Graphics Request [C]

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Patricia Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Tail Hair of a Male Unicorn | Willow Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Gold Dust
I would like the above/anyone who wants to give it a shot to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Zechariah Powell
Banner Type: Standard
*Banner Size: 500x275
Images on banner:
*Background Image: Only if you find something, not necessary
Text on banner: Zechariah Powell
*Fonts on banner: Something 'man-ish' with a curve xD
*Colour Scheme: Dark drumstrang colours/dark blues and greys
*Border colour/size: Black thin if it suits
*Other: The picture is fine as it is but I want some colour added to it due to the bland whiteness of it

Avatar Request Form
Just to match banner (140x140)
Hey Patty,

So I was just practising, and came up with this. I really won't mind if you don't want to use it, but I would really appreciate so feedback. I'm trying to get better at understanding and completing requests, so I would rather use this as feedback, than actually it being used. Of course, if you want to use it then go ahead, but please don't feel you have to because it was made. I made it for practise!

Enough rambling:


Thanks Kate ^_^

Um I would suggest making a topic with all your graphics and have other people give feedback and how you can overcome somethings.

A few points on this picture, be careful with your colouring or your background and text because if both are dark or light then you can't really make out the text. Also I'm not sure how but your text looks sorta 'jaggy-edged' :/

And also, I'm assuming you cut the main body of the text out and added it to the dark background, well however you did it, try and cut around the edges a bit closer so you don't have this bulk of white all around the person in the picture.

Whatever programme your using will have tutorials on how to overcome most of this on youtube or various places found through a google search. But it's a good start :)
Hey, so hows this?



lol, jk.. :r
I tried to add colour, as in like colour in the black and white image, but he kept going ginger. And I'm assuming you don't want him ginger. So, either I can try again with this image, or I could look up a different image? Or you can. lol
Ahhh sorry for only getting back now. I figured it would be hard to do anything on this picture, could you maybe put it on a different background (I'm awful at finding these but I've seen you use some really nice ones) or a colour wash maybe *shrugs*

It's really hard to find pictures of his so maybe this one?
Hey so I gave it a shot and ditto to what Kate said :) It's just for practice and i'd like to get feedback on it ^_^ I am planning to make a topic with my little creations soon :D

I'm not a graphics banner maker or whatever anymore, but thought I would give this a shot.
The playby was so cute, how could I resist? But if you want to use them, I highly recommend rehosting, since I might delete it one day. =))


Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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