Going for a walk

Trixie Hales

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Trixie walked through the grounds down to the lakefront. She looked down at her watch for the time. 5:59 pm it read. Great, just in time she thought. She'd come down to watch the sunset as she always did at home when ever she wanted some 'me time', only difference was at home she could watch it over the outstretch of Pacific Ocean.

She noticed that there wasn't much students around, and those who were there were starting to head back towards the castle. She plopped down on a spot at the edge of the lake, her feet in the water. The clouds had turned a dazzling shade of orange and pink as sun the started to lower itself in the sky.

Trixie leaned back on her hands and took in the view that never failed to take her breath away.
Kaleb stared at the ground, basically upset and very mad about his mother passing away. He barely got to see her, and now, she randomly got up and died on him? It was just too much for this eleven-year-old to handle. But at least he got some weight off his chest. Kaleb could barely bring his acting self out and into the open. But he would have to. Maybe hurting more than just two or three girls would bring his spirits up. Yes, it sounded like a plan. Hurting others to make himself feel better. How low it sounded, but it must be done or else he would surely go insane!

Kaleb flicked his long, caramel hair out of his blue-gray eyes and stared at the ground of the lakefront. He let out a silent sigh, and glanced around at the people leaving the grounds. Instead, he was heading in the opposite direction. He wished not to be around a crowd of people. Kaleb’s empty gaze caught the sight of a girl, watching the sunset. Kaleb was somewhat beside her, though standing. He folded his arms and smiled charmingly, though not facing her but the sky, “What is it with girls and sunsets?”
Trixie glanced up and was found herself gazing into the eyes of a very good locking boy. She quickly looked away Don't make a fool of yourslef she thought.

"Whats it with guys not noticing natures beauty?" she asked with a teasing grin.
Kaleb grinned once more, his acting in full control. He adored seeing how easily people were fooled by his acting. It was rather interesting and amusing all the same. Kaleb moved slightly, still looking at the sunset. He never was into scenery and never would be. "Touche. I guess this calls for a truce then." A mischievous smirk appeared on his features.

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