Gurl puh-lease!

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Nevaeh Haze

Well-Known Member
This is Nevaeh Haze
She is a bit of a wildcard. She is mischievous, and apathetic, and she is vain ^_^.
What I am looking for, for my lovely Nevaeh, is some guys.
I'm wanting just a few for her to be friends with, and perhaps a one-sided crush on her? + Perhaps a cute little relationship thing happening. Nevaeh would love a boyfriend, and it'll work well with the other plots in mind at the moment.
Nevaeh doesn't really get along well with girls; there's only one girl that she really gets along with.
So give me a holla, I'm open for plots and ideas!
DONNA :wub:
I have little Robbie Masters for a friend.

He's a somewhat shy person, and he kind of finds it hard to befriend at first. Though after a short while he will relax and he will be able to talk properly. He is a good friend and he would do whatever it took to make someone smile.

I also have Justin Cliffeton for another friend. xD

He is a happy person, and he finds it very easy to make friends. Justin is the sort of person to just go with the flow and he will try a lot of new things no matter what they are.
Nevaeh + Robbie
I reckon this could make for an interesting rp, Nevaeh wouldn't understand why Robbie is so shy, and would be a little freaked out at first :p. But Nevaeh would keep talking until he started talking, so we can try them out!

Nevaeh + Justin
Sounds good! Nevaeh would get along extremely well with him by the sounds of it!
Would you like to start something or shall I?
I'll do Justin's if you do Robbie's, yeah? ^_^

I'm thinking Nevaeh is a hit with the guys!
lol, anyway

I can offer you Elijah Here.
He's a fourth year Puff. With a heart of gold. He's incredibly passionate. And is kind to everyone. He loves music. Which is a bit of an understatement. Elijah is obsessed with music, he plays it, rights it, listens to it. Everything. Now Elijah had a few friends, but, he has an obsessive tendency, and this leads him to be very, very forgetful. He will forget that he has class, or forget that he needs to leave the dorm every so often. He'll forget people, and books when he becomes so involved in music. Or really anything. At 14, he is still very much energetic and is very much still hyperactive a lot of the time. Elijah has been moving from home to home, and has gone through a number of changes in her home life. Which was why he was away. Elijah is a happy young fellow with a lot of love to give.

I'm thinking he could be a friend.
Let me know what you think
Nevaeh + Elijah
This sounds good! Would you like to start something? ^_^

Could you start something please?
I'm going to be busy over the next few days.
If I can grab a few moments then I'll see if I can
start it, but, that could be a while so, if you could start
it that would be awesome.
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