Halina Cossak-Slovane

OOC First Name
If you squint real hard, everything looks normal...​
<FONT font="Monaco">Name: Halina Cossak-Slovane
Nickname(s): Hallie & Lina
Age: 12
Year: Forth
Date of Birth: January 1st, 2013
Blood Status: Mixed, though she doesn't see the relevance.
Personality: Halina is a bit of a split personality. She is sweet, smart, caring, and kind with her parents, but is a bad girl at school. She gets great grades, but is sometimes caught up in the wrong crowd. She is unsure of herself constantly, not sure about who she's supposed to be. She wants to make her parents proud, and also wants to please the boys and girls oat her school. She is a self-described hopeless romantic. She reads romance novels, and daydreams often about impossible things. She loves to fly, and take care of animals, giving her a very caring personality. She often acts like she could care less, and freezes emotions when around her parents, because they are that way. Often she's a mirror image of whoever she's hanging around. She's oblivious to the opposite sex, and is often naive and drawn into a crowd by that.

Eye color: Halina has unique eyes, the right one being brown and the left one being blue. She loves them, thinking they are her best attribute.
Hair color: Halina is a natural blond. She wants to dye her hair brown, or maybe red in the future; but, for now her parents wont let her.
Height: Halina is of average height, about 5'2". She often appears 5'4" because she wears small heels with most or all of her outfits.
Weight: Halina weighs very little. She is only around the 110 marker, mostly because she is an active child, with a lot of energy.

Likes: Halina likes animals (fuzzy ones, mostly cats, dogs, and bunnies; though the occasional snake doesn't bother her). Flying (Halina enjoys being free, the wind in her hair, and the sights she can see). Running (The same basic reasons as she likes flying). Music (it's her life, whenever she needs a shoulder, someone to hug, or something to dance to, music is there). Plants (she loves flowers, she wants to be a florist when she grows up).
Dislikes: Happiness (It seems a silly thing to dislike, but Halina is very much a young Cynic; she doesn't see the 'good' in the world, but fakes it instead, and hates anyone who feels the happiness, because she can't). Her Parents (Halina harbors a hatred toward her cheating father and mother, she can't stand who they are). Skirts (she can't stand the little buggers, they are uncomfortable to wear, and just too reveling for her taste). Snots (people who think they are better then everyone else just get on her nerves; especially people who hate half bloods). Trust (again, a strange thing to hear, however it is true; she feels like if she trusts, she'll just wind up hurt).
Strengths: Halina is a talented singer and dancer, though she doesn't feel like exploring her talents. She also has a green thumb, and can cook almost anything if she practices it enough. What she has in muggle skills, she lacks in magic, struggling often with defense against the dark arts, however, she has talents in herbology.
Weaknesses: She is weak with casting spells, and is particularly not good with babies. They do not like her, she feels. She's also bad with handling feelings, she doesn't know how to react with them.
Fears: She is afraid of spiders and clowns. Along with many emotions and love.
Goals: She wants to become a florist. She really loves plants and living things, so maybe a zoo also. She would love to have a farm too.

Race: She is Witch.
Heritage: She has heritage from Russia, Germany, and even down in Australia.
Father: Carson Cossak. Halina does not care for her father, and has often seen him come home with other women. She is disgusted by the way he lives, and the way he treats women.
Mother: Sorine Slovane. Again, Halina dislikes this parent also. Another cheater, who misuses the opposite sex.
Sibling(s): Halina has no siblings, though she's sure there are some half brothers and sisters out there.

Birthplace: Bavly, Russia.
Hometown: Mutiple cities in Russia including Bavly, Zverevo, and Moscow. She now mostly stays in Paris, or some other smaller cities in france.
Languages: Halina speaks French, American, and Russian. She still struggles with many French and American words though, because her native tongue is Russian.​

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