Grant Willis

Grant Willis

OOC First Name
Kingwood 15 1/2" with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Grant Gregory Joseph Willis


Date of Birth

February 2nd, 2020


Aquarius, sign keywords -
Witty, clever, humanitarian, inventive, original.

Current Age


Basic Appearance

Grant's about medium height for his age with an athletic build, tanned brown from the Australian sunshine with short, fluffy, thick dark hair which tends to stand on end and brown eyes. The spitting image of his father. He has a distinctive, pear shaped birth mark over his right shoulder which is a shade or two darker than his skin.
He could probably pass as being a year or two older than he is.


Grant's a genuinely good, caring young boy. There's not a bad bone in his body, he's not one to get angry or worked up and is always looking at the bright side. Oozing positive energy, he's laid-back and easy going, enthusiastic and energetic. He feels naturally protective over his small family, especially his sister, despite the five year age gap, there very close and he's used to her being rather motherly towards him. His mother walked out on them when Grant was only four years old and too young to fully understand it, the good thing being he was also too young for this to have any major effect on him and doesn't feel he's suffered any real loss. Although only nine at the time, Mandy was quick to step up to the plate and take on several 'mum duties', including cooking the majority of there meals, cleaning the house, watering the plants, reading bed time stories and always being there for her little brother. After there father was diagnosed with cancer, Mandy became more determined than ever to be there and do as much as she possibly could for him and Grant, but she's not been the same since. It's hit her hard, and although she's staying strong for Grant and David, it's changed her slightly and Grant hates to see it, he's always idolised his sister, her strength, determination, kindness and general can-do attitude towards everything.

Hogwarts house

where dwell the brave at heart.


Father - David Willis;
36 year old ex-hufflepuff, attended Hogwarts Scotland in his youth.
David was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2029 and is about to begin regular treatments, although he's been told he'll be lucky to see his daughter graduate. After his wife left, David decided he would home school his children, choosing to give up his job to raise them, but his recent diagnosis has put a stop to that and if Mandy is allowed to transfer into 5th year, they will both be starting at Hogwarts New Zealand. David doesn't want them to watch his illness take it's toll and his health deteriorate.

Mother - Keely McDowell;
A 34 year old muggle waitress. Keely and Grants father met during David's summer holidays between 6th and 7th year at Hogwarts Scotland. Grant doesn't know much about their relationship or how it came about, just that there lifes were too different for them to keep their marriage together, they both wanted different things out of life and couldn't make it work. The biggest difference of course being that Keely was a muggle trying to get by in a wizards world, understanding nothing and struggling to stay happy. Keely and David's marriage ended when Keely admitted to having a 2 year affair with a muggle lawyer, she walked out on Grant, his sister and father to live with her lover and give birth to the child she'd been 6 months pregnant with when she'd left. Mandy and Grant haven't heard from her since and although Grant's too young to understand it all, Mandy understand's perfectly and wouldn't want to see her mum again anyway! When she left she exclaimed that she'd had it with magic, wizards and anything to do with them, this evidently including her children.

Sister - Mandy Willis;
16 Years old, Grant thinks the world of his sister.


None at the moment.

Area of Residence

Alice Springs, Northern Australia.

Blood Status


Interests or Hobbies

Grant's pretty much your average teenage boy, he enjoys playing and watching sports, mostly football, rugby and quidditch, which he's hoping he'll get the chance to play at Hogwarts as he's never been able to properly play a game, he just messes around with his dad and Mandy. Although he enjoys being active, he could also win an olympic gold for hours spent in front of the television, if they ever decided to start handing those out for such things. Spondgebob Squarepants is a favourite.

Describe your character in three words

Kind, happy, energetic.


Favourite place to be:


Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:

A page from your diary:

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