Hades Prokhor Styx

Hades Styx

guardian ⸸ dark priest
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony 15 3/4" Core of Acromantula Web and Poisonwood 15 3/5" Essence of Vampire Blood
h a d e s p r o k h o r s t y x

f o r g i v e - m e - f a t h e r - i - h a v e - s i n n e d
d a r k n e s s - p u t - h e r - p a i n t e d - c l a w s - i n - m e - a g a i n
h e r - v i s i o n - d r o w n s - l i k e - s e r v i c e - w i n e
w h i s p e r e d - k i s s e s - s o - d i v i n e
i - w a s - b l e s s e d - b u t - n o w - i ' v e - c o m e - u n d o n e
s t o r m - c l o u d s - r o l l - o u t - o v e r h e a d
a b o v e - t h e i r - m a s t e r
e n d - o f - a l l - f l e s h - e n d - o f - a l l - d a y s


b a s i c s
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[NAME] Hades Prokhor Styx
[ETYMOLOGY] The name Hades means unseen as well as gravely, death and Hell which gives the impression of the Lord of the Underworld. This first name fits Hades oh so well as he looks like he had just came from the grave, and he is highly unseen as much as any other person. His appearance alone looks gravely. His middle name Prokhor gives off the meaning of being a leader and gives the impression of a strong and loyal person. His middle name is not something that he shares, even though if he wanted to, he could live up to his middle name and be a great leader. He lives up to his middle name, and it suits him so well, though the name itself came from his adopted parents. Hades has the last name of Styx and it means the underworld river of Styx. The surname is very rare, but it has power behind it. It comes from mythology. Hades most definitely lives up to the meaning of this name, as for most of his life, he has been the quiet type, and stalking people which would fit in with the stealth. Hades has the perfect name in all aspects that fits his character. He himself adores his name, and even passed it on to his firstborn son whom acts just like his father. It supports his character, down to the last syllable.
[SURNAME ORIGIN] The origin of Styx was by none other than his father, Kalif. After he was on the run from the Ministry, he started over with a new name, and had a clean slate. No one knows where he had gotten the name Styx from, but it represents one of the four rivers in the Underworld. So far, only their family is recognized with the last name, and most of them are pure-bloods, so it is a pure-blooded family.
[NICKNAME] Actually, Hades is kind of hard to make a nickname for, however there are certain names that he can go by that others have called him. His children at one point called him Boogeyman as did Etoile before she truly knew his name. Axel had called him Ghostface once and has not bothered to change it over because of the whiteness of the skin that Hades held
[ALLIANCE] Hades' alliance rely in the evil and darkness.
[BIRTHDAY] January 8th, 1997
[AGE] 48
[LANGUAGES] English, Bulgarian and Russian
[ORIENTATION] Grayromantic Heterosexual
[HOMETOWN] Sychyovka, Smolensk Oblast in Russia
[RESIDENCE] Hades has many houses and places to get away to, but the most well known areas that he was seen entering a house in were Wellington, New Zealand and around Dudinka, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. He deems the Zhefarovich Manor as a home as well, seeing as his house can be connected to it. He spends most of his time in his underground home in Russia, where it seems to constantly blizzard outside and stay cold for remotely the year. The underground home has four stories and six basements, all magically enchanted to make it seem bigger. There are countless rooms, most of which are locked off. In the fifth basement, there is a pool, and in the sixth is a tunnel to a safe house that is miles away.
[HERITAGE] 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgarian
[BLOOD STATUS] Pure-blood
[WAND] Cypress/Ebony 15 3/4" Core of Acromantula Web
Length: A little on the longer side of wands.
Style: Straight and smooth
Wood: A Cypress wand finds valour in the witches and wizards it chooses - so much so that the owners of Cypress wands have historically been expected to die an honourable death. This wand is for the brave and self-sacrificing. Ebony wands choose a wizard or witch who could easily be seen as an outsider, but continues to dare to be themselves. The owner of an ebony wand is not easily moved from their purpose: whether that be good, evil, or something perhaps a little more grey.
Core: The web of an acromantula is especially strong, so as a core it helps to add a punch to spells. It has been known to be useful for spells of a darker nature. Wands with this core would have no effect against a Basilisk or against a wand that had a core with a part of a Basilisk.
Flexibility: Unyielding, and will not transfer to another.

[SECOND WAND] Poisonwood 15 3/5" Core of Vampire Blood
Length: A little on the longer side of wands.
Style: Knotted, closer to the original cut of the tree
Wood: Poisonwood, is a rare wood however it is noted for its protectiveness and defenses, however it is also a rather decent wand combined with the right core or essence.
Core: Wands with this core appear to be useful with healing spells. Spells from a wand with vampire blood may be stronger than the caster intends, however, so they are advised to take note of this.
Flexibility: Sturdy and strong.

[OCCUPATION] Dark Priest, marrying those in darker weddings under the evil influences.
[HEALTH] Notably, there is nothing wrong with Hades, as he is perfectly healthy, but it is rumored that there is something going on in his mind, but no can name it.
[PET] Crow named Mastiphal is the only pet that Hades keeps around, but mostly comes to him when he is outside.
[TITLE] Guardian of the Zhefarovich Family
[THEME] Temptation by Cradle of Filth</FONT></COLOR>

p e r s o n a l
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[OVERALL] Hades has a distinct personality, something that should never be taken lightly. He has many layers, which comes out the longer one has been around the man. At first, one would see that he is simply observant and a man that is after something deeper, and from within. However, after this, Hades starts to show a darker side, something that many would see. Hades is obsessive and he will go after what he wants, no matter what it is. Hades is determined to have what he desires, and he is also an analyzer. He will study someone, everything about them, and see what makes them tick. Hades has a snarky attitude at times, and he loves to press buttons to get under other's skin. He is a trustworthy ally, however, when he is suspicious of someone, which is easy to do, he will turn his back and either watch them die, or kill them himself. Hades is also possessive, and everything he does is rather...unique. Even his thoughts are beyond what most would say. Hades however will do anything to avenge someone that did in fact matter to him, though sometimes, he makes sure that others carry it out.
Meaning: extroverted, intuition, thinking, judging, assertive
Group: Analysts
Also Known As: The Commander
Strengths: efficient, energetic, self-confident, strong-willed, strategic thinkers, charismatic, and inspiring
Weaknesses: stubborn, dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogant, poor handling of emotions, cold, and ruthless

[LOVES] Hades absolutely enjoys killing and torturing, as well as getting under someone's skin and seeing what makes them tick. Hades also enjoys the night, and he enjoys sexual activities. He seems to like blood as well, finding it a weakness to him. Hades enjoys watching everything and everyone, reading them and seeing what type of person they are before he even mets them. He also loves to play around with complete strangers, and he will in fact scare the daylights out of someone if he wants to. However, something else he likes to do in his free time is read books as well as practice stronger curses before using them on his victims.
[LOATHES] Hades dislikes being mocked, and he also dislikes being told what to do. What gets under his skin is when someone is so stupid enough to just waltz up to another, and complain about what had happened. He hates it when women are looking for a man to sleep with, rather than just waiting. He hates those that seem like everyone and their brother has touched. Hades also dislikes it when younger dark witches and wizards that pretend that they know everything, and pretend that they are all badass when in fact, it is a false act. He doesn't think that anyone can say that they are a dark wizard or witch unless they idolize what they believe in.
[BOGGART] Hades' boggart is currently unknown, because what he really fears is unknown as well
[STRENGTHS] Strengths that Hades possess are numerous, and the most valued and well known for is stalking people, and he will find them based on one description and a name. He is superb at finding people that he seeks, and he also reads people as well. He values this ability of his that he had formed over the years. He also has a strength of keeping silent, walking without a sound, and he can stay silent about anything and everything. Hades is also very mysterious, and he talks sometimes in riddles, to test to see how intelligent they are. He also has a strength of knowing where someone's pressure points are, and he can find them, and either render them unconscious or paralyze them for a few moments at a time. He is extremely known for his intelligence and his quick wit of mind. He knows many things about many people, and he can tell someone the harshest thing he had ever seen and witnessed of someone, and never leave out any details. Anything he takes in, he never forgets. Hades uses his physical strength also to overwhelm his opponents. He is also strengthened in curses and brewing potions now.
[WEAKNESSES] Obsessiveness is Hades' strongest weakness, as well as his children. He will do anything for them, depending on which ones they are. He also has a weakness to blood, and when he sees it, he loses all control over himself and he might end up doing something that he does not like. Hades' weaknesses are not very known, but under the control of Kalif and Asparuh, he will do what they say without question. He also has a weakness to socializing with others, so he does not do it often. He just does what he thinks is right, and then he goes on from there.
[5WORDS] Silent, creepy, evil, malevolent, intelligent
[TALENTS] Hades has a variety of talents but not many would fall under magical. He is talented in delivering strong, offensive spells and curses, but his transfiguration is dreadful, so he does not use it often. He mostly focuses on things that would rip someone apart. Hades is also talented in brewing a potion, and have it completely accurate, such as he can brew the polyjuice potion completely and end up taking it without any side effects. Hades has many more talents that do not lie within magical talents. As noted in his strengths, he is good at locating people based on name and descriptions. Hades' physical strength allows him to maneuver his body in ways that some others would find impossible. He is rather strong and can locate someone's pressure points in order to knock them out. He also knows how to paralyze someone with a few punches and kicks. Hades is also talented at playing the organ and he can read people like a book. He is also talented with weapons including daggers, swords, stars and whips. His combating skills are not to be trifled with, and he is very talented at making a woman melt with his voice, and bending her to his own personal will. He can tempt anyone to cross over to the darkness, just by messing with their mind a bit.
[LOYALTIES] Hades is loyal to the Zhefarovich Family
[GOALS] Hades actually does not have a goal in his life

z o d i a c
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[CHINESE] Ox. People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others. They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted, and they anger easily. They have fierce tempers and although they speak little, when they do they are quite eloquent. Ox people are mentally and physically alert. Generally easy-going, they can be remarkably stubborn, and they hate to fail or be opposed. They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat people.
[SIGN] Capricorn, the goat. Being a Capricorn, it makes Hades practical, prudent, ambitious, disciplined, patient, careful, humorous and reserved. All of which Hades is, but on the downside, it makes him pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly and grudging. All of these traits aligns with the rule of the Capricorn. What a Capricorn likes are reliability, professionalism, knowing what you discuss, firm foundations, purpose, and they also dislike wild Schemes, fantasies, go-nowhere jobs, ignominy and ridicule. The colors that are associated with Capricorns are brown and most dark colors. The startstone of the Capricorn is black onyx.
[CARDINAL SIGN] A capricorn is a cardinal sign, and a person that is this sign are associated with initiation, creativity and leadership.
[TRANSPERSONAL SIGN] A capricorn makes them have a transpersonal sign which makes them principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns.
[PLANET] Saturn. Saturn is the planet that in earthly life serves to signify restrictions and obstacles someone must face if their personal goals are incorrect for them or they have a karmic debt that needs paying. Saturns placement in the chart can indicate areas in their life that they will need to be particularly diligent about trying to change or work with. Thus Saturn has been called both, the planet of fate and the Lord of Karma. Saturn symbolizes the course of time and patience, tradition, and experience. At the best of times it helps to consolidate, and at its worst it restricts the persons efforts. Someone under the rule of this planet makes someone knowing in limitation, restrictions, boundaries, practicality and reality, crystallizing, and structures, as well as being self-disciplined, responsible and reliable. On the downside, it also makes someone morose, cold, miserly, indifferent and rigid.
[ELEMENT] Earth. An emphasis on this element indicate a practical, cautious, and pragmatic approach to life. In the majority of cases there is the need to build solid, 'real' material success, for example, home and career succeess. Earthy people may benefit from connecting to the earth element via gardening, pottery, facial mud packs. Long range planning and the determination to succeed are strong traits for this element, as is melancholy, greed and fear if taken too far. A person with a lack of earth may find it difficult to live in the 'real' world and to keep themselves grounded. Their expectations in general may be a little unrealistic. Though Hades does not really fit the profile of being 'earthy' however some of the traits do fit him which are lively, truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other people with the downside of being aggressive, egocentric, non-caring, center of attention and thinking they are never wrong.
[BIRTHSTONE] Garnet. The garnet was once thought to be connected with the blood. This stone is supposed to protect the wearer from nightmares and offer guidance through the dark.

a p p e a r a n c e
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[PLAYBY] Wes Bentley
[HAIR] It is jet black, and very soft to the touch. He has fine hair but there is a lot of it, and abundant. Hades keeps it trimmed rather short, but not too short. It shines in the light, and it seems to have a lot of body. When Hades keeps it longer, when he was younger, it had a lot of body and was straight. He does not dye it or modify it in any shape or form.
[EYES] Hades' eyes are ebony or onyx black, however when one shines a light into his eyes, they seem to gleam silver from the light. One would see nothing but utter coldness in Hades' eyes, and something in them that no one could describe that would send chills up a grown man's spine. One would see something remotely similar to cleverness and a gleam in there when Hades is scheming something. Otherwise, it is nothing but a swirling, dark abyss of utter glacial coldness. Black is an absolute and mysterious color that has connotations of night, secrecy, mysticism, goddess-worship, intuition, sexual intercourse, and magic. Black eyes may indicate a deeply intuitive, sensual, and secretive person who can tap into the powerful energies of the unconscious and who may have psychic tendencies.
[HEIGHT] 6'11"
[WEIGHT] 250lbs
[BUILD] Rather built, full of muscles but not overly large as they do not bulge out his veins or anything of the sort. He is tall and massive when he wears his trench coat. He keeps his shape and build by working out when he needs to.
[SKIN] White as a ghost - if not whiter - and clear as well as smooth to the touch. This is because he rarely goes out in sunlight.
[SCARS] A bite mark on his shoulder and a few here and there from battles as well as nights with various women.
[MODIFICATIONS] Unlike his teenage years, Hades no longer has anything pierced. He used to have his lip pierced but had it removed when he was eighteen. There is a tiny scare from where the hole has healed back up. On his back, there is the Zhefarovich crest that covers his entire back.
[STYLE] Closet.
[MAKEUP] Not applicable
[SMILE] A smirk that has many darker and devious intentions behind it, if it is killing, scheming or other pleasures.
[VOICE] link
[HAND] Hades generally uses his left hand, however he can do certain things with his right hand, as well as use a wand with his right hand.

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s c h o o l i n g
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[SCHOOL] Durmstrang
[HOUSE] Not applicable
[SORTING] Not applicable
[CLUBS] Dueling club
[TITLES] Prefect
[LOATHED CLASS] Ancient Runes
[FAVORITE PROFESSOR] Dark Arts Professor
[LOATHED PROFESSOR] Divination Professor







[GRADES] Averaged with EEs

Bricqueville, Prelati and De Sille
Called by another sound
[martial status] Hades is currently engaged to Etoile Lefevre, and an obsession that he has had for the past few years.
[when] They became an official couple in January of 2029, on the 5th. However they have been around each other since 2027. They became engaged on August 30th, 2031.
[hades lutrov and anastasia katsaros] Seeking out someone to be his vessel as Hades wanted more children, he ran into a female pure-blood named Anastasia. She fell pregnant, just as he wanted. Once he confronted Anastasia, he realized that there was something about her that could make him heel. He did not appreciate it, but once he kidnapped her, and released her, he promised to keep an eye on her, as well as killing any man that lay with her. When Callista was born, Hades stuck around for a little longer. He had researched about that electricity and found out it did not rest within the blood. He found out that it was mere chemistry, and when she fell pregnant with her second daughter, Hades proposed. However when the marriage was approved, Hades suddenly felt weary and avoided Anastasia. He soon left her after discovering someone else.
[hades styx and etoile lefevre] After the engagement fell through with Anastasia, Hades went after Etoile, seeing something in her that he had seen in no other woman that he had gained interest in. She followed him, and the moment that he turned the tables on her, the sparks flew. She tried to run, Hades followed. She tried to be with another man, but Hades killed him and then took her into his own home. He made a wager with her, and he won the wager, tricking her into the Unbreakable Vow. Months later, Hades was determined to make her spawn a child, and after one month of trying constantly, she was finally pregnant. Hades found out that she was pregnant with twins and grew worried. After the twins were born, he found out that he had not only obsessed with Etoile, but he was in love with her. After being her dark arts trainer, Hades told her how he felt, even though she already knew from Asparuh, and the two started were officially a couple. After some years, Hades went through and he proposed to her, to which she accepted. It was the first time he had ever proposed with intention of wanting to marry.
[past relationships] Jekaterina Kaminiski, Victoria Minn, Hollace Stanton, Anastasia Katsaros
[innocence] Hades lost his innocence after meeting with Jekaterina however the first time that he had lost it, he had killed the same night. It was just for fun, and it was on March 13th, 2014. He never felt anything for that woman, and it was just to get her off of his back.
[past sexual partners] Jekaterina Kaminiski, Anastasia Katsaros, Victoria Minn, Hollace Stanton, Etoile Styx (Lefevre)
[turn ons] Blood, soft hands to his shoulders, pain, torture, a kill
[turn offs] Good women, sleaziness, dirtiest, ignorance
[aphrodisiacs] Blood
[the perfect female] Someone who is as dark and insane as he is, someone who is not afraid to kill and not afraid to get a little blood on their clothing. Someone who is mature enough to handle being a dark witch.
[the perfect date] Hades is pretty much an easy going guy and does not like to go out on dates. However, going out on a kill or staying at home would be considering his perfect date.

l o v e - p r e d i c t s - d i s a s t e r
i n - h e r - p r e c i o u s - w a y s
i - w a s - b u r n e d - a - s a c e r d o t a l - s o u l
b y - t h e - d e m o n - q u e e n - o f - m y - d r e a m s
i n f a t u a t i o n - t u r n e d - t o - t o t a l - c o n t r o l
h e r - r o s e - w a s - s w e e t
b u t - h e r - t h o r n s - w e r e - b a r b a r o u s


f a m i l y
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Life Span: May 4th, 1943
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: Russian
Martial: Married to Abraxas; separated
Occupation: In Azkaban
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Maila Nurmi

"I never knew you but I heard stories. I like what I heard."

Life Span: December 29th, 1941
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: Russian
Martial: Married to Atira; separated
Occupation: Unemployed
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Terrance Zdunich

"You seem half out of it at times, but you are still enjoyable."

Life Span: December 2nd, 1951
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: French
Martial: Married to Asparuh; content
Occupation: Retired; Death Eater
Education: Durmstrang Alumni (Prefect & Head Girl)
Playby: Emilie de Ravin

"So fragile and adorable you appear to be."

Life Span: October 31st, 1949
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: Bulgarian
Martial: Married to Danielle; content
Occupation: Retired; Death Eater
Education: Durmstrang Alumni (Prefect & Head Boy)
Playby: Julian Sands

"I will forever serve you."

Life Span: July 28th, 1974 - December 27th, 2013
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: Russian
Martial: Single
Occupation: Unemployed
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Querelle Jansen

"So glad I ended your wretched life."

Life Span: October 31st, 1972
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage:1/2 Bulgarian, 1/2 French
Martial: Single
Occupation: Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at HNZ and Slytherin Head of House
Education: Hogwarts Scotland Alumni (Slytherin Prefect & Head Boy)
Playby: Rhys Ifans

"I forgave you the moment I saw you."



Life Span: January 8th, 1997
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgarian
Martial: Single
Occupation: Dark Priest
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Dani Filth

"My twin, my brother, what more can I say."

Life Span: June 16th, 2001
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/2 British
Martial: Single
Occupation: Wonderer
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Bojana Panic

"You are a vixen at best."

Life Span: March 18th, 2009
Blood Status: Half-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Irish, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgarian
Martial: Single
Occupation: History of Magic Professor at HNZ
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Alumni (Hufflepuff Prefect & Head Girl)
Playby: Anne Hatheway

"Shame for your muggle mother, we could have been closer."

Life Span: September 26th, 2010
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgarian
Martial: Single
Occupation: Ex-Beater for Transylvania
Education: Durmstrang (Dropout)
Playby: Taylor Kitsch

"You are seriously not living up to your potential."

Life Span: December 5th, 2017
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgarian
Martial: Married to Samouel; content
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni (Prefect)
Playby: Frida Gustavsson

"You are so very stubborn."

Life Span: December 5th, 2017 - November 1st, 2038
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgarian
Martial: Married to Caspian; content
Occupation: Ollivander's Assistant
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Alumni (Slytherin Alumni)
Playby: Kaley Cuoco

"Your stubbornness is what got you in the grave."

Life Span: May 22nd, 2024
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgaria
Martial: Single
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Alumni (Ravenclaw Prefect)
Playby: Max Thieriot

"Just like father, even the humorless part."

Life Span: May 22nd, 2024
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgaria
Martial: Single
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Alumni (Gryffindor)
Playby: Max Thieriot

"Where did your attitude of brightness come from?"

Life Span: August 30th, 2025
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgaria
Martial: Seeing Emilee; hopeful
Occupation: Cremator
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Evan Peters

"Your twisted sense of humor gives me hope."

Life Span: August 6th, 2026
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgaria
Martial: Single
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Adelaide Kane

"I don't even know your plans right now."

Life Span: August 6th, 2026
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgaria
Martial: Single
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Ashley Greene

"I'm not sorry for you loss, haha."

Life Span: September 16th, 2027
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Bulgaria
Martial: Single
Occupation: Student
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand (Gryffindor)
Playby: Jamie Campbell Bower

"Just wow."

Life Span: November 1st, 2017
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: Samoan American
Martial: Married to Alessine; happily
Occupation: Accountant
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Tom Daley

"Your family is still around, but you hate them. Interesting."

Life Span: April 18th, 2015
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: Russian
Martial: Widowed to Kailie; sad
Occupation: Bartender
Education: Home-schooled
Playby: Zac Effron

"How are you still alive?"



Life Span: January 15th, 2016
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Greek, 1/4 Russian, 1/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Single
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Alumni (Hufflepuff Prefect)
Playby: Andrew Biersack

"You are my pride and joy. Such a perfect firstborn son."

Life Span: February 19th, 2021 - January 7th, 2040
Blood Status: Unknown blood
Heritage: 1/4 Russian, 5/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Single
Occupation: Potions Master
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Raina Hein

"Hope you are raising hell in the afterlife."

Life Span: June 6th, 2026
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Greek, 1/4 Russian, 1/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Seeing Gabriel & Laurent; happily
Occupation: Home maker
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Amanda Hendrick

"I do wish you happiness, and figured you'd be a handful."

Life Span: July 7th, 2027
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Greek, 1/4 Russian, 1/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Single
Occupation: Family Business
Education: Durmstrang Alumni
Playby: Marie Avgeropoulos

"You are just like your mother, and I love it."

Life Span: March 1st, 2028
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Greek, 1/4 Russian, 1/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Single
Occupation: N/A
Education: Durmstrang Student
Playby: Brant Daugherty

"You have the makings of a killer. I'm so proud."

Life Span: September 16th, 2028
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/4 Russian, 5/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Seeing Agrippina; happy
Occupation: N/A
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Student (Slytherin)
Playby: Daniel Sherman

"Your temper is something else, my son."

Life Span: September 16th, 2028
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/4 Russian, 5/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Seeing Zared; happily
Occupation: N/A
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Student (Ravenclaw Prefect)
Playby: Rachael Leigh Cook

"Your control over your emotions is astounding."

Life Span: November 30th, 2030
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/4 Russian, 5/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Arranged to Noah; content
Occupation: N/A
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Student (Slytherin)
Playby: Felicity Jones

"Your fate was set at birth, and proud you consider it an honor."

Life Span: February 13th, 2032
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/4 Russian, 5/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Single
Occupation: N/A
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Student (Ravenclaw)
Playby: Drew Roy

"Your behaviors are a mystery, even to me."

Life Span: May 16th, 2039
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Heritage: 1/2 Greek, 1/4 Russian, 1/8 French, 1/8 Bulgarian
Martial: Single
Occupation: N/A
Education: N/A
Playby: Adam Gregory

"Raising hell already. My heart can't expand anymore."


f a m i l y t r e e
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[FAMILY TREE] Lutrov Family Tree and Zhefarovich Family Tree

r o m a n c e
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Victoria Isabelle Minn
Met: January 2020
Started: March 2020
Ended: July 2020
First RP: NPC
Thoughts: "It was a quick relationship, but I never really cared for you regardless."
History: Hades met Victoria while he was searching for any hint of his remaining maternal family while he was in France. The two met over drinks, dated and became intimate quickly. He was passing through and Victoria figured she would not have any lasting consequences. Hades ended the short relationship which had extended his stay longer than he wanted. He never knew that she was pregnant until she died when Vritra was five, and sent their daughter to live with him as per her final will.
Hollace Margaret Stanton
Met: December 2023
Started: Married: February 2024
Ended: May 2025
First RP: Making a New Life
Thoughts: "I don't know what I ever saw in you, but glad those children were never born."
History: Hades' history with Hollace is full of blood, despair and confusion. They met at a bar one night when he was in the Leaky Cauldron in New Zealand. Hades developed an obsession with her innocence, and sought to kill it. He messed with her brother, an Auror at the time, and many times took her home. They battled and fought, though as many times as he had pinned her, she managed to trick him into a marriage, which he kept in the end to try it out. Hades and Hollace faced many obstacles, from his more murderous side kicking it, calling it 'the darkness' and giving in to his desires to kill her. After Vritra arrived to seemingly calm it down, it reared once more, and Hollace discovered she was pregnant with twins. Hades told her that he would take them, but it never came to that. Instead, Hollace disappeared, never to be seen again. The family tree successfully removed her completely, and the two lines showing the twins never flourished, showing that they did not survive.
Etoile Hera Lefevre
Met: August 2027
Started: Relationship: January 2029; Engaged: August 2031; Married: December 2031
Ended: January 2038
First RP: Greetings Mr. Boogie Man
Thoughts: "As it turns out, I am a force that cannot be tied."
History: After the engagement fell through with Anastasia, Hades went after Etoile, seeing something in her that he had seen in no other woman that he had gained interest in. She followed him, and the moment that he turned the tables on her, the sparks flew. She tried to run, Hades followed. She tried to be with another man, but Hades killed him and then took her into his own home. He made a wager with her, and he won the wager, tricking her into the Unbreakable Vow. Months later, Hades was determined to make her spawn a child, and after one month of trying constantly, she was finally pregnant. Hades found out that she was pregnant with twins and grew worried. After the twins were born, he found out that he had not only obsessed with Etoile, but he was in love with her. After being her dark arts trainer, Hades told her how he felt, even though she already knew from Asparuh, and the two started were officially a couple. After some years, Hades went through and he proposed to her, to which she accepted. It was the first time he had ever proposed with intention of wanting to marry. After many years of marry, much to Hades' history, it ended up falling through as well.
Anastasia Anstice Katsaros
Met: December 2014
Started: [sup]1[/sup]Relationship: December 2014; [sup]2[/sup]Relationship: March 2026; Engaged: November 2026
Ended: [sup]1[/sup]July 2019; [sup]2[/sup]July 2027
First RP: Idée Fixe
Thoughts: "I can never shake you."
History: Hades and Anastasia have had a lot of history, from meeting up once when they were still incredibly young, still in school. They started their relationship and a couple of years later, their first born son was born. However, like all school romances, it fades. Hades met up with her once more, in 2025. He influenced her to kill her entire family, which she did a year later. They picked things back up when he wanted more children from her considering Hollace's were not worthy. She fell pregnant, just as he wanted. Once he confronted Anastasia, he realized that there was something about her that could make him heel. He did not appreciate it, but once he kidnapped her, and released her, he promised to keep an eye on her, as well as killing any man that lay with her. When Callista was born, Hades stuck around for a little longer. He had researched about that electricity and found out it did not rest within the blood. He found out that it was mere chemistry, and when she fell pregnant with her second daughter, Hades proposed. However when the marriage was approved, Hades suddenly felt weary and avoided Anastasia. He soon left her after discovering someone else. Eventually, after he moved on from Etoile, Hades met with her once more, where they had a one night stand, conceiving Lucifer. The two agreed to part for now, since Hades was still not in his usual stable mind. However, as fate would have it, they met up once more, and their chemistry still exists.

[VIRGINITY] Hades lost his virginity to Anastasia.
[FIRST KISS] His first kiss was to Anastasia, on their first date.
[FIRST DATE] Hades took Anastasia out to a small village, where they shared coffee and other stories about their schooling. They saw each other exclusively from there.
[FIRST TIME] After Hades graduated from Durmstrang, he brought Anastasia to his home, where they seduced each other. Hades did his best to make sure Anastasia had a good time, and during that time, they did not know any better, and their first son was conceived.
[FIRST BREAK UP] Hades' first break up was with Anastasia. She was returning to Greece, and he was dead set on finding his family alone. He left her, though he knew that deep down, they would have another go in the future when their priorities were set.
[FIRST HEARTBREAK] Hades has never had his heart broken.
[TURN ONS] Blood, soft hands to his shoulders, pain, torture, a kill
[TURN OFFS] Good women, sleaziness, dirtiest, ignorance
[SEXUAL PARTNERS] Anastasia Katsaros, Victoria Minn, Jekaterina Kaminiski, Hollace Stanton, Etoile Lefevre
[PERFECT DATE] Hades is pretty much an easy going guy and does not like to go out on dates. However, going out on a kill or staying at home would be considering his perfect date.
[DREAM PARTNER] Someone who is as dark and insane as he is, someone who is not afraid to kill and not afraid to get a little blood on their clothing. Someone who is mature enough to handle being a dark witch.

f r i e n d s h i p
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Leah Winters
Met: August 2026
First RP: Alive
Thoughts: "A fabulous dark witch. If only life did not keep us apart. We could have killed many times over."
Katalina Harker
Met: December 2023
First RP: Here kitty kitty...
Thoughts: "You are certainly attractive."

Rosaline Mckay
Met: June 2025
First RP: Haven't you popped it out yet?
Thoughts: "You and Chavdar were such a mismatched couple. You had such potential."

Evangelina Katsaros
Met: February 2026
First RP: Creeper In The Night
Thoughts: "Cute girl."

Alessio Linchester-Raven
Met: August 2043
First RP: Innocent Playdate
Thoughts: "Strange man."

e n e m i e s
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<FONT font="georgia"><COLOR color="black"><SIZE size="50">
Estrella Drage
Met: January 2023
First RP: Stopping by for Lunch
Thoughts: "You are entertaining, but I really don't like you. Your daughters are adorable, but alas, no blood means I should not have wasted my time."

Alexander Moon
Met: July 2023
First RP: Girl's Day Out!
Thoughts: "So glad it was me that was chosen to kill you, mudblood."

Edward Stanton
Met: January 2024
First RP: Letting Loose
Thoughts: "Such a fun toy to mess with."

Onix Hensel
Met: June 2026
First RP: Admitting the Wicked
Thoughts: "I was an agent in your death. If only I dealt the final blow."
Cecily Rambolt
Met: March 2023
First RP: Joseph and Nataliia's Wedding
Thoughts: "Never knew why Prodan dumped you. I miss your crazy antics."



r o l e p l a y s
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: With:</SIZE></COLOR></FONT>

h i s t o r y
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Hades' true parents are Megara Morozova and Kalif Styx, after Kalif had a spat with Namina, causing them to separate for a while, and Kalif had a one-night-stand with a woman of incest blood. Megara could not provide for Hades, and the Ministry took Hades away before she was too unstable to care for him. Before the Ministry took him away, Megara tried to find Kalif, who at the time was a Zhefarovich, but could not due to his change of name and disappearance. Hades was soon adopted. Their names were Lustor Lutrov and Helena Lutrov. Both raised Hades as a normal child, even even at that age, Hades proved to be a quiet, loner. He ignored any other children that came near him. Hades put up an invisible barrier around himself, feeling out of place and not quite where he belonged. He spent all of his years indoors, but his skin was just a pale color at the time. Growing up to be an attractive young man, Hades did not notice how well he appeared to be. Instead, he barely took notice in anything but the Dark Arts and Potions, reading books until he was able to go to a Wizarding School. Then, when he turned eleven, he received a letter from Durmstrang, the closest school to him considering he was living in Russia. Hades was not one to care where he went, but with his adopted parents' advice, and after they revealed the truth to him, Hades packed his things and went to school that September of 2008. After Hades' first year, he was no longer allowed to learn of the Dark Arts whilst on his breaks. His 'parents' had conformed from their Death Eater ways. Hades silently started to hate them, but he buried this inside him while he returned to Durmstrang to receive the top grades, or rather, as much as he could possible. Hades went about the school, absent and longing for a purpose. But, it wasn't until his fifth year after he was awarded with the title of Prefect when a professor informed him that there was another that looked highly similar to him. His "brother" Jaken Styx, coming later in the school having known his parent, Kalif. Later, he confronted his father whom revealed that Hades was indeed, a Styx and a Zhefarovich. When Hades was sixteen, he was taken to the Zhefarovich Manor to receive his brand on his back. Hades did not meet his father there, but learned why he was given up for adoption. Hades hated the fact that he was not wanted then, and he sought out his mother, who was living alone, and he brutally murdered her and made her 'vanish' just as Kalif did in her life. However, there was a girl that had some sort of interest in Hades, and her name was Jekaterina. Beautiful as she was, Hades was not interested at first. However, in March, Hades turned the tables, and he seduced her, taking with him her purity as well as his own. In the middle of the night of lust, Hades plunged a dagger through her heart, and she was never seen again, tainting a virgin and taking her life. Smirking, he took the body and disposed of it. He went back and he killed the two that adopted him, as well as their teenaged daughter at the time that was being homeschooled. Hades soon graduated, almost with a clean slate other than the fact that he was a murderer. Hades discovered the Death Eater's, forever intrigued by their logic, and went out in search of them but proved to be futile. He felt that in his heart, if he can easily cast curses like he did in Durmstrang in school, which almost caused him to be expelled in his seventh year, then he could easily hunt down those who opposed him. Hades thrived on becoming one, after he spent years of researching their ways and becoming intrigued and amused in the ways of the Dark Lord. His number one mission was to become one of these mysterious people, and his other mission was to hunt down the one that replaced him in his rightful place. In 2015, in April, Hades ran across a woman, and had an on and off again relationship. Then, little Hades Lutrov II was born in 2016, January 15th. As a result of their relationship, Hades had another child by her, a daughter.

Upon arriving at New Zealand, the very first person he had met was Estrella Drage, Jaken's girlfriend at the time. Intrigued, he received some information from the girl, and went about on his ways. From there, his journey began. He sought out Kalif Styx, and got all the information he needed. Of course, he was accepted into the family, and Hades was not yet satisfied. He still wanted to kill or permanently damage Jaken. A few years passed, and Hades received news that Jaken was married. After months of relentless following, he managed to get inside the home, and meet with none other than Estrella again. Estrella was pregnant at the time, and Hades had his fun from there. But, Kalif sent Hades on a mission, to kill a mudblood named Alexander Moon, to which he did and was quite proud of his first kill. Then, Hades decided to use his special stalking abilities to tease a Gryffindor lass. Never really doing anything to her, he turned his ways to a young woman, Hollace Stanton. However, what was supposed to be harmless fun turned into obsession when discovered Hollace's brother was an Auror. Kidnapping the lass, he took her into the far depths of Russia. The Head and Patriarch had to step in, and release Hollace of his grasp. However, Hades vowed only to leave the brother out of it. Then, Hades had managed to keep an eye on Hollace, watching her from afar. Though, she was attacked by drunken men, Hades saved her for reasons unknown to him. Though, Hades decided to have a spot of fun, taking Hollace in her sleep. She thought it was all a dream, but Hades woke her up. He then told Hollace to kill him, because he would never stop. He would never leave her alone, and he would never disappear from her life. He threw her the dagger, and said he would not fight as she would plunge the dagger through his chest. However, she couldn't do it, because she was in love with him. He revealed that he was a killer, and she didn't leave. However, Hades took her from his home, and put her in her own bed. Following Hollace once more, things turned from bad to worst when Asparuh came in and threw Hollace off a building. Luckily, she survived. Then, the tables turned when Hollace managed to kidnap Hades, and force him into marriage. However, he broke the chains, and kidnapped her then as well. She had fallen for his spell, and the married couple had their wicked ways with each other. Then, Hollace was attacked by a werewolf. Hades was sent away for a few days in an unknown location but he was able to escape. During her trials, Hades stayed where he was, as his own darkness started talking to him. It told him to destroy the Light. Hollace was his Light. When they were reunited, they dueled aggressively, where Hades tried to kill her but failed. Then, something strange happened. Vritra Aliah Silver-Lutrova entered his life. It calmed the darkness within, and was able to unite Hades and Hollace. As long as his daughter is around, Hollace was safe from the darkness that wanted so much to claim Hollace's life.

Hades plots with Patricia on getting their father back together with Nicolette. They edit their letters, and soon, they were warmed up. Hades tricks Kalif into revealing his true feelings, at the same time as revealing that there is another baby in the family. Things go to hell when Hades' darkness claims every inch of his being. He sends Vritra away to a boarding school, and he goes and attacks Hollace on multiple occasions. She becomes so frightened, she requests a divorce from the insane man. Hades started to just follow her more. Hollace discoviers Hades' journal, where he had tricked her into finding, and allowing her to read the depths of a maniac. Hades attacks an Auror, and polyjuices as him to stalk Hollace even more. He forces Hollace to come home with him, and forces her to give into him, and he reveals that he wants children, which she soon becomes pregnant with twins. Hades has left her alone since. Hades follows through with the plans, finally getting out so much anger against Jaken, and finally erasing his memories and causing him to never walk again. Hades follows Rosaline, and predicts when that baby is born, when her water bursts in front of him. Hades prepares and then conducts the darkest wedding of the century, where he just proves just how creepy and insane he had become over the past years. Hades' plans have switched from wanting to kill Jaken to wanting to have children...without their mothers. He charmed her, another pure-blood, and seduced her into being his vessel. She fell pregnant, just as he wanted. Once he confronted Anastasia, he realized that there was something about her that could make him heel. He did not appreciate it, but once he kidnapped her, and released her, he promised to keep an eye on her, as well as killing any man that lay with her. Finally, he took the twins from Hollace, and left her to rot in her own misery. When Callista was born, Hades stuck around for a little longer. He had researched about that electricity and found out it did not rest within the blood. He also had a little fun with Nicolette at the same time. Jaken ended up dying and Hades conducted the funeral service. And then summoned by the Ranee, he brought forth Andromeda Fiorelli into the Zhefarovich Manor, and then Arianna Tipley to end a fight. Hades directed his activities to finding his "brother's" killer. He found out that it was Onix Hensel. Thinking of a plan, Hades was then summoned by Leah Winters to help her kill her father after he hunted him down. A girl tried to seduce Hades, and then he shoved her away. Then Hades went and got approval for his marriage to Anastasia, and she ended up pregnant again with another girl, Titania. Though while watching his oldest son, he saw that he ended up adopting a Malkov, Kaia, making her Kaia Lutrova. While being bored, he went and bothered Effie Snow, only knowing that she was just a Snow. And then he met with Anastasia's older brother, and then met another female named Etoile Lefevre. So far, Hades' life has never slowed down.

Not much to everyone's surprise, the relationship that Hades managed to build just fell apart within a flick of a wrist. What could have caused it to fall? Hades' sudden dislike for marriage? Perhaps that was it. After that day with Etoile, something was awakened within Hades. After that, he followed her home not even a month later, where she was very unhappy to see him again. Hades did not care though. They managed to spend another night together, after much temptation. Etoile managed to get the slip from Hades when she knocked him out with chloroform. The angered Hades had a plan. A plan to get Etoile and keep her. After a few more weeks, Hades fetched Axel to follow Etoile some more, and she was soon attacked. Hades saved her life, and she got away: again. Hades left a surprise in her journal, and the next time he met her again, she was seemingly falling for a man that would just use her for sexual pleasure. Hades put a stop to it by interrupting them in their hotel room where he was waiting. He killed Xelric, via slow and painful death with snake venom. Etoile an home, but Hades was waiting where he kidnapped her. Hades took her home, and after she fought, things only heated up when she made the wager, and Hades was thinking of a way where he would win anyway. They sword fought, where she won, he would leave her alone, and if he won, she would do whatever he wanted. Etoile lost the wager. And now, she must - on her own word - make the Unbreakable Vow with him. Once the Vow was made, they were inseparable. After the Vow was made, Hades went to war with the Snow's, witnessed another death, and managed to see his uncle come back from the dead as a ghost. A few months later, Etoile fell pregnant with his children, twins in fact. However his attempts to have her remotely like him were futile as she said that she hated him. Even after the twins, Lestat and Elysia were born, she still seemed to hate him, however Hades had fallen in love. Desperate to get in control of his feelings, he left Etoile with the children for a month and a half, and while he was there, he managed some control, but once he returned, the feeling of love was still there, and he was nearly defeated when her hatred still remained. After Hades defended Etoile from Iulian, she shown signs of admiration, in case Iulian was to come after him. He knew that his grandfather had told her that he loved her, and after the training, he showed her that he was right. After they had returned home, they spoke, and started to know even more of each other before they ultimately decided to become an official couple. The more time went on the more that Hades started to subtly feel frustrated that he had not known if he was loved in return, and it was paining him. However he hid this fact. Etoile had gone exploring down to the safe house where they had first truly met, and his dark side came out to play. He went through and played on Etoile's desire not to have Hades harmed, and finally Etoile admitted that she was in love with him.

c r e d i t s
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This template is made by me, Kaitlyn. Do not steal.
Influences go to Jessye as well, and the lyrics are:
Forgive Me Father, I have Sinned by Cradle of Filth
Images belong to their respective owners​

"A beauty pageant for the gathering damned...

of slaughtered lambs and tortured screams..."
Wise to the wolves that surprised their children gagged in sacks and dragged back to
So let's head for home now

Stopping by for Lunch
Joseph and Nataliia's Wedding
Girls Day Out!
Forbidden Territory
Your days are numbered
Final Hour
As You Wish
This Isn't Goodbye
Here kitty kitty...
Making a New Life
The Piped Piper plays again
Letting Loose
Finders Keepers
When a Caged Bird Sings
A Promise Kept
So That's What it Really Does to You
Mend Your Wicked Ways Baby
Family Reunion
I Can't Make Him Love Me
In the Cover of Darkness
Absence, makes thine heart grow fonder
Special Delivery
Honestly, I think I am going to hit you...
-Sneak! Sneak! Plot! Plot!-
Urgent Meeting?
Pat's being nosey
The Man in the Moon
Burning Light
Welcome Home, Sanitarium
In this garden of fear
We're all a little mad here
Once Lost Now Found
They weren't lies.
Writings of a Psycho
Going home for the evening
Darkness Falls
Darkness Fall Redux
Blood to Blood, It Must be Repaid
Haven't you popped it out yet?
Broken, Forgotten, So...Life pretty much sucks right now.
Blood of My Blood, We Are One
Violet Shove into Reality
Like sand through an hourglass
Idee Fixe
Final Act
Atrum Votum
Creeper In The Night
So Much Better...
You rose, just to fall again.
Playing Fetch and a Special Delivery
And why am I here?
Admitting The Wicked...
I'm Not Your Knight
For Whom The Bell Tolls
It comes to this.
First Approval...or Denial
Why Trust You
This happens...
Family Unites
Greetings Mr. Boogie Man
Not Even Three Months Yet
Neurosis: The Unappealable Fixation
The Covenant
Honey and Sulphur
Family 'Bonding'
My Suffering, Your Thrill
A Word of Advice
New Stragedy, New Souls
Renaissance of Two Misleading Lovers
Somewhere Only We Know
Darkness, Love and Daggers
Something like Wonderland
Now Who is This?
Tie My Rope

<FONT font="times new roman">It's roads now home to a beautiful stranger
Everything I have is yours
</i><SIZE size="50">

<COLOR color="#333">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Black- Honey and Sulphur by Cradle of Filth; Gray- Temptation by Cradle of Filth
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​
Extended Morozov Family
Family Tree soon to come


[great-grandfather] Amaranth Omen Lutrov
[born] November 17th, 1909
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[occupation] Unemployed; In Azkaban
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Mark Dacascos


[great-grandmother] Lucetia Scarlett Morozov
[born] August 30th, 1913
[died] June 1st, 1989
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw Alumni
[playby] Tairrie B.


[grandfather] Abraxas Draven Morozov
[born] December 29th, 1941
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[seeing] Atira Rosary Harchen-Morozov
[occupation] Unemployed; Hidden
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Terrance Zdunich


[grandmother] Atira Rosary Harchen-Morozov
[born] May 4th, 1943
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[seeing] Abraxas Draven Morozov
[occupation] Unemplyed; In Azkaban
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Maila Nurmi


[great-uncle] Alabaster Jett Morozov
[born] December 29th, 1941
[died] January 19th, 2020
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[occupation] Dark Priest
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Stephan R. Hart


[great-aunt once removed] Ember Imperia Strange
[born] July 7th, 1976
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] 1/2 Greek, 1/2 British
[occupation] Unspeakable
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Roxy Saint


[uncle] Draegan Chalice Morozov Lutrov
[born] March 9th, 1971
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[occupation] Dark Priest
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Dani Filth
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[uncle's affair] Ilythia Aura Graves
[born] May 25th, 1976
[died] October 14th, 2013
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] Russian
[occupation] Wizengamont Member
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Larisa Oleynik


[aunt] Jezanna Sable Morozov
[born] June 30th, 1983
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[occupation] Dark Priestess
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Floor Jansen


[uncle once removed] Bast Thanos Eastre
[born] April 11th, 1983
[died] August 22nd, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Egyptian
[occupation] Hunter
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw Alumni
[playby] Vivian Sinamor


[uncle] Hathor Morozov
[born] June 30th, 1983
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[occupation] Unemployed; In Azkaban
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Peter Steele


[second cousin] Lazarus Anatole Strange
[born] February 13th, 1999
[blood status] Unknown Blood
[heritage] 1/4 Greek, 1/4 British, 1/2 Russian
[occupation] Musician
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw Alumni
[playby] Nero Bellum


[second cousin] Tamber Letha Strange
[born] November 30th, 2008
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] 1/4 Greek, 1/4 British, 1/2 Russian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Betty Curse


[second cousin] Varden Louise Strange
[born] October 4th, 2012
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] 1/4 British, 1/4 Greek, 1/2 Russian
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Kyle Gallner


[second cousin] Thea Jayde Strange
[born] December 1st, 2017
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] 1/4 Greek, 1/4 British, 1/2 Russian
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin
[playby] Vibeke Stene


[adopted first cousin] Coventia Ebony Lutrova
[born] October 13th,2013
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] Russian
[education] Home-schooled
[playby] Rachel Dashae


[first cousin] Castalia Kairos Morozov
[born] December 24th, 2009
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Egyptian, 1/2 Russian
[occupation] Owner of a Potions Shop
[education] Home-schooled
[playby] Mackenzie Firgens


[first cousin] Xanthos Ajax Morozov
[born] April 29th, 2012
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Egyptian, 1/2 Russian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Home-schooled
[playby] Brian Molko


[first cousin] Nemesis Urian Morozov
[born] August 27th, 2019
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Egyptian, 1/2 Russian
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin
[playby] Kett Turton


[nephew] Warren Harriett Baronov
[born] December 2nd, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 3/16 British, 13/16 Russian
[playby] RJ Mitte
[roleplayer] Reserved

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