Hanging Out With The Owls

Erik Johnson

Active Member
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Inches Essence of Wood Rose
It was another typical winter day for the Hufflepuff. With the cold breeze and the snow, it would be torture to go outside without wearing any thick clothing. But going out wasn’t what Erik Johnson had in mind. He preferred to stay inside like any other sane person and eat chocolates and relax or maybe take a long nap. With the cold weather like this, sleeping would be a very good decision but with his ADHD, it would be difficult for him to lie down in bed while waiting for himself to fall asleep. The first option was much more agreeable and so he took a Hershey milk chocolate bar from his front pocket and tore away its opening by his teeth. He looked around to check if anyone was looking and when he was sure none was, he spit the small plastic thingy on the ground and took a huge bite from the bar. One thing about chocolates is that they divinely melt in your mouth for a couple of seconds unlike those rubbish hard covered candies that will take almost eternity to melt and the eater won’t have any choice but the chew its hard body.

Erik stood silently on the fourth floor corridor as he tapped his foot, wondering where he’d relax. Just then, he spotted a snow-covered owl outside the castle, flying swiftly towards the Towers. Erik assumed that the owl had just finished delivering its letter and so it went to the Owlery to rest. The Hufflepuff thought that hanging out with the owls wouldn’t be bad and so he walked towards the direction of the Owlery. It took him a while to reach the towers, especially because of the annoying stairs that changed directions every seven minutes or so. Not getting tired easily was one of the many perks of being diagnosed with ADHD. He was just used to moving all the time. He can stay still though but not for more than five seconds. Erik took the last step of the stairs that led to the towers and so he made his way to the Owlery. “Holy Guacamole” He gasped as his eyes widen at the sight of the owls. There were numerous of owls with different build, sizes and colors. There were fat and thin ones. There were white, brown and black and there were tall and small ones. He entered the room enthusiastically as he stared at the owls with amazement.
Steve was standing by the lake. He had his hat, scarf, gloves and coat on. Parts of the lake were frozen over. The place looked pretty beautiful with all the snow on the bare trees. They never got snow like this in Ireland. It was always wet and for a few winters it can be quite mild but usually its wet and windy. That's not to say he doesn't like that sort of weather down by the seaside. The waves can be huge and coming over the walls and it can be amazing to watch. When he was younger if the waves weren't very strong, he would stand by the wall and wait for a wave to come over and drench him, its especially fun with friends. He doesn't know why it's so amusing. It's just fun and exciting, wondering which wave it going to come over and drench you. Steve loved the sea and swimming. He much preferred swimming in the ocean to swimming in the pool. It may have been so much colder but it was a lot more entertaining and fun.

He had been for a walk around the grounds. He liked the fresh air and even though it was freezing and his cheeks were rosy but he wasn't cold with all his outwear on. He loved taking walks, it was his favorite way of exercising. He walked back into the castle, appreciating the warmth. He took off his hat,scarf, gloves and coat off. He shook the snow off from his feet as he walked.He began walking up the common room. He really wanted to warm his fingers up. He had to send his letter to Ireland to day. He had received one off his mother and sisters a few days ago and it had taken him a while to come up with anything to say to them. When he walked into the common room he just stood by the fire, letting his toes, hands and other extremities to warm up and regain feeling in them. Once this was done he went up to his dorm and but his outwear away before opening his bedside locker and taking out the letters. He had no owl of his own, he had bought a cat instead as it reminded him of home but an owl would probaly have been more useful as he wouldn't have to make the trek to the Owlery. He probably should have taken the letters this morning with him on his walk because then he could have gone straight there but Steve wasn't one to plan far ahead and he hadn't meant for his walk to be so long. Quickly putting back all his outwear again, Steve made his way to the Owlery.

It took him an extra few minutes as the stupid staircase moved directions as he was on it. He had managed to get lost but an older student pointed him in the right direction and he was now going up the stairs to the owlery. He had never been there before. This was his first time ever sending a letter home. He wasn't quite expecting the amount of the owls there obviously some other student hadn't also. Steve looked at the kid in front of him, he couldn't recognize him as his back was to him. Steve didn't want to talk though. He quickly looked for a school owl. He attached his letters and set the owl off, watching the owl before he could no longer see him.

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