Open Got A Pet?

Isaiah Thompson

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OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
(open after Daina posts with Freya)

Isaiah's dads had told him he could get a new pet once during school shopping. He couldn't very easily take their dog with him, no matter how much fun he thought that would be, so they had promised him he could get another companion. His dad and him had set out school shopping whilst his pa stayed home with his siblings, them really wanting this to be a moment for him and not one he had to share with his brother and sister. Unfortunately for the boy, his dad had run into a friend and as per usual ended up chatting way longer than Isaiah would've liked him to. Especially since they were only a couple of steps away from the menagerie. Leaving his dad to chat with his friend he made his way over to the shop window, putting his face almost up against the window so he could look inside and get a peek of the animals. He wasn't much of a cat person so he was pretty sure he wanted to get an owl, staring inside to try and get a good look of the birds from his place at the window.
Freya didn't know what pet she wanted to take to school. Parents said she can choose whatever her heart desires. Just what Freya didn't know, so she decided to go see a pet store because she would choose something. Entering the store his eyes ran in all directions that even at the moment of his confusion. Looking at people who knew exactly what they wanted, but she didn't. A boy studying birds was standing near her. "This bird looks angry and would be ready to bite." she said, looking at the big owl.
Isaiah had been staring through the window for a while now, looking at all the owls he could see from where he was outside. They looked fun, but one in particular had caught his eye and he eagerly looked back in the direction of his dad to see if he was coming or not. When he caught his eye Isaiah nodded towards the shop, getting the all clear from his dad to already go in and look around. Score! He happily made his way inside, now being able to look at the owl from a much closer distance. He was about to walk towards the one had spotted when he looked up to see another kid next to him mentioning something about the owl he was standing in front of at the moment. "Oh yeah, this one's not it for sure.' He agreed with her, taking a step back as the owl indeed did not look to friendly. "That one looks like it's super cool though. I'm hoping it'll want to be my buddy." He smiled, pointing at the one he had been eyeing and might perhaps even get.
Freya had never been afraid of birds, especially herons, but this one looked very menacing. Was afraid to approach it. '' Maybe he just pretends to be like that. '' she said, then looked at the boy. '' Definitely will. I also hope to make friends with an owl. Or some other animal that is here. '' She smiled, then in one of the cages she noticed a little owl that looked so nice.

'' Will you go to Hogwarts this year as well? I am Freya Darling. A little worried about going to school, because before I went to another, and again everything from the beginning to start. '' , she said, although it did not want to go to Hogwarts, but it did the sisters of.
Isaiah shrugged at what the girl said next. He didn't think owls would pretend to be something they're not, although if they could that would be super smart of them. He still wouldn't like it though. He didn't like people pretending so wouldn't be too pleased with owls doing it either if they even could. "Yeah dude! We'll totally be able to befriend at least one school-friendly animal here." He smiled when the girl said she was looking for a pet as well, figuring that if she was here during obvious school shopping times it was likely she'd be heading off to school soon as well. Her next question only confirmed that. "I am, yeah. I'm Isaiah." He introduced himself to the girl after she did the same, happy he had already been meeting quite a few future students before even being on the train to school. "Nah, no reason to worry it's exciting!" Isaiah replied enthusiastically. "I mean there's so many new people to get to know and things to see, I don't think everything being new at hogwarts is going to be bad at all."
Freya has already started to doubt whether she really wants a pet, because it will take a lot of care and the school may not have time to take care of it, and she may have forgotten about it, so she has to think three times and decide at the fourth time. '' Nice to meet Isaiah. '' Although she may be in vain worried that everything has to start all over again. Because no one needs to know that she was in magic school before. '' Yes, it's exciting, but the excitement the hat will put in the house. '' Freya said. '' It can be said that Hogwarts promises a lot of interesting things.''
Isaiah smiled at the girl after introducing himself, repeating her name in his head a couple of times so he was sure he'd be able to remember it. Remembering stuff definitely wasn't his strong suit, but if he was going to know a lot of people and be known by plenty of them he needed to get better at remembering names. "Right? I'm super pumped for sorting!" He exclaimed, already wondering how the hat would judge him, where it would put him. It still sounded weird really, to have a talking hat decide his faith for the next seven years but he figured the thing would know best for some reason. "I think it's gonna be sweet." Isaiah beamed, looking towards the shop window for a second to see if his dad was still out there talking, which he was. He also didn't look like he was getting in anytime soon. "So, did you come here looking for a pet? Do you want one? I could help you pick! We could find like the nicest one here, except for the one I'm planning to befriend obviously."
Freya also smiled at the boy because she really hoped she would make a friend today and at least have someone familiar with Hogwarts and hoped she would still make friends at school. '' Which house would you like to be in? '' she asked. Then Freya looked in the direction the boy was looking at and noticed the man, but turned away and looked at the owls. '' Yes, but do not know what I want. I think that a cat as a pet would be a good option. What do you want? ''
Isaiah gave a little shrug at the mention of houses. He didn't know where he'd end up but he also didn't have any preference for a house. If he'd get in with one of his cousins that'd be cool but if not he was sure he would be fine as well. They'd still help him out. "I don't really care." He answered the question. "Do you have a preference?" He asked curiously as he returned the question to her. He knew some kids were really set on a specific house so maybe there was one she really wanted to get. "A cat would be cool." Isaiah nodded. "They're pretty sweet, although it would be even better if we could bring dogs to school." He added, being a huge dog lover himself it was sad he needed to leave his dog behind when heading to school. "I want to get an owl." He smiled, still stealing glances at the one he'd seen earlier to make sure no one else had come up to buy it.
Freya didn't care which house she would be in because it wasn't that important. '' It doesn't really matter to me either. As will be decided so will be. Hats decision already we will not be amended to give it a hearing. '' , she said, even though the other children had specific thoughts, which wants to get in the house, then there was a different child. '' Then I will choose a cat. Just which one? '' she asked, but it was a question for herself rather than a boy. '' Yes, it would be perfectly if we could take the dogs to school. What do you take? '' She asked, as there could be many and varied. '' Hopefully not that angry here. '' She smiled at the owl, which looked increasingly angry.

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