Hannah Aurelious

Hannah Aurelious

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OOC First Name
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Once I walked a lonely road
Had no one to share my love
Full Name: Hannah Arlene Aurelious
Pronunciation: h ah - n ah; ah r l ee n; Ohr eh l ee uh ss
Nicknames: Mum, Anna
Name Origins: Hannah It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Hannah is "He (God) has favored me". Biblical: mother of the prophet Samuel. Being barren, she asked God to bless her with a child, and her prayer was answered. Hence, the name literally means "God has graced me with a son".
Arlene Modern coinage of unclear origin. Possibly feminine form of Arlen, from Irish Gaelic meaning "pledge, promise". Or possibly a coinage based on Marlene or Charlene. Made famous in the 1950s by American actress and beauty columnist Arlene Dahl. Actress Arlene Francis.
Date of Birth: January 20th, 1996
Current Age: Currently forty</FONT>
But then you came and showed the way
And now I hope you're here to stay

Basic Appearance: Hannah is slightly taller then average for her heritage, but this is not abnormal. She is fair skinned and has hazel eyes. She has light brown hair and she is almost always smiling.
Personality: Hannah is really down to earth and mostly always happy. Even when she is upset or in pain, she always has a smile on her face, at least in front of her children. She is, however, fiercely loyal to her family and does not hesitate to defend them until her last breath. Even if they are in the wrong, Hannah will always be on her children's side as she believes that is the job of a mother to always look after her children, no matter how old they might be. Hannah is of the opinion that as she was unable to have children of her own, the universe wanted her to adopt as many homeless kids as possible and so that was what she ended up doing. She loves kids and she loves being surrounded by family.
Family: Vincent Aurelious | Husband | Deceased
Fayt Aurelious | Son | 24
Gabrylle Aurelious | Daughter | 24
Deme Aurelious | Son | Deceased
Yue Aurelious | Daughter | 13</SIZE></SIZE>
You give me light
You are my day

Pets: Hannah does not allow any pets in the house. Though Fayt had a snake at one stage. Hannah wouldn't be surprised if there weren't hidden animals all over the house.
School: Hannah attended Hogwarts Scotland - Hufflepuff.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Heritage: English/New Zealander
Interests or Hobbies: Hannah is interested in animals and most anything else that interests her family.
Strengths: Blending in.
Weaknesses: Obsessively protective.</SIZE></SIZE>
You give me life
</i>And that's right

Describe your character in five words: Protective, Obsessive, Happy, Creative, Intelligent.
Best school subjects: History of Magic, Charms and Potions
Worst school subjects: Transfiguration and Flying
Current Job: Housewife.
Plans for the future: Make sure her children are happy.
Patronus: Hannah's patronus is a dog.
Patronus memory: Hannah's patronus memory is of the first piece of magic she ever cast.
Boggart: Hannah is deathly afraid of snakes, but she tries her hardest to like them for the sake of her eldest son.
Animagus: Hannah's animagus would be a dog.

<COLOR color="#000">Lonely age of uncertainty
</i>They disappear when you're near me

<FONT font="verdana">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "My Life Is Right" by Big Star.​
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