Happy Days

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate made her way out of the common room down to the Great Hall,she was relieved that there was no magazine on any table and everything seemed normal.The latest magazine had said some hurtful things about people.It was totally unfair and she hated the fact that RHI was getting away with it.She didn't mind that she had been called a drama queen because even though she never liked to admit it she was one.It was a part of her that she didn't like and she did try her best not to let that side of her come through but a lot of the time she failed miserably.But no one was perfect and she didn't appreciate that her flaws were written for the whole school to see.What she had been p!ssed at first time was that she was accused of faking a disease.Also they had made fun of Stefan's family's life which was cruel.This issue hand't been too bad though she wondered did RHI had a grudge against some people.Maybe they were unhappy in life and wanted to make other people unhappy or else they just did it for enjoyment which was sick to Kate.She sat down at the Hufflpuff table and poured herself some cereal,once she was finished the cereal she poured out some pumpkin juice and when this was finished she got an apple and headed outside.

The days were much warmer and Kate was able to got out in just a t-shirt.It was weird to think that Halloween was soon,usually she associated Halloween,with falling leaves and darker nights.It was strange that the leaves were turning greener and the nights longer.She wasn't sure which one was better.She had her costume picked already.It was original in a way but a lot of time had gone into it.She was looking forward to wearing it.The sun was shinning on her face and she wished she had brought a hat or sunglasses.She made her way down to the lake.There were lots of people walking around and chatting,Kate wondered how all her friends were doing,she had spoken to them in a while and she hoped everything was okay.She made her way down to the big tree that was beside the lake.Luckily no one was sitting there so Kate sitted herself down and gazed out at the lake
Samual Pace Kaster was bright eyed and bushy tailed when he woke up on this fine morning. The sun was up, shining brightly in the sky and the air was warm, slightly sweet smelling, he wasn't sure why, maybe it was the cologne he was wearing? Probably, he did like to smell nice. Strawberries, oh yes. Strawberry scented Samual continued to skip his way towards the lake, that big large pile of water that sat sparkley as ever across from the castle, it would be too much to ask Samual to not go to the lake, he loved it so much, but he didn't like swimming in it, for starters he would no longer smell like strawberries, his favourite fruit, but he wasn't the best of swimmers either, in fact, when he went swimming, it was more like drowning, except he would never get past his waist, so he would awkwardly splash at the shallow end of the water, looking quite lonely. No-one wanted that! He was super excited, for absolutely no reason, he just felt like today he could fly, without a broom. Even though he was aware of what had been happening around the school, very aware indeed, especially with that magazine floating around, he shuddered slightly, people had been coming up to him, asking about his sister, the Gryffindor found it really awkward, because he had a strong loyalty to his sister, but felt rather intimidated by the people, demanding that they knew where she was. It was really stupid, actually, since Gryffidnor was no-longer in minus, and even if they had that extra thirty points, they wouldn't be in the lead. Some people just had to build a bridge and get over it, though he was more than cautious about the fact that if the writer spoke about his sister, they could very well speak about him, and judging by some of those stories, like the ones that included the Professors, they weren't afraid to make up random crap to make the magazine look good. It was sad really, having to waste your time on something like a gossip magazine, but then again, how pathetic was he for reading it? Sure it was nautral curiosity, especially after seeing the word 'Kaster' mentioned in it, but he still found it annoying that he folded so quickly. He smiled at some students as he walked past them, they didn't all smile back, but he didn't care, he didn't live on smiles people gave him, he lived on going smiles to people. He smiled as he saw the smelt the sweet smells of the nearby Rosebush. Flowers never failed to make Sammy a very happy boy indeed, which was probably why he was practically married to the Rosebush, it was always very nice and pretty, and the sentiment behind it was beautiful, the whole story of it being planted there was wonderful to him and he thought it very nice and considerate. He only hoped that there wouldn't have to be any more memorials like that one around the school, that would just be a tragidy, he wouldn't know what to do with himself if one of his friends was taken like that, during their school life, like Ben... Samual shook his head, his thoughts were straying, he must focus on happier thoughts, like skipping stones on the lake, he wasn't very good at it, but it was always worth a shot, right?

He looked around and rolled up the sleeves of his light jacket. It was a warm day and the sun was beaming down on him, but he wasn't sweating, and he wasn't overly hot, mainly because of the breeze that blew lightly in the air, it was comforting to the orphan as he looked out on the horizon. He smiled and then looked around on the ground for a good size rock so it would skip along the water. That was when his emerald eyes found a girl sitting all by herself by the lake. To Sammy, she looked awful lonely, so he shrugged and started off to her, sitting down beside her and flashing her a happy smile. That was when he recognised her from that horrible little magazine, he frowned slightly, he felt like giving her a hug, and that was exactly what he did. Sammy softly pulled the girl, whom he only knew as Kate Moon, into a warm hug, then realised her. "I'm sorry about that horrible magazine." He explained with a small nod. "And you seemed like you needed a big hug." He added, running his hand through his curly hair. "Anyway, I'm Samual kaster, but you can call me Sammy." He finished, deciding that it was now time for him to let her know who the hell he was, and why he had just randomly hugged her.
Kate was lost in her own thoughts.She liked these moments where she could just think.It was helpful because school life wasn't exactly stress or time free.Since it was early in the year she hadn't bothered with much studying but she knew once the holidays were over it would be crunch time.Kate didn't like studying,it was boring and there would be plenty of other things she could be doing instead.But once it came nearer she knew she could have to get off her lazy butt and actually study.Kate looked out across the lake again,she always wondered what is down beneath the murky surface.Kate loves to swim but the thought of all those creatures in the water.Kate was an avid swimmer,she had been swimming since she was three.She loves to swim in the ocean,especially with big waves,with out waves it's just not fun.Kate has always been a water baby.Swimming has always been her favorite hobby other then music.She is an excellent swimmer.Some people were paddling in the lake.Kate probably would have only she was wearing her new white converse.She loved her new shoes and she was doing her best to keep them clean.

She was looking out over the lake when somebody sat beside her.He had a huge smile on his face and Kate immediately liked him..What totally surprised her was when he hugged her,after a few confused moments she decided to hug him back.Kate smiled "It's grand,I'm used to it by now"She said,who ever this kid was she liked him.He was really nice and unlike a lot of strangers he actually sympathized with her.Which was a welcomed change. "Yeah I kind of did"She admitted,he had some head of hair.It suited him but if Kate had hair like that she would probably burn it off trying to straighten it. "Nice to meet you Sammy,I'm Kate by the way not Branch"She said smiling.
Samual laughed quietly when Kate finally hugged him back, he was glad that she didn't freak or anything, it was just a hug, it wasn't like he planted one on her or anything, so it was completely fine in his eyes. He nodded and smiled, it was good that she wasn't too upset about the issue of the magazine, wasn't it, like, the second time she was written about? It didn't seem fair, she seemed so nice, she didn't seem too dramatic right now, he had met far more dramatic people than this girl, so he didn't understand the silly magazine at all, not that he really took notice of what it said, because it seemed like such rubbish. Samual could be gullible, but he wasn't a complete idiot, he wasn't stupid enough to listen to a gossip magazine that was written by someone that didn't have the guts to show their faces to the people they hurt, it was weak. But with that being said, if anything of him was written in there, he would be devastated, hecouldn't really take insults very well, not at all. But he found it sad that Kate was actually used to being insulted and teased in such a public way, the things they said were so personal and they did it in such a public way, while they got to hide behind the name RHI, which wasn't really a name at all, unless they name was Rhilea or something, but he doubted it. The person didn't seem gutsy enough to leave part of their name behind on their own horrible little magazine. Maybe the writer was that horrible girl he met a few days ago, though probably not,orshe probably wouldhave written how she managed to bring him to tears with relative ease. He than nodded, some of his fluffy, strawberry scented curls falling in front of his face, he rolled his emerald eyes and pulled them back into position. Everything his curls looked super fluffy,they actually didn't knot like people thought they would, when he ran his fingers through it, they never felt any resistence, maybe it was theconditioner he used, or his hair was just so nice that it didn't want to knot. That would be really funny if it were true, but he doubted it was true, it just seemed too ludicrous, although, stranger things have happened to the young Gryffindor.

"Yeah, I saw you sitting all by yourself, you looked really lonely. So I thought I would come over and say hello." He explained, there was no reason to hide anything, this girl seemed so nice, she didn't deserve to be teased. Not in the slightest. Nice people shouldn't have bad thing happen to them, it wasn't right. He laughed when she told him her name wasn't really Branch, she didn't look like a tree, in fact, he actually had no idea why she was called 'Branch' it didn't seem to make much sense at all. "Don't worry. I didn't think your name was Branch. You don't look like a tree." He said jokingly, his dimples showing on his soft face.
Happy Days
Kate couldn't remember the last time she had received hug.She had been in her old world lately that she hadn't even noticed how much she had missed her friends.They all had their own problems of course,Tara with her screwed up engagement,Stefan with his family life and she guessed the same would probably go for Jake.Kate hadn't seen Willow in ages so she didn't know what the story with her was.They were her closest friends.She just hadn't really talked to anyone else.She did have the pleasure of meeting Danielle the other day,the girl always made her smile and it had been nice to see her after so long.She missed Stefan the most.She did after all love him and she hadn't seen him in so long and she hoped he was okay.The brunette couldn't remember the last time she had spoken to someone new.Well there was the one time with Aretmis and Christopher but that had just ended up in disaster,due to her having a stupid panic attack half way through the conversation.That had been one of the highlights in the first edition of the Rumor Has It.The only reason she had refused to go to the hospital wing was that she knew there was nothing they could do.The flipping best muggle doctors in the U.K couldn't do anything,someone from America had to come.All she could do was keep a paper bag with her at all times.Also have a supply of painkillers with her and a pack f tissues.They had been her essentials last year.

Kate laughed "That was nice of you"She said meaning it.Most people wouldn't have even given her a second glance,she appreciated the fact that he took the time to say hello.Kate still looked sick,weight wise.She was doing her best to pile up on the weight but it was a slow progress.She hated the way she felt weak sometimes because of her lack of fat.Her immune system wasn't the best either because it was still recovering but she knew come a year or a year and a half she would look much better.Luckily she had gotten as thin as she had been in second year.That year still gave her shivers.She had been nothing more then a branch that year.RHI probably thought they were so funny giving her that nickname. Kate smiled "No I don't but I guess I did look like one in second year"she said sighing.Who ever wrote the magazine most have some memory to remember all that long ago.She almost felt as if she had a stalker,watching her every move but that was unlikely to say the least.She did wonder where the got the pictures though.His surname sounded familiar,she was almost sure she had either read it or heard of it before.Then it struck her "Is your sister Tamilia Kaster?"She asked curiously.
Nice. A word that was often used to describe Samual, which was how he liked it, because he was nice. He often did random acts of kindness for people he felt needed it, he liked to give and in return he felt good, and right now, Kate looked like she needed to stay for dinner with his oldest sister, Lisa, cooking. Though Lisa would probably be shocked by her size and try to spoon feed her, henoted that she was quite thin, since that illness he couldn't remember the spelling, or pronunciation of, was probably true, it was understandable, he doubted he would have been able togo through something like that and come out relatively healthy, and then face a magazine that called him a 'branch' and a drama queen, or probably drama king would be more appropriate for him. He smiled and shrugged. "Maybe you're part tree, never know." He joked, he was quite sure that his face told her that he was joking.

Samual nodded slowly, he was indeed Tamalia's brother, obviously her younger brother, as Tamalia was a sixth year and it was quite obvious that Samual was not a seventh year. But he couldn't help but wonder how Kate knew his sister, had she actually met her? If so, did they get along? Did she secretly hate Tama and wished her death because she can be a horrible person? It was a strong possibility, Tamalia was a closed book, and when she did meet people, she would allow herself to be run by her emotions, causing many people to think she was either crazy, a horrible person, or a troublemaker, which were probably all true, but Sammy was her little brother, he had loyalites to her. Then again, maybe she knew Tamalia's name because of that odd little magazine, that was probably more reasonable. He smiled weakly, unless she caught Tamalia on a really good day, she may think of her as a horrible troublemaker hell-bent on destroying Gryffindors chances of winning the house cup, though he was quite sure Kate was a Hufflepuff, if memory served, which meant she'd probably be very happy about Tamalia's antics. "Yeah, I'm her little brother." He stated, begining to think about her for a few minutes, deciding that he should jump to her defence, because he doubted Kate knew her personally enough to think of her as a 100% good humanbeing. "Do you know her because of that dreadful magazine?" He asked. "Because she doesn't get in trouble all the time, and she's not as mean as she seems."Okay, so the last seven words could be questioned, but he wasn't about to say that his sister was the worst person in existence, and when she was happy and comfortable she could be quite nice, to some people.
Kate shivered slightly,even though it was quite warm she was still skinny and skinny people didn't have a very good immune system,she was eating as much as she could but she had to be careful,she couldn't eat too much but she needed to get her body back into shape especially for the up coming quidditch match.She needed to be at her best for the match.She hoped they would win,she felt as if they had been cheated last year,technically they should have won but that was only in Kate's mind.Slytherclaw had won fair and square and there was nothing Kate could do about it except get on with it and focus on the up coming game.She had been practicing on her broom though she couldn't stay on it for long,she often was sort of breath or else she just felt weak.There was no way she was getting off her broom during the match,she would have to be practically falling off the broom to be brought out of the game,until anything like that happened she was sticking to the game.Kate laughed "Maybe"She said,wow this kid was good at making her feel better,too bad there weren't more people like Sammy in the world,it would be a much better place to live.

Kate watched his face as various emotions passed by it,he seemed almost conflicted. "Everything okay?"She asked hesitantly,he seemed to be think about various things,she wondered what he was thinking about.Kate's eyebrows rose "I don't know her personally in fact I've never even met her,I just remembered the last name from the magazine"She said wiping a piece of hair off her face "Well I can't really say anything to that because I don't know her"She said shrugging her shoulders.She leaned back against the tree and closed her eyes for a few seconds,she opened then after a few moment "What year are you in?"She asked curiously,he was definitely not in her year and he didn't look older then her.Maybe a third or fourth year.
Samual tilted his head as Kate shivered, she was very little, and the cool breeze that was coming in from the lake might have been enough to cause this, Sam didn't really think about the weather, because he rarely got cold, and if he was hot, he would just go swimming in the lake to cool down. He chewed on his lower lip and nodded, Kate needed to stay warm or she could catch a really bad cold and be sick, since she had just recovered from something horrible, he was quite sure she didn't need any other illnesses anytime soon, so, he took off his light blue jacket and gave it to her, because he was warm, the inside of the jacket was warm, and it also smelt of strawberries since that was the smell of his cologne that he always wore, since strawberries were the best smell known to the young Gryffindor, he would try his best to surround himself in it. He smiled kindly, Kate needed the jacket far more than he did, he didn't even have goosebumps, while she was sitting there shivering. Sammy was one of those people that would happily give away his jacket to someone he had just met, just 'cause he could and if worse came to worst, he could easily get the jacket back from Kate later, they lived in the same castle after all, it wasn't like she lived a million miles away, all he had to do was talk to her later, maybe go to the Hufflepuff common room entry and wait for her, but he doubted that Kate would run off with his jacket and actually get away, she seemed so thin, Sam was not the most athletic guy going, he didn't like having to run, he preferred to fly more than actually use his feet, but he was quite sure he'd catch Kate before she ran out of sight, he wasn't that unfit. "Here, have my jacket." He explained, so she wasn't wondering why he had randomly taking off his jacket and giving it to her. "It'll keep you nice and warm," he than smirked. "Oh, and you might smell like strawberries too!" He added. What a fantabulous bonus for Kate, if she liked strawberries, if she didn't, it might not be so fantabulous at all.

Sammy nodded understandingly, in actual fact, that was what originally caught his eye to the magazine, seeing his last name mentioned, at first he had a miniature heart attack about it, but then figured out that it was nothing serious, and it was not horrible lies about him or his sister, Tama, in fact, it had been surpirsingly correctconsidering how incorrect all the other stories seemed to be, though the one with the Ravenclaw seemed quite true, since he had actually fainted during Defence Against the Dark Arts one time and Sam tried to wake him up, but it didn't work, he wasn't sure what Professor Styx did after he left the classroom. He snapped back to the conversation. "Oh yes, I'm fantabulous, thankyou." He reassured, often being swept away by his thoughts and feelings during conversation. He nodded again, she'd never met Tama, which he was kind of grateful for since Tamalia had been on the rocks lately. "The small caption in the magazine was actually true." He stated with a small nod. "Tamalia and her friend had gone out one night, and got caught for it by the deputy-" who also happened to be Samual's favourite Professor, but Tamalia''s least favourite, they often had arguments about him and his teaching skills. "Who was not impressed and she lost a lot of point for Gryffindor." He saind with a small nod. "So she wasn't popular with Gryffindor for awhile, but everyone eventually got over it, now it's just Slytherin and Hufflepuff we need to watch out for." He finished, with a playful glare in Kate's direction, seeing as he knew her to be a Hufflepuff, which sort of made her a rival of his, though he didn't really see all the points stuff in that sort of way, if he did, he'd have... one friend? He didn't really know many Gryffindors, which was sort of sad now that he thought about it, his old roommate left the school so he was basically by himself now when it came to Gryffindor comrades. He smiled, he had been at Hogwarts for three full years, coming to his fourth, which he thought was very exciting. "I'm in Fourth year." He stated, his mind going to Halloween because of the spooky looking branch looming over a little bush, a smile played on his face. Halloween was the best, it was a holiday that gave him the excuse to dress up and eat candy all the time, it was just fantabulous.
Sammy was definitely a sweet heart.His aura of happiness just spread and clung on to her.Everything about him just screamed fun and happiness.She used to be like that,she had practically been smiling all the time but the various events changed that.She had changed as a person also,she wasn't as naive anymore and she just didn't smile as much either.It was kind of sad really but some people went through a lot more the her in life.She just wouldn't complain about her life because even though it had had it's ups and downs,she still had friends and family and someone who loved her,what more could you wish for?Some people had no love in the world and that must feel truly horrible,that is one of the worst case scenarios Kate can ever imagine for her life,being alone with no one loving or caring for you.Kate shuddered again,this time not so much from the cold.Kate looked up when she felt something soft brush her arm,Sammy was giving her his jacket,probably saw her shiver. "Wow thank you so much"She said warmly,putting on the jacket.She could smell the strawberries.Kate loved strawberries,they were so sweet and juicy,they also represented summer for her. "We will both be smelling wonderful then"She said grinning,wrapping the jacket tightly around her.It was nice and warm from when he had previously been wearing it. "Are you sure you won't be cold?"She asked worried,she felt bad also because she had only been thinking of herself.

Kate laughed,that was an awesome word he had just used "Fantabulous,I'm afraid I'm gonna have to start using that now also"She said.The word just suited his personality perfectly,Kate wondered what word suited her personality.It had somewhat changed over the past three years,she wasn't really sure who she was anymore.Kate didn't like feeling this way because she had always been sure of herself.Even though she had recovered(mostly) from the past three years,she still hadn't fully recovered mentally,Micheal's death and Stefan hadn't helped either but hopefully she would be back to normal soon.Kate thought she had heard something like that,it had helped the Hufflepuff's become leaders on the House Points board but now the SLytherin's had passed them out,she hoped they regained their title as leaders,she would love for them to win the House Cup,winning the quidditch would be a bonus also.Kate grinned at his playful glare "Us Hufflepuffs can be competitive when we want to be"She said still grinning.A lot of people thought Hufflepuffs were a bunch of scaredy cats ,not cunning ,smart r adventurous at all but they could be all these things when they wanted to.Sometimes that wrong perception of them could come in handy at time. "OWLs next year so,hopefully I'll be having a small bit of a rest then"She said smiling,she meant both in her studies and her health.She wasn't sure if she would be able to set foot in a hospital again "Are you going to the quidditch?"She asked curiously
Samual beamed happily as Kate put on his jacket, it was a relief for him because he didn't want her catching a cold or something and be bed ridden for days, especially so close to exams. "You're welcome." He said, looking out at the lake that was responsible for the cool breeze that was giving Kate the shakes. Usually Sammy liked lakes, but not when they made his friends sad, absolutely never. He was over the moon when it turned out that Kate like strawberries, just like him, it would have been horrible if she were dangerously allergic to strawberries and suffered from a really bad reaction, Sammy would feel terrible if he caused Kate to be even sicker than she already was, just because he gave her a jacket, it would really ruin the happy and friendly mood that was quickly building between them, it was a comfortable feeling, making a friend, and Samual loved the feeling so much, which was probably why he only chose to see the good in others and overlooked the warts in their personality that everyone seemed to have, even Samual himself had a few warts, but they were so deep down within him, it was like they didn't exist anymore. "Yes! We can spread the smell of strawberries all over the place." He said in a determined voice. "Hopefully no-one is allergic to the scent, or I would feel horrible." He confessed, he always used Strawberry scented condition and cologne and such, it would be horrible if he had to give it up because soemone was allergic, he would happily stop using it, but he wouldn't be over the moon about it. He smiled when Kate asked if he would be okay, of course he would be okay, he was bigger than her, he would be completely fine. "Oh no I'll be fine, don't worry. You need that jacket far more than I do." He explained. 'I can get it back from you at any time, it's okay." He reassured.

Samual laughed with Kate as she commented on his favourite word in the world. Fantabulous. One day he and his brother Ben were sitting around mixing words together. Timothy and Jim= Jimothy. Wonderful and fantastic= Fantasderful. Cheerful and Happy= Happiful. And then they reached Fabulous and Fantastic, and came up with Fantabulous. Samual loved the word so much he asked if he could use it all the time and Ben said he could. It was the best memory of Ben he had, all the rest included other people, other people that missed Ben just as much as he does, and it would always dampen his mood if he thought of those memories, but that one was just him and Ben out in the meadow, laughing and genuinely having a great time just hanging out and marrying off words, and then arguing what word was the wife and what word was the husband. He smiled at the thought before being pulled back to reality by Kate continuing. He nodded and smiled "You can use it if you wish to, it really is a great word." He explained. And it had so much sentiment, even if Kate never realised this, her using that word really touched Sammy, because more people would hear it and it would remind him of a happier time more often, it was so comforting. He nodded, OWLs sounded scary, he wasn't sure if he wanted to do them, maybe he could drop out or something, because he didn't feel that he was ready for something like that. "OWLs sound so scary." He admitted. "I mean, they sound so hard and everything, I don't know what I'll do when I reach them." He then thought about Kates final question. It was a really good one. He had seen international Quidditch games, because of Jack being a crazy Quidditch player and fan and all, but he had not really liked watching the school Quidditch matches, they were crazy. "I don't like the school Quidditch games, to be honest." He explained. "I mean, I have never cheered for anyone, because he houses are colours to me, and everyone gets so upset at them, I really hate the yelling and the negativity of the whole experience." He admitted, with a small nod. ":And since I have never been able to cheer for anyone, I don't see the point of going to a place I don't like, because my sister doesn't play, and my firneds don't." An idea then floated through his head and he smiled slightly. "Can I cheer for you?" He asked, Kate played Quiddtich, and he alreayd considered her a friend. "When you play?"
Sammy was so innocent,he looked like he couldn't even hurt a fly.Sometime being naive can be great but then it can just be a trap for getting hurt.That's what had happened her,she had been brought up in a world where everything was good and safe.She had never paid attention to the stories on the news.She had never had any problems at school.She had grown up oblivious to the world around her.All her close older relatives had died before she had been born so she had never been at a funeral before.She had had it easy.Some people had lived through suffering.Close relations dying,abusive parents.Life just sucking for them but Kate had grown up happy and oblivious to everyone elses suffering.She had suffered until she had started second year in Hogwarts,te first day actually.She had been prepared she had never felt betrayal,shock or hurt before.That was why she had such a bad reaction to Stefan's attitude.Something had snapped,something that had caused her to react so badly.Kate smiled at Smamy beside her,she just hoped he was okay "If you ever need help just send me an owl or come to me.Okay?"She said suddenly,she didn't want anything to happen to him,she had this awfully feeling that someone would target him,she didn't know where it came from,maybe past experience or something. "Sorry,just felt the need to say that for some reason"She said her cheeks slightly red.It had just come out but she did hope he took note of it. Kate laughed "Someone allergic to strawberries,that must be terrible,never being able to eat these would be awfully"She said,putting her head into the jacket and smelling the lovely strawberry smell.It reminded her of a shampoo she used to use "I used to use a shampoo that smelled like strawberries,I must get Mam to send me it"She said snuggling the jacket tightly around her.It was nice and warm from him and she was feeling ,much better."Okay thanks though"She said grinning.

It was a perfect word for someone who likes to be happy and hyper.Kate was certainly going to use it to spread the love around the dark corners of the school.She hated seeing people sad and lonely,it was a horrible thing to see and sometime if Kate had the time she would either comfort someone or just smile and say hello to some,to make the feel better.The world could be so dreary and sad a lot of the times,it need happiness and some light because realistically people would much prefer to be happy or sad unless you are the opposite. "It might make a few people's day a bit brighter"She said smiling happily.Her mood had really lifted "Well they are inevitable and really they are just exams,no need to take them too seriously"She said,she wasn't sure if she would ever need them,her career lay with music not with magic though it was going to be a handy thing to have when she left the school and started her own life.Kate nodded,that could ruin the game sometimes.Some people just got way to competitive and ruined the game for everybody else.It always happened when she played rounders at home,they all just got into massive fights about the rules and what was in and out.Kate was surprised by his next question,she was really touched though,no one had ever asked that "Of course you can,that would be great.It will be nice to know someone is cheering for me"She said smiling
Samual smiled slightly as Kate seemed to be thinking of something. Sometimes during conversations, Samual would go off into La-la-land and the person he was speaking with would either point it out, or wait patiently for him to come back to reality, and he decided that he would do the latter, because it was embarrassing when someone pointed out that you were seemingly daydreaming during conversation. When Kate finally spoke, Samual was confused slightly. What was she talking about? He chewed his lip, trying to see if he was giving off any 'I'm sad' vibes or something that would bring that on. Sure, most of the time he buried his feelings to the extent that he would totally ignore the fact that he was upset and continue running around and trying to have a good time, but no-one had picked up on that yet, and there was nothing wrong with acting happy, not in his oppinion. Sure, a few days ago he had a seriousality check in one of the worst ways possible, but he was trying to not think about that, he planned to see a Professor soon about it, and he was sure that he didn't seem sad, he wasn't acting sad, Sammy thought he was acting particularly cheerful. "Okay, I'll remember that." He answered, hoping that he wasn't giving off sad vibes to Kate. When she explaiend herself, he nodded slowly, so did that mean that he wasn't giving off sad vibes? He laughed it off, in a serious attempt to get past this lull in the conversation. "It's okay'll try to remember what you said." He smiled and hoped that that was enough to carry the conversation, hopefully away from his feelings and onto something more stable.

Samual nodded in strong agreement. "I agree, I would be so upset if I was allergic to strawberries." He confessed, in all honesty, he couldn't think of life without strawberries, no matter how pathetic that seemed. He nodded once again. "Yeah, or borrow some off someone, but I don't know how many people have strawberry scented shampoo..." He added as an afterthought. "Any time." He smiled at the thought of the word he and his brother created making peoples days brighter, he hoped that was true, it was such a lovely word. "Yeah, I think that was what we were trying to do, make life happier with one word." He explained, completely forgetting that Kate would have no idea who 'we' was, but he didn't think about it, probably because he tried his best t not mention Ben by name in coversaion, it would bring back what he had lost. He laughed slightly. "Exams that could either ruin my educational path, or help it." He corrected. Sam was somewhat carefree, but he saw the seriousness in exams, evens older see the importance of exams, which was what also seperated him from his siblings, and his brown hair, though much to his relief, Hamish and Bethany both had brown hair, which was comforting to the Gryffindor. He nodded, he'd do it, he would go and cheer for Kate the next Quidditch match. "Now I actually have something to do." He joked, admittedly, around Quidditch time, Samual could be found in the Library, being a study-bug because he had nothing else to do.
Kate was a protective person.She would stand up for anyone even if she didn't know them.It was in her nature.She just loved helping and protecting people.It was part of who she was and she was proud of the fact that she knew she would help anyone in need.She worried about her family also.Whenever they are at the beach when the sea is rough she would always be terrified that someone would get thrown around by the waves.She herself would sometimes be wary of the sea even though it was her favorite thing to go swimming with the waves.But sometimes when you are in the sea and you can feel the powerful undercurrent of the waves sucking you out to see and the huge waves crashing into you.It just showed how small and insignificant you were to something as large and vast as the ocean.But the ocean was Kate's first love.She absolutely adored the sea.She could spent up to an hour to an hour and a half in the sea though on a colder day that was usual less because she wold be purple by the time she came out.She could see that she had confused the poor boy but she really wanted him to understand.It wasn't that he was implying he needed any help it was just an instinct on Kate's part.Her gut instinct usually turned out right and it was telling her to say that to him in general if he needed any help.Kate would feel better if she knew someone was there to look out for her. "That's great"She said smiling.She felt better now and more at ease.

"I wouldn't mind being allergic to mushrooms,the smell and look weird"Kate said scrunching up her nose.She usually wasn't much of a fussy eater but some vegetables her taste buds really didn't like. Vegetables like turnip,parsnips and one her mother was particularly fond of celaric.It smelt horrible and it had a very distinctive smell.Her mam put it into every dish "It adds flavor" is what she would always say and personally Kate would probably prefer the meal with out the added flavor.She appreciated the gesture of the jacket.She was definitely feeling much warmer and the smell of strawberries was very pleasant. "You'd be surprised"Kate said raising her eyebrows in thought.She had definitely used strawberry shampoo before she just couldn't remember when.Kate didn't know who "we" was but she decided not to say anything as if he wanted to tell her who it was he was speaking about he would tell her himself. "It's a good idea,wanna have another go?"She asked grinning.She would love making up new words. "True,but just a small bit of study every night and you will be getting all Os"She said smiling encouragingly.She had never been a good studier.She hated sitting down doing the same thing for two to three hours.She preferred doing writing work to learning and that was usually how she studied.She would write it out and keep saying it over and over in her head.She wasn't sure if that was the proper way but that was the way Kate did it ad she found that it worked."I was never really into quidditch but I decided I needed to do some exercise,so I tried out for the team last year.I was the only girl"Kate said remembering her first try-out.She had been so nervous and to make matters worse she had been the only girl to try for the team but since both gryffindors and hufflepuffs had been playing together ,all the chasers happened to be female.So it hadn't been too bad. "So you've never been into quidditch them?"She asked
Samual nodded and let the topic slide away. It was no longer really needed in the conversation, otherwise this might turn into a whole heart-to-heart tearfest that would leave both of them red in the face. It was such a nice day and that wasn't really needed, not right now. A small breeze still hung in the air, as the sun started to set, so lovely this lake was, who ever decided to make this school was a genius, because they chose the best place ever to enable childrens learning. Sammy nodded in agreement, mushrooms weren't very nice at all, Ben told him once that they were fungus! Sammy didn't want to eat fungus! That was totally disgusting! "I agree, they look weird, and taste weird and sound weird." He explained. In actual fact, Samual rarely at vegetables, much to the distain of his older sister, who insisted that it would help him grow. In Samual's opinion, he was growing just fine without vegetables Samual shrugged slightly. "Well, I don't think I know anyway that has strawberry scented shampoo." He stated, but then shook his head. "Not that I go around asking people what shampoo they use on a regular basis!" He added quickly, realising that his previsous statement sounded a little weird. Sam's features brightened ten-fold, if that was even possible for the young Gryffindor. Kate wanted to make words with him! That was so fantabulous! He decided that he'd start with two names, because names were easier to smoosh together than two words. "Okay, how about... Spaghetti and... Noodles!" He annouced, thinking of a combination. "Spagoodles..." He muttered quickly. He wasn't entirely sure if he'd eat something called 'Spagoodles', but the word did cause him to smile a little, it sounded pretty funny.

Sammy chuckled slightly. "I've been doing that, a lot, it's really crazy... I don't usually study, but this year I feel I have to.' He explained. The last few years, Samual had been wondering in a dream-like state, he just managed to pass exams and he didn't want to end up like Tamalia, so he was really knuckling down and doing his classes and homework as best he could, because Lisa let Tamalia's behaviour slide, if Samual even thought about being remotely like her, Lisa would throw him through a wall for sure. Samual nodded, he had considered many times to try out for the Quidditch team, but every time he would decide last minute that he wasn't going to. Though he never had the problem of being the only boy there, since a lot of boys seemed to play Quidditch. Though the exercise aspect of it was understandable, Samual admittedly did little exercise these days, unless you counted climbing half a lmillion stairs every day, but they left him half dead every time because he'd get so tired. One of these days someone was going to have to carry him down the stairs to stop him from toppling over from exhaustion. Samual thought about his answer before he gave it. It was a little complicated, he liked Quidditch, and had always wanted to play, but he was quite sure he wouldn't enjoy playing the game, he was more of a cheering person, not a player. H emuch preferred to cheer for others than to do it himself. "Well... I do like it, and sometimes I watch my brother Jack play when he's on tour in New Zealand and I'm allowed to go, but otherwise? I don't really have much to do with it at all." He explained. When Jack became a Beater for the Chudley Canons, Sammy was so proud, and the added fact that he was a Beater meant that he had a stick to protect him from those nasty bludgers, though Samual wasn't a fan of his only older brother hit bludgers at other people, he had to, it was part of his job, and he was paid to do it. "I mean, he's my brother, I have to watch him play whenever I have the time, what sort of person would I be if I refused to make gigantic signs and cheer for him?" Though it sounded like a question, it was more of a retorical one, because he wasn't questioning his person, he knew he was considered nice and super friendly, and he liked being known as 'the nice guy', it was far better than being known as 'the mean guy' or 'the scary dude' wasn't it?

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