Going Swimming....

Margarette Woodlock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 8 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Margarette went to the lake after she went back to the common room. She wore a t-shirt and short but had her swimsuit underneath. She had asked Collin to join her swimming. Collin wasn't there yet when Margarette arrived. So she sat by the grass and said, "I hope Collin makes it." and waits for Collin to arrive.
Collin had been sleeping all day, he wasn't feeling very well. Something woke him up tho, he just remember that he had an appointment with Margarette. He quickly took a swim suit of his and a white T-shirt and a pants. Usually it took sometime for him to pick his shirts but not this day, he didn't want Margarette to wait too long. And if Cherie saw him she probably would insult him for wearing a T-shirt that didn't match his flip flop.

Collin went down to his common room and soon leave the common room and he headed to the lake. He spotted Margarette sitting on the grass, he ran toward her and sat beside her. "Sorry I overslept" He apologize, he didn't really feel like swimming but he had promised her so he had to. "Is the water cold?" He stood up and dipped his feet in the water. It was quite cold but it was alright for him.
Margarette saw Collin approaching and sat beside her. "It's ok. I haven't been here too long." she replied. "Just a little cold." she said as she dipped her feet. "Ready to swim?" she asked as she took off her t-shirt and shorts and jumped to the water and waited for Collin to join her.
Collin then walk toward the tree and hung his clothes on the tree. He saw Margarette jumping on the water, if he didn't promise her he wouldn't be swimming but Collin kept his promises. He then walk toward the small deck and jumped into the water. He swam deeper and he pulled Margarette's feet and went back to the surface and laugh. "That was fun" He smirked and then plastered on his innocent smile on his face. If it was Cherie, she would probably yell at him and be mad at him but in this case it wasn't her, so either she was going to be mad at him or not, it was all up to Margarette.
"Hey! No fair!" she said and frowned she pretended to get her clothes and go back to the castle. she walked slowly and dived to Collin's back. She pulled Collin until he was underwater and Margarette swam back to the surface and said, "Now we both got pulled underwater," and laughed.
Collin smiled at Margarette when she pulled him back to the water. He went up from the water and sat staring at the girl with a smile on his face. There had been a lot of things coming on his head, he had heard that his father was marrying a pureblood and had heard that she was nice but Collin was sure. He couldn't wait till Summer, so he could go home and at least try to get his father's attention. He had been starring at the water for several minutes, he shook his head and smiled at the girl. "So... Hey do you have any sibling?" He asked randomly not remembering if he had asked that or not.
"Hey, you ok?" Margarette asked because Collin had been staring at the water for a couple of minutes. Collin had asked her if she had any siblings. "Yes, but I really don't know if we could get along since I never met him before." she replied. "Since he is my father's son from another woman, I really don't know and I heard he was going here in Hogwarts next school year.", she continued, "Never mind. Let's just enjoy the water." she said as she splashed Collin with some water.
Collin quickly plastered on his charming smile "Yeah I'm alright" He nodde dand swim to the shore. "Then you can call him a half brother, half siblings wont be that bad... Well that's what I heard but I don't know really I guess it all depend on the person, eh?" He let out a small chuckle. Suddenly, she splashed water at him, he swim toward her and splashed water at her. He was having so much fun, he knew that Cherie wasn't this type of person, her idea of fun was glamor and stuff like that just like Collin although Collin didn't mind being goofy. In fact he began to love splashing water to other people. Too bad that Cherie wasn't here. If she was here he would probably pull her underwater and he knew that she was going to yell at him for doing that.
Margarette was enjoying her swim with Collin, and she could see that Collin was feeling the same. She wanted to have a game. "Hey, Collin", she called out. "How about a little game. Try and catch me. If you catch me within 5 minutes I'll do everything you say within a day. Vice versa if you don't." she said and started to swim and hide.

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