Graphics Request [C]

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OOC First Name
I would like Claire to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Gabriel Reinhold
Banner Type: Honestly? I don't actually mind! Do whatever you want! I trust you. :D
Celebrity you're using: Michael Fassbender
Images on banner: Okay, here's a few from a photoshoot I like, but use whichever one(s) you like most: one two three four five
Background Image: *shrug* wwhatevver :p
Text on banner: Just the name please!
Fonts on banner: Christopher Hand
Colour Scheme: Neutral colours preferred - pales/cooler colours particuarly
Border colour/size: Just a thin black border please!

Basically I love your banners and I know you'll do something cool, hehe. xD
i know i am not clare but i thought i would have a shot at this one anyway.
here it is

you don't have to use it, but feel free to suggest moderations.
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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