Hamza Khalid

Hamza Khalid

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hamza [Main]
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" with an Essence of Griffin Feather core

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !just about me! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]full name; Hamza Khalid</SIZE></COLOR></LI>
[li]nicknames; really don't have any, but you can make one if you want.
[li]sex; male
[li]name meaning; Old Arabic name derived from hamuza (to be strong). The name was borne by Muhammad's uncle, an early convert to Islam, who was known for his strength and courage in battle.
[li]age; 12
[li]date of birth; may 22, 2014
[li]blood status; pure blood
[li]hogwarts house; hufflepuff
[li]sexual orientation; straight
[li]relationship status; single (looking!)
[li]language(s) spoken; english, french, spanish, arabic, urdu, punjabi, sindhi, balochi, italian
[li]current residence; wellington, new zealand
[li]wand; holly/ebony wand 12 1/2" with an essence of griffin feather core
[li]future plans; undecided as of yet
[li]his friends a hogwarts; mix of everything
[li]graduation goal; getting top notch grades and having a successful future

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !falling in love! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]four words to describe hamza; proud, loyal, kind, strong, caring, healthy
[li]personality; Hamza is generally a very polite individual whom you will see greeting others all the time, talking with new people, trying to make friends and what not. Hamza currently is a 5 foot 3 Inch individual. Hamza does not enjoy getting into arguments nor does he like having any enemies. He always tries his best to put other's need over his and loves to see other people happy, even if it means putting himself down. Hamza is a very confident individual, who's confidence just keeps on growing, just like getting a job in his first year, helped him grow more self-confidence. Hamza is quick, articulate, full of intelligence, and can be critical or passionate with short tempers. He is Efficient and moderate in daily habits, eats and sleeps regularly.
[li]his beliefs; show me respect and I will also show you respect. if someone does something bad to me, I will not do anything bad back, but I will make the person realize what they have done.
[li]likes; girls, studying, muggle sports, quidditch, hogwarts classes
[li]dislikes; cheating, people who hate, people who are mean, hurting others
[li]favorite colors; black, red, and blue.
[li]positive habits; ambitious, thinks on his feet, never lets anyone down he's made a promise to, good grammar, very tolerant.
[li]negative habits; very eager to show off, over confident at times
[li]strenghts; fast, excellent combat skills, loves to learn new techniques and very good in debates.
[li]weaknesses; doesn't know when to stop at times in debates
[li]loyal to; everyone, especially those who are important to him
[li]zodiac sign;
[click to read more]
[li]element; [click here to read more]


-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !the way i look! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]hair; long hair, black hair, sometimes has gel in his hair.
[li]facial; has no facial hair right now, but will soon.
[li]eyes; black colored, when he get's pushed to the limit, his eyes will turn a red color temporarily, which is very rare for Hamza.
[li]height; 6 foot, 0 inch.
[li]writing; can write with both hands, left and right.
[li]clothes; black coat, white shirt, black pants/jeans are his usual style, but often you'll see him wearing dress suites.
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !where?!?!?! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]history before hogwarts; Hamza was born in Dallas, Texas, and was mostly raised in Texas area for first portion of his life. Being around muggles, he learned new ways of being able to like muggles, enjoyed being around them, and had no problem with them. Hamza's father was a politician in Texas, working for the muggle government as Senator and enjoyed a lot of his work. Hamza at a very young age was very active, over confident, very eager to try new things and to try and find new things to do always. his mother, Sadia Khalid, would have trouble at times trying to get him to sit down and actually eat or something because he was just so active and hyper that he always wanted to do something.

at the age of 5, hamza walked outside his house one day, not realizing that he was alone, well, he was a very small kid at that time, so he didn't know what was right and what was wrong, but he did know that he was told by his mom to not go outside without unsupervised attention, but he went outside anyways. he continued to walk down the street until he saw some appear out of no where. he looked up at the person and noticed that the person was wearing a black robe, much like how a death eater looks, but a little different and much more evil. the person was starring directly down at hamza for some reason. he put his hand on hamza's head and moved and threw him out of the way. hamza hit the ground hard and started to cry. hamza's mother heard him crying and she ran outside, only to see that she got attacked by the person that hit hamza and threw him. the person attacked hamza's mother with his wand and threw her across the road. surprising to see, non of the muggles were seeing all of this, and there weren't any muggles around right now anyways.

now hamza was crying even more, very scared, and crying his eyes out, he saw his mother just laying there on the ground, out cold. he started to cry even more and suddenly, he saw another person appear in front of him, and that person was hamza's father, ahmad khalid. hamza was glad to see his father, and ahmad picked up hamza and put his next to his mother and by this time, hamza's mother was waking up. then, ahmad ran inside the house where the stranger had went and hamza didn't know what was going on. sadia picked up hamza and ran inside the house only to find that the stranger and hamza's father were having a duel, a magical duel with wands. hamza at the time didn't know why this was happening, but he certainly was very scared and crying very hard at the same time. sadia put hamza down in a corner where he would be safe, and she took out her wand and joined his dad in defeating the person. the stranger apparated himself out of the house and was never to be seen again.

hamza back then didn't understand what had happened, but at the age of 8, he still remembered all of what happened very clearly and it was embedded into his mind. hamza talked to his father about what had happened that day and his father told him that the stranger was a death eater and he was here to kill hamza's father for some reason. hamza asked his father why the death eater wanted to kill him and his father told him that it was because of some issues in the wizarding world. after that incident, ahmad moved his entire family into the magical world, and in new zealand, where he took the position in the ministry of magic, and deleted his history of remembering his past in the muggle world. he moved to the wizarding world full time and from then on, hamza was always in good hands.

[li]history during hogwarts; sorting.

hamza was glad to have been invited to join hogwarts in new zealand. filled with excitement, he was eager to get into hogwarts and was very eager to know where he was going to be placed. he had an idea of where he was going to be placed, which was ravenclaw, but he wasn't exactly sure. he knew for sure that he wouldn't be placed in slytherin because is not evil at all. waiting to be sorted, he made some friends such as eleona bexley, maria granger and max sanders. as he started to walk up to the sorting had to be sorted, he was very nervous and was waiting to hear the words that were gonna come out of the sorting hat's mouth and eventually it was decided that he was going to be placed in hufflepuff. hamza didn't complain at all, nor did he argue that he didn't like the house. he loved the house he was placed in and he knew that his future would be in there now.


-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !rp's! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-


-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- !say what! -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

[ul][li]your star; gemini
[li]your element; air </COLOR>
[li]your ruling planets; mercury
[li]your stone; aquamarine
[li]life pursuit; to explore a bit of everything.
[li]vibration; intense mental energy
[li]secret desire; to be ahead of the crowd
<LI>[li]thanks to; [phychic guilt for this information]

<COLOR color="#3D59AB"><COLOR color="#3D59AB"><SIZE size="50">[Above layout made by Hamza (me). Please do not use without my permission. Thanks!]

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