Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hamza [Main]
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" with an Essence of Griffin Feather core

Full Name:
Hamza Khalid

Date Of Birth:
May 22, 2013

Current Age:

Hamza's Appearance:

Hamza is very healthy, strong individual who strives to keep in form so that he can be on top of everything. He has slight muscle, is skinny, has what appears to be some abs. Hamza has light brown colored skin, long hair, generally he looks like a rock star.

Hamza's Personality:

Hamza is generally a very polite individual whom you will see greeting others all the time, talking with new people, trying to make friends and what not. Hamza currently is a 5 foot 3 Inch individual. Hamza does not enjoy getting into arguments nor does he like having any enemies. Hamza always tries his best to put other's need over his and loves to see other people happy, even if it means putting himself down. Hamza is a very confident individual, who's confidence just keeps on growing, just like getting a job in his first year, helped him grow more self-confidence.

Hamza's Family:

Father: Ahmad Khalid (Ministry Official)
Mother: Sadia Khalid
Step-Mother: Fauzia Khalid (Deceased / Killed by Death Eater)
Sister 1: Jia Khalid (Attends Durmstrang)
Sister 2: Eva Khalid

Grandfather (Father): Daoud Khalid (Deceased)
Grandmother (Father): Guddi Khalid (Before Marriage: Guddi Surfaraz / Deceased)

Grandfather (Mother): Hanif Hussain (Deceased)
Grandmother (Mother): Nani Hussain (Before Marriage: Nani Kandor / Deceased)

Mother's Side Family:

Rais Hussain (Uncle)
Shezad Hussian (Uncle)
Waheed Hussian (Uncle)

Father's Side Family:

Ijaz Pervez (Uncle)
Ahmad Pervez (Uncle)

This is just the family he could think from top of his head. There are many more uncles, aunts, etc.

Hamza's Pets:

Does not currently own a pet, although would like to get a Dog and an Owl in the future.

Hamza's Area of Residence:

Use to live in Texas, USA, but now has moved to NZ.

Hamza's Blood Status:

Half-Blood (Although he thought he was Pure Blood, but later found out that he wasn't due to a traitor in his family)

Hamza's Special Abilities:

Animegas (In Training)

Hamza's Additional Special Abilities:

Hamza can speak fluent Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi, Arabic, English, French, Spanish and a little Latin.

Describe Hamza in Three Words:

Confident, Hardworking, Caring

Hamza's Favorite Place to Be For Enjoyment:


Hamza's Hogwarts House:


Current Job:

Shop Assistant in Quality Quidditch Supplies
A few questions here!

How old are Hamza's sisters?
How did his mother die?
What kind of relationship did he have with his mother?
Why does he want a dog? Why does he want an owl?
Why did he decide to move to NZ?
How did he learn all the languages?
Why is his favourite place to be the Lakefront?

How old are Hamza's sisters?
One is 9 Years old and the other one is 17

How did his step-mother die?
She died when trying to fight a Death Eater.

What kind of relationship did he have with his mother?
Very closer relationship. Hamza was a lost of heart when he heard his mother had passed away.

Why does he want a dog? Why does he want an owl?
He loves dogs because he is an Animegas in Training right now and that his love for dogs as well. Aside from dogs, he love Owls because they are very helpful in time of need such as sending letters and such.

Why did he decide to move to NZ?
His father had a transfer of his job to NZ. His father then moved back to USA due to him opening his own practice office, but Hamza decided to stay behind to attend HNZ.

How did he learn all the languages?
Some are from his native country, other's he learned in muggle schools and some he taught himself.

Why is his favourite place to be the Lakefront?
The serene scenery is what catches him all the time, especially during sun sets.

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