Hadan Blake

Hadan Blake

Well-Known Member


Character's Name: Hadan Blake
Character's Birthdate:
August 21
Blood Status:Half Blood
Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland Gryffindor transfer student to Beauxbatons Graduate 2024
House:Former Gryffindor
Seeker in Portugal Ministry Offical in NZ
Civil Status:
Married to Kasey Blake 2024 October Bliss ♥

Appearance:Hadan appeared to be six feet in height, light olive skin tone dazzle his boyish appearance. His eyes are a cystalline lucid glint with rich hazel luminosity hue, chestnut forelock brush evenly back to the side of his cranium. Hadan style either laid back or vintage, he can honestly pull off anything. His favourite wear would probably be a dressy blazer and some muggel looking shades.
Hadan a typical guy that enjoys music, and a little muggel sport called rugby. He can be very nice, gentle and caring, also very flirtatious, daring [depending], and optimistic at times. Hadan also has split personality, its not as obvious but he does have different personality, is even a little bioplar. Only those who knows him well, seen this side of Hadan. Most of the time he has it under control. Its when someone gets him tempered, he tends to lash out more.

Both his parents Serene Blake and Aden Blake work for the Ministry in London, England as muggel-worthy excuse committee. Both his parents were educated in Hogwarts Scotland, but because their department have a off site option, they decided to work all around Europe, instead of just one site. Currently they are residing in France with Hadan. (More will be added)

Savana Blake: Blake's younger sister, Currently sorted into Hufflepuff 1st Year
History:Born to this world as the son of Serene and Aden Blake, Hadan was their eldest child. He was born and raised in London, almost all his life. His earliest memory were spent with the Hollawarth family. Hadan was a only child at first so he had some relationship with the family. It also helped the fact their parents had all went to the same school.

His younger years at Scotland were a lot of up and downs. Hadan wasn't the most appealing boy at first, in fact he was a bit bigger for his age, and had a lot of out breaks. Its as if someone had spread baulder plant all over his face, except his scars were reddish spots that look like freckles. He was sorted into Gryffindor (just like his father), and only had a few true friends because of his looks. Besides the teasing he had encounter, he was pint pointed out by a professor assistance that really didn't much like Hadan. She would do anything to withdraw points from Gryffindor house, Hadan wonder why this professor assistance didn't like him. It wasn't till one night when he finally knew the reason why she didn't like Hadan. The woman had a crush on him, and it didn't help that she was young, so young Hadan had a secret relationship with the woman till he moved away. It wasn't love more like lust but she did help bring his confident up.

By the time he had left, his appearance had changed dramatically. Now a graduate from Beauxbatons, Hadan will probably work for the Ministry but its undecided yet.

Maddiie, Jake, and Jon- Knew them since they were around five years old. Used to enjoy playing muggel soccer. Hadan at one point had a crush on Maddiie. He even told her, she felt the same but their relationship never progress anywhere. They only shared one tap kiss and that was it, since than he has been very close friends with Maddiie and her brothers.

Maya DeNiro- Hadan Ravenclaw friend when he was at Hogwarts. When Hadan had little less friends Maya was the only one to actually be his friend and such. Since he moved he stills talks to her once in a while not much, Maya sometimes hard to keep up with.

Lewis Delaney- Muggelborn boy from Hogwarts Scotland as well. He was Hadan old house-mate. Best friends these twos, along with the Peterson twins. Trouble at times with these four together.

Potions - E
History of Magic - O
Astronomy - A
Transfiguration - O
Herbology - E
Charms - O
Divination -N/A
Arithmancy - N/A
Muggle Studies - O
Ancient Runes - E
Care of Magical Creatures - O

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