Hallie Wilson

Hallie Wilson

Well-Known Member

Full Name: Hallie Wilson
- Birth Date: 1st Of April 2010
- Current Age: 11 Years old
- Basic Appearance: Hallie has long dirty blond hair which currently has medium brown top section highlights in it and big brown eyes. She is medium height for her age, standing at about 5''4. She has a natural golden tan and will usually be found with her hair down and straight, down and curly, or in two plaits.
- Parents: Nancy (Algove) Wilson and Graeme Wilson.
They are both magical but muggle born and both attended Hogwarts Scotland in their school years.
Graeme was in Gryffindor and Nancy was in Hufflepuff. Nancy is 31 and Graeme is 32, they're both Ministry Employees.
- Siblings, if any: None, Hallie is an only child. She shouldn't be but! Her mum and dad had another child 8 years after having Hallie, a little girl they called Magdalia, but she was born premature and died two days after birth!
- Pets, if any: At home the family has a Lhasa apso called Gavney and Hallie is intending to buy an owl to keep at Hogwarts with her!
- Area of Residence: Hallie was born in Sydney, Australia, and as such has a heavy Australian accent. She has lived there all her life, but recently her family moved to London to live with their only other relatives. Hallie's grandparents (Father's side) Claire and Junior.
- Blood status: Half Blood.

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Gryffindor, because Hallie is daring, noble and has a good heart.
- Best school subjects (And why): ---Will fill this in once school has started---
- Worst school subjects (And why): ---^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^---

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Perhaps a dog of some sort, or a Zebra, because they are Hallie's favorite animals!
- What would their Boggart be? A wolf. Hallie is really scared of wolves because she was attacked by one when she was younger!
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Maybe a Zebra, just because she loves Zebra's and she thinks they are unique!
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her family complete with Magdalia.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When she got her letter for Hogwarts!

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary,

Well I'm new to this but I think I'll start keeping a Diary of my days at Hogwarts!

I arrived at Hogwarts today :D!
It's amazing, I love it already! It's all so cosy and homely, and the teachers and pupils are really nice so far, I can't wait for classes to start (flyyinngggg) and I really need to go for a good look around and explore!
I hope some of my fellow Gryffindor's are up or an adventure in the forest because I'm itching to go there! But i can tell that there a mischievous bunch so that's a good thing :D not that I'm planning on getting into any mischief ye know 8-)!
And I really can't wait to learn to fly by a professional, 'cos my dad's not very good at flying or Quidditch i taught myself everything i know using books and stuff, but I'm sure It'll be much better being taught by a professional. Anyhow, It's past curfew and some of the girls are trying to get to sleep, so night night (S)
Halliee x
Hey Hallie, well I'm trying to help everyone here, so give these a go. Simple but I'm not the best. Usual routine, answer them IC or OOC, your choice

First off, Hogwarts New Zealand is currently in it's sixth year, so it would not be possible for your parents to have attended there.

What part of the Ministry do your parents work in?

How does Halliw feel about her deceased sister?

If her family have moved to London, why is Hallie attending HNZ instead of HS?

How can Hallie be a Half - Blood if both her parents are Muggleborn? If that's the case, Hallie should be a Muggleborn too.

Why does Hallie want an Owl, instead of a different animal?

You don't say what your best/worst subjects will be. But what do you think they will be?

What subjects are you looking forward too/not looking forward too?

Why would her patronus be a dog or zebra?

What type of dog would it most likely be?

Have fun with these, might have more later ;)

I'll answer these OOC, I just think it'll be eaiser!

(Didn't realise that Hallie's parents couldn't have attended HNZ, I'll change that!)

Hallie tries not to think about Magdalia as it makes her too upset, she feels like she should have done something to save her, when there was nothing she could have done, but she thinks it's partly her fault as she done nothing to stop Magdalia's death.

Hallie's family only moved to london a week before school started, and she already had her letter from HNZ at that time, so her parents decided to keep with there plan and send her there.

Emm i don't quite get the whole blood thing, I thought you were only a muggleborn if you're born to two muggles, but although Hallie's parents are muggleborn there both wizards, so i thought that meant she would be a Half-Blood! I'm confused now :lol:

She want's and owl because if she gets an owl then she can use it to send messages to her family back home.

Hallie's really intrested in defensive magic, so perhaps her best subject will be Defense Against the Dark Arts!
She thinks her worst will be Herbology because she has basically no intrest in plants and just isn't into messing about in the mud with tiny, fiddly little seeds!

Hallie's really looking forward to Flying and DADA, but not to Potions because she doesn't think she'll be any good at it!

There's no particular reason as to why her patronus would be a Zebra or a Dog, there just her favorite animals!
And it would probably be a West Highnland Terrior, a Yorkshire Terrior or a Lhaso Apso, because there her favorites!

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