Grace Brown

Grace Brown

Active Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Full Name:
- Grace Jericka Brown

Date of Birth:
- May 4, 2014

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- I have bright red hair and blue eyes. I'm avrage hight for my age but a but slim. I love to spend time outside running around so my skin is tanned and I have freckles sprinkled across my face and arms.

- I'd like to say I'm a nice person. I get along with most people unless there real big jerks. My mum says I'm to curious for my own good and that one day I'll get hurt but I don't like to think about that. Whats wrong with wanting to know about things? I love being outside playing with the other kids, you know the usual stuff, quidditch, gobbstones, fanged frisbys, sometimes even exploding snap.

- Well theres my mom Jane and my dad Kole. We get along pretty well, I can't actually remember the last fight we had. My parents love me very much as well as each other. I'm always hearing about how peoples parents get divorced but I can never see that happening with my mom and dad. There even talking about having another baby! I don't have any siblings so I think its a great idea.

- None yet but my parents say I can get one when I get my Hogwarts letter. I think I want an owl.

Area of Residence:
- Wollongong Australia

Blood Status:
- Half Blood


Special Abilities:
- Nothing extrodenary

Interests or Hobbies:
- I love quidditch! I practise everyday and I plan on trying out for the school team as soon as I can. Just you wait, one day I'll play on a pro team.

Additional Skills:
- I'm quite good at practical jokes, my hero is George Weasly.

- I think I'm very brave, although my mum and dad think I'm a bit reckless. Other then that I can't think of anything...

- I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box. I'm not the good at cleaning either, my room is usually in a right state. I usually tend to react to things much to quickly before thinking them over.

Describe your character in three words:
- Uh wow thats a hard one... Brave, outgoing, and uhh. Interesting!

Favourite place to be:
- Outside, doesn't matter where just outside.


Hogwarts House:
- I'm hoping Gryffindor!

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- I want to be sorted into Gryffindor and play on the house team!

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
- Uhhh, I'm only 11.

Your Patronus:
- I'd like to think it would be a puppy.

Your Patronus memory:
- Riding on my first broom all by my self.

Your Boggart:
- A giant, they sound really scary.

Your Animagus:
- A doggy!

Mirror of Erised:
- Me playing on a pro quidditch team.

A page from your diary:
- I don't have a diary, I'm not good at keeping those things up.

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