Grace Winter

Grace Winter

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OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Grace Rachael Winter



Grace Rachael Winter
Grace was chosen by my mother, it was her favourite name. 
Rachael was chosen by my dad. His grandmother was called that and he was very close to her. She died not long before Grace was born, so he gave her that middle name after her. 
Winter is a name that traces back generations in the family. There has been a long line of male Winter in the family carrying on the name. 


4th June 2014
Born exactly at 3.47am, at The Western Imfirmery in Glasgow. She was a month early. Her birth was a month early because her parents were fighting and this caused Grace's mother to go into labour. Fighting causes Grace to often go into stages of panic. 



1st Year

Hogwarts New Zealand
I really am loving it. It's fantastic to finally get down to some serious wizarding learning


I am very glad. I am a proud Gryffindorian, though I thought I was going to be a Ravenclaw because I love reading

Mixed Blood

I like it, I am a witch and I have magical heritage but also there is no pressure into limiting myself to a wizard

Put in 

Newly bought

Put in

Just outside Wellington but I grew up in Glasgow, Scotland.

Yeah, New Zealand is lovely. But I miss Scotland. A lot 
Any library or book store. 

Happy, but also kinda sad, because I really miss my family




I am small, and quite skinny. I am shapeless, but my dad says it will come with time.

I have dark complication and I have a few freckles on my nose. I have soft skin, because of the lotion my mum taught me to put on.

Dark Brown

Longish. Down past my elbows

Green eyes. They are exactly like my mothers.

None yet.

Katrina Graham

Grace has a slim petite figure. She is small in height and is light in weight. There is no particular reason for this just that Grace hasn't developed yet. She has pearl White teeth and emerald green eyes. This is accompanyed by her dark brown hair that is left mostly curly, and messy but Grace does sometimes straighten it. Grace has chocolate coloured skin, which is very soft, due to the fact that her gran was a beautician and has taught her a lot.
Grace dresses in very relaxed clothing. She likes big trainers, jeans and t-shirts with catchy or funny phrases or pictures on them. She likes to finish off her look with a big jumper or a scarf. 
Her favourite colours to wear are purples, lime greens, whites and blacks. But she can be found in almost any colour. Almost all colours suit Grace it is just find the right clothes to fit her figureless frame. 
Although she choses relaxed, and causal outfits. Grace will wear smart and fancy clothes if she is needed to. She can be quite imaginative with fancy clothes. But does not like long dresses where the tips touch the ground. She likes short dresses that are not overly short but do not go below the knees. If a member of her family buys her a dress which is outside what she likes, she'll wear it anyway.
Grace has green eyes, (as I've said before) these stand out as it would be believed that she would have brown eyes as both her parents do, but Grace has the same emerald Green eyes as her grandmother on her mothers side. Grace has a very big smile and at times wide eyes which give off the impression that she is enjoying everything around her, and everything to her is amazing. 


•Having fun
•Being with family
•Being with Friends
•Climbing Trees
•Little Brothers
•Funny walks
•Going for walks
•Standing out
•Doing work
•Spinning on the spot until falling over. 
•Sight seeing
•The Marx Brothers films 

•People who are mean for no reason
•Any form of fizzy drinks
•mobile phones
•Formal dancing
•High Heels
•People who think they are better than others
•Pesmistic People
•Creepy crawlies
•Untrustworthy People
•Awkward Silences
•Glow sticks

•Climbing trees

•Losing her family

•To be a good witch
•To become a Prefect
•To have fun
•To make friends

•Her inner strength
•School work
•Being relaxed
•Having fun

•Trusting too easily
•Intorence to fighting
•Not always thinking ahead


Grace is an incredibly smart girl with a thirst for knowledge. She wants to know everything. But understands that is not quite possible. She loves to find out about ancient muggle and wizarding communities. And how cities had developed over the years. In short she loves history a lot. 
Grace is a very compassionate person and is not often caught without a smile. She takes life in her stride with a relaxed and positive attitude towards everything. She is a very optimistic person. She cares a lot for others and will help them if they need her help. She'll do anything for her friends. Espically if it means that conflict is avoided. Grace does not cope well with conflict of any kind. She can often in situations of arguing get very scared and panicking. She has on more than one occasion, passed out because people were arguing. During these times it is the only time that people will see Grace stressed.
Grace has a very strict sleeping time, she sleeps upto 10 hours a night. This is due to inset routine at home, if she doesn't sleep this amount she finds it hard to stay awake all day and won't drink coffee as it keeps her very awake and jumpy. If for a prolonged amount of time Grace does not sleep her ten hours, she gets less and less happy and borderline on *****y. This is something that Grace hates so she sticks the routine.
Grace eats very healthly. She doesn't like sweets or fizzy drinks. She enjoys fruit and vegetable and it keeps her full energy all day. She needs this as at home Grace can be very energetic when she isn't nose deep in a book. She likes to go swimming and if she is Reading a very good book, finds it better to sit in a tree so she climbs the highest she can find. 
Grace is scared of a lot of things. Small things like spiders and thunder storms. But she is also very scared of conflict. As it had been made clear. It is the only thing that causes Grace to really be scared. Grace is not scared of heights, which is why she often climbs trees. She doesn't however feel comfortable on a broom.
Grace is overall a very kind and happy soon to be 11 year old. Who loves to read and go swimming. She is very polite to others and is only ever herself. She would hate herself if she turned into anything fake.


(History. To come)


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