Goofball Needs Friends

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Tyler Simons

This is my first character and I need for him to have some relationships. Since he is new all he is family played by my cousin so I'm open to anything, defiantly a final.
Tyler has been home-schooled his whole life but that never stopped him from making friends. Even though he can be shy at times once you get to know him he is really funny and fun to hand around with. He is very smart but has a wild side too, he is in a band with all his cousins as the drummer,
Please post if you have an idea on a RP or PM me.
I like to roleplay with you BUT may I ask how old is he?
Faxen will be his friend. She's a fourteen. Bio in the sig.
I have Aurora Palmer. She's looking for friends(boys and girls) and also a boyfriend. She's really fun to be around! :) but she's new so I'm still working on her personality.

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