Going for a slide...

Kenya Lierman

OOC First Name
Anna Singley
Kenya was heading out with the intention of taking a walk along the harbour, she just needed to get away from her family and their most irritating new obsession, the holidays. Her family had always been a little on the strange side for lack of a better word, much to Kenya's annoyance and more often than not her embarrassment. It was quite a nice day which made the walk just about tolerable for Kenya, she had never really been one for the outside world, it just holds too much uncertainty and too many people for her liking. Her green striped hood pulled up nearly over her face made her feel a little more comfortable. She ambled along pretty much in a world of her own, the outside may not be her favorite place but it certainly beat the history of Christmas carols her father had started preaching in the living room. She smiled brushing a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear, her family may be strange, but she loved them although if she's honest she can't wait to get away from them when she starts hogwarts.
She was deep in thought about what her new school could be like, when her converse caught a patch of wet moss, which thanks to her hiding under her hood she was completely oblivious to.
Kenya hit the ground with as little grace as an elephant doing ballet. "that's going to smite in the morning" she mumbled to herself, she opened her eyes after a short moment after making a silent wish that there was no one around to see her falling flat on her bottom...again.
Instantly she noticed a pair of shoes not two feet from her outspread legs. She dipped her head and waited for what shew was sure would be laughter
Tate Darkhart rarely came to the Harbour without his adopted parents, but today was different. Today was one of those days where he got to do whatever he wanted, and no-one had a problem with it. His mother was busy at the shops, doing some shopping that probably wasn't needed at all, while his father was busy working for money so his mother could continue buying things. For the young boy, life was pretty uncomplicated, all he wished for was that he was born just a few months earlier, but unfortunately, he wasn't. So unlike so many other kids who were already dreaming of going to Hogwarts New Zealand, Tate knew that he would have to wait for a while until he could attend the school that his own adopted sister was expelled from. But Annalie was a very bad girl, from what he heard his parents say. They never spoke about her to his face, but the blonde may have snuck around the house in the dark once in awhile. With a quick wave to his mother, the part-veela boy set off to explore the Harbour, with his futsal ball tucked under his arm. It was bright, clear skies, the perfect time for some practise.

Since moving to New Zealand, Tate soon discovered that they had better football players, so he had to work harder if he wanted to fit in with all the other children. Tate didn't want to be excluded from another group of kids, not again. Tate looked around, there weren't very many people, which was both a good and bad thing. The good part was that he wouldn't have to worry about accidentally hitting someone with his ball, the bad thing was that he wouldn't be able to share and have fun with some kids and make new friends. Tate found a nice place to start kicking his ball, and began, using trees to help with his aim. After a few minutes, Tate had to chase after his ball when he gave it a swift kick and the ball missed the tree. When he managed to catch up to the ball, he picked it up and gave it a dusting off, then turned around to find a girl on the ground. Was she okay? Was it a girl? Tate was pretty sure it was a girl, but right now it didn't really matter. "Are you okay?" He asked, not entirely sure on what to do. Should he get someone? Or should he just stand around? Maybe a game would distract thier mind from pain! "Do you wanna play?"
OOCOut of Character:
Hope you don't mind me joining. ^_^

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