Closed Harbour Lights

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
Audrey didn't want to go home just yet. It wasn't really that late, it felt later than it was with the early sunset. About dinner time, she supposed. Not that it mattered, nobody was home. She'd have to go find something to eat somewhere soon enough, but not right now. Now she clearly had more important things to do, like sitting on the edge of the harbour and kicking her legs in a steady rhythm, contemplating some more ideas for her notebook. She looked down where she'd written 'switchable wigs' and underlined it, but had not added anything further at this point. She sighed, leaning back to lie on the ground somewhat dramatically - which was probably not the best place to lie, but it was a statement of creative anguish - and looked up at whatever stars she could see. "Alright, stars," she mumbled, lifting her hand to her forehead. "Line up and give me inspiration. Or a wish. I'll take either."
Loki Styx managed to convince his father to reutrn to Hogwarts New Zealand once more. He knew that his dad was retiring, so he would feel less stressed to attend now. He went shopping on his own to receive his new school supplies. He needed a fair bit since he knew that both schools sort of required different authors and whatnot. He had his bag full of things, and once he was done, he sent it off with one of the family workers, and decided to get a drink to finish the evening on his own. He was going into his sixth year, so he had a little more responsibility than others in his family. Plus, he was sort of annoyed by some of the people at the other Hogwarts. Mainly, Theodore Nightray. He dismissed it when he saw a girl laying down... Talking to herself. Loki decided to approach, out of sheer curiosity - a fine trait for a Ravenclaw. He peered down at her with his icy blue eyes, "What are you doing?"
For a moment, Audrey wondered if perhaps she'd fallen asleep and this was, in fact, a dream. She lifted her torso up and rested on her elbows, looking up at the absolutely gorgeous boy with what she hoped was a coquettish smile - a word she had read recently and was attempting to embody. He looked somewhat familiar, but she couldn't exactly place it. Perhaps she had simply dreamed him up. "Agonising over my art," she drawled, breaking into a light giggle at the end of her sentence despite her attempt to be vaguely cool. "Creativity can be such a burden," she added, melodramatically. "Have we met? I feel like I've seen you before." She wondered whether to add a blatantly flirtatious line, but bit her tongue - especially since from the books she'd read, it was the man's job to do that.
Loki raised his eyebrow at her words, seeing as she was definitely giddy over something. Agonizing over art, and then said that creativity could be a burden. Loki was creative but probably not in the same way. She seemed familiar either way. Loki was just indifferent. The whole flirtatious thing fell short since he was very well unversed in such language and manners. "If you go to Hogwarts New Zealand, likely there. I transferred out for a year." Loki figured that might jog her memory a bit, though it wasn't like he got out often at all. He did not care enough to get out. "Loki Styx, a sixth year Ravenclaw as of now." Loki wondered if he should consider sitting down, or just remain standing. He would adapt, depending on what she would do overall.

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