Graphics Request [C]

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Anastasie Vernier

dept. of experimental charms | musician
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Anastasie Vernier
Banner Type: Any
*Banner Size: Any
Celebrity you're using: Ciara Bravo
Images on banner: one two three
*Background Image:
*House Crest/Scitorari Mark:
Text on banner: Anastasie Vernier
*Fonts on banner: Any
*Colour Scheme: Please use pastel colours if possible
*Border colour/size:
Links:(Only for linked banners - enter a maximum of five links and what you would like them to say on the banner)

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Patrick Vernier
Banner Type: Any
*Banner Size: Any
Celebrity you're using: Colin Ford
Images on banner: one two three
*Background Image:
*House Crest/Scitorari Mark:
Text on banner: Patrick Vernier
*Fonts on banner: Any
*Colour Scheme: Don't mind but try not to make it really dark
*Border colour/size:
Links:(Only for linked banners - enter a maximum of five links and what you would like them to say on the banner)
Hello! I did one of them for you, for the other can I look for other images? or would you rather I tried to use the images you've linked to?


Thank you, that looks amazing Emzies :wub:
You can use whichever images you want. I don't mind ^_^
I gave the other a try too!


And with a border

:woot: That's perfect! Thank you a bunch Emzies!
I'm glad you like it!

Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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