. It was really an honor. With happiness that spread from his smile to his hazel eyes, he greeted Aphrodite, "It is no problem, you aren't late at all. I definitely understand." That was true, he did understand how it was, for the most part anyway. He would have to tell her that he was a Beater on the Ravenclaw team, and it might be his job to smack a bludger at her. He was not sure if he would be able to do it though. He hoped that he would anyway. Isaia looked toward the lake, and he decided that it was now or never, "How good are your chances, as a Gryffindor chaser, to attend the Yule Ball as a date, with a Ravenclaw beater?" It was kind of merging two things into one, and that was better than what he had thought of before. He was not being too cliche with it, not having it be too gooey because that, as a male, made him a little sick at the stomach. Not something that could be helped, but he hoped that she thought things through completely, he was talking about himself. Then again it would be kind of funny if he confused her a bit. The other Ravenclaw beater was Yerik something, but would she think that he was talking about that guy? He hoped not because Isaia did not think that they would end up a good couple (that might just be because Isaia had a crush on her and didn't want her with anyone else). Though he was definitely not the jealous type to punch a guy for looking at her.
Aphrodite didn't really know why but as soon as she greeted Isaia and realized that he wasn't upset for her being late she brought her arms out and pulled him into a soft hug. Hopefully he didn't mind but since she did it from time to time she figured he might as well just get used to it. Surprise hugs were the best because they always caught people off guard. For the smallest fraction of a second the person was even vulnerable. Aphrodite liked that. "I'm sorry. I just really needed a hug." Aphrodite explained as she released Isaia from her hug and let her hands rest back at her sides. If only she could tell him all the things that were going through her head right now. All of the things she was worried about with school lately. There was also the things going on at home. Which were a lot harder to explain because she wasn't even fully sure what was going on. She just knew that there was officially some bad blood between Alyssa and Theodore. Some very bad blood. To the point where threats had even been made. That really scared Aphrodite. Even with Vincent at home and being very strong both physically and magically-wise she worried that if Theodore came so would Antoine. No one really wanted him to show up in a bad situation. But since Aphrodite was at the school she was safe from all of this. But she still worried that something was going to happen to her sister. For some reason it was like she expected Isaia to make it all better. He was a comfort source for her. He was a really good friend and he was always there for her when she needed him the most. So because of that Aphrodite now came to him whenever she needed comfort. In turn, Aphrodite would try to be there for him whenever he needed it. Even though Aphrodite was not the world's best advice giver, she would try her best to help him in any that she could. One of these days she hoped that he might even ask her to be his girlfriend. She hadn't told him yet, but she secretly thought that she and Isaia would make a really cute couple. It would probably even beat some of the older couples.

Aphrodite grinned. "Wait....you tried out for the Quidditch team? And you made it? Congratulations!" Aphrodite enveloped him in another hug. She was so proud that he had gone out for the team and made it on his first try! At the moment she barely considered the fact during games he would be playing against her and perhaps even having to hit a couple of bludgers at her. Later on she would probably consider this but right now she was just so happy for him. Now they were both on Quidditch teams! It took another couple of seconds but suddenly the other thing Isaia said started to hit her. Aphrodite's mouth dropped lightly. He was asking her to go to the yule ball with him as a date instead of just going as friends. The young Gryffindor's heart immediately soared. He wanted to go as dates? How sweet! Aphrodite had never had a date to the ball before! Trying to contain her excitement Aphrodite looked at Isaia with bright blue eyes. No matter how much she tried to contain it, the grin and sparkle within her eyes was pretty hard to ignore. "I'd say they were pretty high. Even if we are supposed to be rivals now." Aphrodite smirked lightly. Rivals or not he had officially roped himself in as Aphrodite's date to the yule ball. Which meant that she had to worry a little bit less about him going off and liking some other girl. Unless this was a one time thing. But she hoped him asking her out to the ball as a date meant that he liked her somewhat.
Isaia was pulled into a soft hug, and he smiled even more because he was being pulled in because of her touch. She had a gift for making him smile and stuff, and for that he was well pleased. Isaia continued to smile, but he did not really have time to return her hug at all which he wanted to do. The Ravenclaw surely did not mind that she was hugging him. It was quick and it was over. She apologized for it, and he chuckled even more. He leaned over and place his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him for just a moment before he said, "Don't apologize for a hug. I love them!" He was certain that it was not something horrible. He wanted to make her as comfortable as possible. He was also unsure how horrible Krystin was being, but he lived with her, so he dealt with her all year around, where the Ravenclaw dorm was one of the only places he could get away from his hellish cousin. Isaia wanted to just make Aphrodite comfortable. He wondered if she was comforted with him, and if not, he would be glad to make her as comfortable as possible. Isaia liked Aphrodite, like crushed on her but he was just a little too shy to show it. How could he show it? He didn't really know any better except for doing what he was doing now. Isaia wondered what all was going on through Aphrodite's life. He wanted to know everything he could learn when it came down to Aphrodite Snow. One thing he learned was that there were plenty of Snows around. There was the Hufflepuff Head of House, and the two Slytherin twins in the year below him. He did not know so much on the twins, but he was sure that they could be nice, if they wanted to be. His sister was nice when she wanted to be, so maybe all of the Slytherin were like that.

Isaia wondered if he was going to ever ask Aphrodite Snow to ever be his girlfriend, because he liked her, but he did not want to rush anything, and he did not want to have to face rejection. He would hate to be rejected, but there was always another try as well. Isaia knew that if it was the right time, it would show up to him one of these days. The Ravenclaw was just thrilled to have Aphrodite be proud of him, which was what he wanted. He wanted to have her proud of him. Then she embraced him into another one of those hugs. She seemed to be one of those affectionate girls, which was good because he was affectionate too. "Thanks! It was something that I figured I would need to get into it!" It seemed like a lot of fun to him. No wonder his sister loved the position and the sport so much. It was pretty fun from what he had played. Though he doubted that eh would be in the starting line up anytime soon. But one could hope one day. Seemed like it was taking her a little bit to understand what he was asking her. But Isaia could see that it was registering in her mind when her jaw dropped. That was a reaction that he was looking forward to seeing. She was smiling wide, and her blue eyes seemed to be sparkling with happiness and excitement. Isaia could see as far as he could tell. Isaia heard her approval to go to the Yule Ball with him, as a date! He was so very excited! He could feel his heart racing in his chest, pumping so very loud, that she should hear it even if it was impossible to do. "Rivals or not, that shouldn't matter. I look forward to the Yule Ball. Probably have the best date in the whole school." It was a good sign for him to push forward to see if she liked him. She must have even just a bit to accept.
<FONT font="lucida"><COLOR color="black">Aphrodite was thankful that Isaia didn’t mind receiving hugs. She was a very cuddly person. If he ever intended to become her boyfriend one day he would have to get used to that. But if he didn’t mind already, well, that was already a thumbs up in his direction. He leaned over and place his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him for just a moment. ”The fact that you likes hugs makes you like ten times adorable you know?” Aphrodite admitted to him, her cheeks dusting a faint red. Her pale complexion made the redness easy to see too. The young cub tried tanning a few times, but the sun was sometimes too much. Aphrodite wasn’t a fan of the heat or warmer weather. Both bothered her quite a bit. So tanning could sometimes be difficult for her. A part of Aphrodite begun to wonder what Isaia’s home life was like. Did he live in a place that was always sunny or did he get some snow too? She knew that Italy was split in half for weather like that. The lower parts were really warm, and the upper parts were a lot colder. Aphrodite hadn’t known Isaia for a long time, but hopefully the more time they spent with one another, the more likely she would learn about his personal home life. If he wanted to know hers she would be willing to share as well. Right now she lived with her sister. Aphrodite used to live with Danielle Lefevre because the woman didn’t trust Alphonse to raise her. But Danielle’s new family weren’t the fondest of people like her. They seemed to distrust her. So Aphrodite made things easier for everyone and moved in with Alyssa. That wasn’t so bad either. Alyssa was a real sweetheart, and very motherly at times. It might be the inner Healer within her calling out or something. But Aphrodite liked it. Maybe if she brought Isaia over some time he could meet her. Chances were that the two would get along. Vincent, Aphrodite wasn’t one hundred percent sure about. He was a really nice guy, but she didn’t know him well enough to pretend like she knew how he would react to Isaia. Chances are he’d be too busy being all googly-eyed at Alyssa anyways. That man had a serious addiction to her sister. It was kind of cute, sort of funny, and sometimes worrisome for the poor man.

”I just hope that during our next game you don’t hit me with a bludger or anything. You look like you can really take a strong hit. Still, I’m proud of you. It’s so cool that we’re both on Quidditch teams!” Aphrodite hated those dang bludgers. They really hurt sometimes. Luckily though, during the past few games, the ball hogs were the ones that had the most problems. But that was their own fault for always wanting to be in possession of the Quaffle. Hopefully Isaia never really had that problem on his team. It was a bit frustrating at times. At least in Aphrodite’s opinion it was. What Isaia said next made her smile shyly. In fact she practically had to bite her lip to keep from giggling. Oooh he was so sweet! How is it she ended up meeting one of the cutest boys ever? Her, of all people? ”I definitely thinks it’s the other way around, I definitely have the best date. But I can't help but feel that...you could do so much better than me.” Aphrodite winked and rested her hands on her trim waist. She felt that it was true, he was the best date. He was considerate, he was cute, he was sweet, he was a Quidditch player...there was a lot of things. It made Aphrodite think about her future. She wanted to be a famous singer one day, hopefully Isaia didn’t mind being around her then whether it was as friends or as dates. Aphrodite liked him enough to have him be around for awhile. But a part of her felt like, she wasn't enough right now.
Isaia was relieved that she was not that uncomfortable with some hugs. He enjoyed hugs, and he was the lovable type of person. He loved to get some attention, and he was going to keep at it too. He looked down at the Gryffindor when she said that he liked hugs, and it made him ten times more adorable. Isaia laughed before he said, "Well, I didn't think that I could get any more adorable, but I was proved wrong." He blushed lightly, liking this new found confidence in himself. It had to be because of Aphrodite, how he felt like he could be himself with her, and how easily he could get along with her. He loved it. Plus he saw that she was blushing too, and it made him feel better. She looked even cuter when she was blushing. Isaia's arm had remained behind her, yet not touching her. He felt like he was somehow claiming her to the world, that this was his girl, and no one could get her. Isaia was happy right now anyway. He was happy that he was going to the ball with someone that was just amazing, and he was just happy that he was in Hogwarts, in Ravenclaw which was different from his entire clan of siblings. Isaia did not know much about her family, but he would love to learn about it. He knew that the Snow family were vast, and they were well-known. He heard his uncle talking about a fallen member of something a few years back. However Isaia would never question it, because he did not want to know much about his mother's side of the family. He was just now being raised around them, and they were awfully...they were just darker and creepier. Isaia was scared of them, but he hid behind his twin sisters. They were older than he was, so they could protect him and Sergios, whom seemed a lot more carefree and worry free. It was a good thing to be, as it was not normal for a child to not be like that.

The Ravenclaw boy looked down at his arms and wondered if he ever could hit a bludger at Aphrodite. He did not believe that he could simply because she was the one that he was having a crush on. However nothing like that counted on the pitch from what Kamaria had told him when he had asked. Finally he smiled, "If I do, it is because the captain tells me to, I promise. I am glad that we share a common interest in Quidditch though!" Sergios liked Quidditch, Isabella loved it, but Ostensia did not care for it so much. It might have been a good thing too, or else the rivalry would have been insane. Isaia knew that in the Quidditch games, everything was insane. He wasn't sure what was going on the previous game, but there were bad things going off, one at a time, all of it being horrible. Isaia was happy right now that everything was going perfectly, and he kept himself worrying over a game that has not even come. Isaia looked over at Aphrodite Snow, and he thought that he was lucking out so much. When she said that she had the best date, he blushed so heavily, it was difficult to tell that red was not his natural skin color. He did not think that he could do any better than her. She was just, she was his friend to him. "I doubt that I could. You are the biggest sweetheart I have ever met in the school. And you are awesome. So, to end all arguments, we have the best dates in the school." Could anyone say otherwise? Perhaps, but he was happy that she thought the same thing he did, just opposite. Isaia thought that today was perfect, and he never wanted it to end at all. It was too perfect to end. No one could ruin it, not even his sisters, or Krystin, or his evil old uncle. It was perfect.

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