Graphics Request [C]

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Zephyr Delacroix

Active Member
Sexual Orientation
Curved 10 ½ Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Zephyr Delacroix
Banner Type: (Standard/Blend/Complex/Linked) I don't actually know what half of these are. You can do whatever tickles your fancy
*Banner Size: It's up to you
Celebrity you're using: Philip Ellis
Images on banner: Either of these
*Background Image: Yolo it
*House Crest/Scitorari Mark:

Text on banner: Just his name, I'm not very creative.
*Fonts on banner: Anything you find particularly complementary to it
*Colour Scheme: You da expert
*Border colour/size: If you do do a border, I prefer thin ones, but i'm not fussed either way.

Links: Nope
*Other: You the wo/man *fistbump*

Avatar Request Form
Oh hello, I didn't see this. If you want to make an avatar using one of the photos above, perhaps the opposite of whichever you didn't use if you decide to go with one, that's very appreciated too. But, not something I necessarily need.
I threw something together, anything can be changed, because I remembered to save an editable version xD


and with a border

You are a wizard. That was quick xD

It's beautiful, I love it. You are the absolute best! :wub:
I'm glad you like it, literally threw it together.
I'm just going to close this over.

Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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