Handler, Drew Ryley

Drew Hanson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kingswood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Full Name:
Andrew Ryley Handler

Date of Birth:
12 September 2017

Current Age:


Basic Appearance:
Brown hair, blue eyes, small build.

Drew is shy, he doesn’t like huge crowds of strangers and hates being the center of attention, Drew is very nice and kind, he likes to help people and give them advice, but he doesn’t like being thanked for it, the self satisfaction is good enough for him but still most people try to make it up to him.
Drew is timid, he doesn’t like conflict and hates fights, he likes to hug people and make them smile, and he loves talking, though only to very small crowds, if Drew is yelled at he will shrink back and get embarrassed.
Drew likes climbing and playing with animals, he loves all animals and magic, though he is not very good at controlling his magic and when he casts a spell gets shot back a few centimetres, because of his small frame and gentle nature he is a target for bullies of all sorts, and because he hates any conflict rarely tells on them, it takes someone to see the bullying and then they need to do something about it because Drew wont.
Drew is a pacifist, Drew hates fighting of any sort, verbal or physical, he also hates yelling or fighting with anyone or thing, he even hates having to hit something if it doesn’t work.

Amy Dunn: Step-mother, witch, Amy is Drew’s step-mother and he loves her alot, he has always seen her as his mum since he never met his real mother and Alex never shows Drew the pictures he has drawn of her, Drew has never seen his mother because there are no photos, Amy has taught Drew alot about magic but no spells, so he is alot more prepared for magic than Alex is since Alex only started practising magic when Amy found out that Drew too was magical.

Jerome Dunn: Step-father, muggle, Jerome is Drew’s step father and Drew thinks he is the best, Drew often hangs out with Jerome and Jerome helps him with muggle homework and self defence fighting, Drew does not like learning fighting skills but Jerome still teaches him just in case, Drew considers Jerome as a father.

Harry Handler: Father, muggle, Dead, Harry was Drew’s biological father and he died after Hannah was born, he was shoot by a rogue bullet when on a drug bust, he was a policeman and loved his two sons, but Drew did not know much about him, Harry did not spend much time with Drew as he was always with Alex, trying to help Alex through the loss of his mother, but Drew does not mind and still loves his father, even if he knows nothing of him.

Alice Handler: Mother, muggle, Dead, Alice was Drew’s biological mother and she died from having Drew, this is why Alex and Drew fight so much, according to Alex if Drew were not born then everything would be perfect, this upsets Drew alot but he doesn’t show it, Drew has never seen or met his mother, but he imagines her to be kind and loving.

Alex Handler: Brother, muggle born, Alex and Drew fight like cat and dog, Alex blames Drew for their mother’s death, while Drew accuses Alex of being a self-centred, pig-headed, hypocritical butt head.

Hannah Handler: Half sister, Half blood, 6, Drew and Hannah are close but not as close as Hannah and Alex, Drew plays with Hannah alot, unlike Alex Drew will play doll house and dress up with her so she doesn’t get upset.

Emma Dun: half blood, 2, Drew and Emma are very close, Drew taught Emma how to walk and how to spell, Emma is very cheeky and funny and her and Drew get along perfectly, but Drew is upset that by time Emma starts Hogwarts he would have already graduated.

Drew has a family dog, his name is Sizzles and he is a brown sausage dog.

Area of Residence:
Drew lives in LA with his step-parents, siblings and Emma.

Blood Status:
Muggle born.


Special Abilities:
Drew has a very good ear for pitch like his brother, though it is not as accurate as Alex’s is, Drew is also very well balanced and rarely does he slip, even on wet logs.

Interests or Hobbies:
Drew loves climbing and talking.

Additional Skills:
Drew is a wizard xD

Drew is kind and gentle and loves helping people, he is also very loyal.

Drew, being so kind and gentle is a huge target for bullies.

Describe your character in three words:
Kind, shy, loyal.

Favourite place to be:
Drew’s favourite place to be is at the edge of the cliff near his house, the view is beautiful and the breeze is nice.

Camille Jones, and a few muggle friends that are dearly missed, he often writes to them.

Hogwarts House:
N/A But I think Drew would suit Hufflepuff, because he is kind and loyal.

Best school subjects:
I believe Drew would do well in Potions and Ancient Runes.

Worst school subjects:
Herbology, Drew is not very good at caring for flowers.

Current Year:

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
To be a great wizard.

Your Patronus:
Butterfly they are Shy and fragile.

Your Patronus memory:
Drew’s happiest memory is one that is not real, it is a memory of his mother smiling at him.

Your Boggart:
A group of angry bullies.

Your Animagus:
A little bird or a butterfly, they are fragile and shy.

Favourite animal:
Bear, powerful and confident, everything Drew is not, and Butterflies, he likes how they are so pretty and shy.

Favourite colour:

Mirror of Erised:
Drew with his Mother, Father and Alex, all one happy family.
Dear Drew
Hi, I just came back from school, it was great I had a great time, but when I came home from school Mum called Hannah, Alex and I into the lounge room, at first I thought It was bad news but it turns out that were are all wizards and Mum is a witch, Alex nearly had a fit, he was so angry at Mum for not telling him before, it turns out that when you are turning 11 you go to a magical school but Amy didn’t tell Alex till she knew I was magical too.
Alex and I got into a fight, again, over nothing, to be honest I can’t remember why we were fighting, it’s just that he makes me so angry and makes me yell, I dont like yelling at people.

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