Going Swimming

Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose

Imogen had been able to quickly change into her swim wear. She was wearing her swimming costume, but Immy planned on swimming fully clothed. It wasn't cold and it wasn't about to cold any time soon. It would get warmer. She looked round to Tyson, as they walked to the lake side. She was carrying suncream and a towel. Immy was from Wales, and her skin didn't always do well in sun. SO she always wore sun cream. She had gather a pretty nice tan from the amount of time she spent in New Zealand. Imogen walked a little faster than Tyson towards the water. She looked round to him and smiled.

"I do hope you know how to swim." Immy said jokingly, assuming that he did. "Come on." She skipped on ahead until she was at the edge of the lakes edge. She placed her towel down on the grass and looked up, waiting for Tyson to join her.
Tyson followed Imogen down to the Lake, wearing his swimming shorts and a t shirt. He let her get ahead as they neared the Lake, and rolled his eyes at her comment "Of course" he said with a grin. Taking off his t shirt, he chucked it, and his towel on the bank, and turned to her "Last one in's the rotten..." the last word was drowned as he dived into the Lake, sending droplets of water flying in all directions.

Surfacing, he flicked his hair to the side, to get it out of his face "Come on" he said with a grin, echoing her words.

Immy smiled at Tyson as he walked in front and jumped into the water. Immy gave him a small round of applause for his jump and splash. She smiled at him and pulled off her shorts. Before taking a few steps back, smiling at Tyson she ran forward and jumped inside, with her t-shirt still on. She had caused a splash which had marched Tysons. Immy was now under the water, her blond hair floated around her face. With a push, Immy swam to the surface. She broke the surface and kept herself afloat while using her hands to push back her hair from her eyes. Imogen smiled at Tyson.

"Not a bad splash, if I say so myself." Imogen said with a bright smile and a light giggle. "The water is just perfect.
"Whoa!" Tyson exclaimed as she jumped in. He to admit she could create a splash "Nice" he said, grinning as she re-surfaced. Ducking under, he swam through the weeds and the occasional fish until he had run out of breath. Surfacing, he treaded water, realising how far out he was. Ducking back under, he swam towards Imogen, going down as deep as he could, so that she wouldn't be able to see where he was. Seeing her leg, he grabbed onto it, trying to give her a fright.

Immy gave a smile. The water was nice and warm. She really enjoyed it. immy watched as Tyson went under. Immy stayed floating above the water. Letting her body get adjusted to the water and being in water. She gave a scream as something pulled her leg. She swam into the water and saw Tyson at her leg. She giggled at this, but since she was under water only bubbles came out. She resurfaced and started laughing.mshe took a deep breathe and she herself went under the water. She smiled at Tyson before swimming deeper and deeper into the water.

[Sorry, it's so lame]

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