Glitter Bombs

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Sapphire had timed this just right, and she knew it. Once she had gotten the older student's schedules down she had found the perfect time to be in here without getting caught. As silly as it sounded, you just needed to know when teenagers wouldn't be snogging. She stuck out her tongue at the thought of it. There was so much more you could be doing with life. Like making bombs. Saph smiled as she added more green glitter to the cauldron.

She wasn't even really sure what to do with them yet. They were harmless, mostly. A little loud, perhaps, and then the target was covered in glitter. She smiled wickedly. She had made sure to mix every bomb with dark green and silver glitter together, her house colors. Call it a signature. Half the fun was not getting caught, and the other half was taking credit if you did. And being in a magical school would make it so much more fun to prank magical kids with muggle tricks.

She was busy trying to figure out what to do with her new arsenal, mixing together another batch with a dozen or so on the floor beside her. She sat on the floor in her uniform, her raven hair pulled up in a ponytail. She never even heard the door open.

Oliver had finished up on all his classes for the day, and now with time on his hands he aimlessly wandered about the castle's many winding corridors. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, but he didn't know anything better to do either. He'd ventured through the forbidden forest and seen many of what the grounds had to offer, but he'd never taken the time to explore the inside of the castle. It was just so huge, he wasn't even sure of where to get started.

Half an hour had passed, and Oliver reached into his shoulder bag to pull out a half-eaten candy bar to munch on in boredom. So far he'd seen almost all the rooms on the second floor corridor, but now he paused half munch before a door he hadn't seen before. It was seemingly tucked away from view as it didn't stand out very much. It was rather plain and unnoticeable, and the Hufflepuff stashed the wrapper and what was left of his treat back into his bag, reaching for the handle.

He swung the door open carefully before proceeding to walk under the doorway when what he saw made him come to a stop, his mouth agape in a silent gasp. Oliver saw a girl who looked to be wearing the Slytherin house uniform tending to a batch of who knows what on the floor. "What is that?" He asked, his voice full of curiosity, and he began to slowly move closer to see better.
Sapphire froze, turning her head slowly to look at the new arrival. She narrowed her eyes. An older Hufflepuff boy, maybe second year. He was blond and generally unassuming. He looked innocent enough to believe anything he said. That made him dangerous.

But so was she. She put on her most innocent face. There was always an innocent spin to everything. "Bubble bath bombs. You put them in the tub and they melt slowly, adding a fabulous lavender scent and a bit of glitter to give you a natural glow." She smiled at the boy, knowing that anyone who was truly innocent would believe her.

Oliver suppressed a laugh at the slytherin girl's response. People from that house had a well known reputation for being mischief makers. Maybe he wasn't a Ravenclaw, but that didn't mean he was obtuse. He surveyed the room again and gave her a knowing grin. "Ah, I see." The youth half drawled, his voice light in amusement. "Also, that does not smell like lavender." He added after a moment with a playful smirk.
Sapph put a hand to her chest, looking shocked. "Oh, you add the scent after it's sat an hour. That way it doesn't release pre-maturely." She looked at her arsenal. Alright, this guy was definitely smarter than he looked. She went over different options in her head. Maybe the innocent act was a bit much. Friendly might be better.

She reached into her pocket and held out a sucker. "Sapphire. It's nice to meet you. I don't think I've seen you around before." She smiled sweetly. She had not brought enough suckers to make it through the year. She'd have to find some new kind of wizard candy

"Wow." was all Oliver said in response to the girl's statement about the lavender, but the amused look on his face still remained. He eyed her face for a moment before deciding to crouch down on the floor near her to closer inspect the solution as she introduced herself to him, friendly as anyone could be.

"It's nice to meet you as well. My name's Oliver." He replied warmly, looking back up from the different batches to face her. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen her around before either. She had to be a first year, then. That or a transfer. "Really, though. Whatcha got cooking?" The Hufflepuff said after awhile, bringing whatever she was up to back into focus.

Sapphire narrowed her eyes at him. She doubted she'd be able to fool him. She unwrapped the ignored treat and popped it in her mouth. More for her, then. After a brief moment of deliberation, she decided to tell him. He wouldn't be able to copy her recipe, anyway.

She went back to stirring, silent. After his attention was diverted, she picked up a bomb and activated it before he could look back. She quickly chucked it against the opposite wall, ducking behind the cauldron. There was a loud pop and when she glanced back up Oliver was slightly covered in green and silver glitter. They were far enough back he didn't get hit with the full force, but they were close enough he was hit.

Saph couldn't help but snicker.

Oliver chuckled and raised an eyebrow at Sapphire as she narrowed her eyes at him. He wondered if all Slytherins were like this, and then he noticed the treat she'd offered and he felt stupid and rude for not noticing the gesture. He opened his mouth to apologize when he found himself doused in a coating of glitter.

"Bleaurgh!" He said coughing and trying to expel the glitter from his mouth. He stood up and started rubbing his at his sparkly face, still in shock. "Trying to make me an honorary Slytherin?" Oliver asked, a little annoyed that the green and silver glitter didn't seem to be coming off. He was sure he was quite the sight and it wasn't fair he was the only one looking like flipping disco ball.

"You're gonna get it." He said in a slightly lower voice, scooping up the loose glitter off of the floor and starting to fling it at her, his back blocking the door.
Sapphire started laughing harder as Oliver started coughing up glitter. He asked if he was an honorary Slytherin, and she managed to gasp out a simple "Trust me, you don't wanna be,"

She watched him, laughing hard enough to bring tears to her eyes. She almost didn't notice the glitter he scooped up, barely diving behind the cauldron in time. Laughing, she scooped up some of her own glitter, ready for war. She didn't even notice her sucker was gone.

"You're on, pretty boy!" She shouted, popping up and throwing her glitter before diving back down again.

Oliver barely heard her gasp out her statement about Slytherin house. He was too busy coughing and rubbing at his face. "Is there some kind of glue in this?" He asked, his voice almost panicky. He knew there was some sort of spell to clean this up, but he hadn't learned it yet, so he was stuck like this.

Hearing her laughter, he couldn't help but join in with his own. It really was rather funny, he supposed as he flung a well aimed hand full of glitter towards her as she popped up from her hiding spot. "Oh, no, you don't!" He said rounding the cauldron to where she was in two quick strides. He started shaking his arms in an attempt to cover Sapphire with her own invention and watched as the glitter finally seemed to give a little -- a good pile of it falling off his sleeves.

"Pretty boy?" Oliver repeated what she'd called him earlier in confusion. The Hufflepuff then yelled out as he felt something sticky up under his shoe sole, prompting his foot to slip. He ending up falling and nearly causing the cauldron to overturn.
Saph squealed playfully a little as he came around the cauldron and shook his sleeves at her. She shook the glitter out of her hair, and almost fell over laughing when he hit the floor. Bloody hell, she'd had more fun in this school than she had at home in years.

She held out her hand to the Hufflepuff, offering to help him up. "I get the feeling you and I could be friends, Olivander," she teased, purposely messing up his name. She only teased one other kid like that, and she was sure he would get hit with his own glitter bomb later as well.

Oliver smiled warmly and took the hand Sapphire had offered him, using it to steady himself as he rose up from the floor. She'd just have to teach him how to make those, he thought as he kicked at what had made him spill out. He laughed when he noticed it was the sucker she'd lost in all the chaos.

"Yeah. I get that feeling too." The Hufflepuff responded warmly with a grin as Sapphire purposely messed up his name. He'd never heard anyone call him anything close to that, and he found himself rather liking it. It was clever, and Oliver wished he could've come up with something like that for her. He had never had so much fun before, and he was glad he'd met the Slytherin.

"Sapphire. A fitting name for someone who makes glitter bombs." He teased playfully. The boy looked back at the room and suppressed another laugh. It was quite unrecognizable from when he'd first walked through the doorway. "We should probably leave before anyone sees us here." Oliver said, knowing all too well they wouldn't have time to clean it up.
Sapphire watched her sucker skitter across the floor, somewhat dejected. Such a waste. She was pulled away from her pouting though, when Oliver suggested they leave. Saph scoffed. "Oh, Olivander, you have such little vision," She gathered what remained of her arsenal and threw it in her bag, putting a lid on the little cauldron and tossing it in as well.

She then pulled out two round sacks, sizing up the mess. "Cover your eyes," She instructed, before tossing one into either side of the mess. Once they left her hands, she covered her eyes quickly. There was a soft pop, and a light whoosh. She uncovered her eyes to see that the glitter was gone, and in it's place was a slight puddle.

"Bloody hell," She muttered. "Still needs refined..."

"Hey! I scored 20/20 on my eye exam." He replied to her comment about his vision. Oliver then watched carefully as Sapphire withdrew two round sacks and he listened as she instructed him to cover his eyes. He did so, hiding them behind his still sparkly hands and wondered what she had concocted now. After hearing a slight pop and a soft whooshing sound, the Hufflepuff took that as a sign it was safe to look, and he let his hands fall out of the way.

He widened his eyes at the small puddle on the floor and then slid his gaze back to Sapphire. "How did you do that?" He asked, extremely impressed with the Slytherin's work. That had to be some sort of advanced magic she was dealing with, even if she didn't recognize it, and Oliver smiled at her before walking towards the corner of the classroom. He'd spied a hole riddled curtain that had fallen, and he grabbed it and flung it over the puddle, moving it around with his shoe.

"Now I'm the only evidence that there was a glittery explosion." He said in an amused tone. Still, he was embarrassed and didn't want the whole school seeing him looking like some fantasy vampire from a bad novel. His skin was sparkling still, he felt it all over his clothes as well.
Sapph shrugged. "A little water, a little soap. Put enough air into the bag that it'll pop when you throw it. Only works on my stuff though, with the other things I add to it. It's more fun if it's not permanent. Evidence fades faster." She pulled a thing of diaper wipes out of her bag, noting that she was running low. She tossed it to him, before digging in her bag for another sucker. "Those will wipe off most of it, but until you shower you'll still be a bit sparkly."

Sapph pulled a new treat from her bag, grinning widely. This sweet tooth would be the death of her some day. "So, second year any more fun than first?" She asked, unwrapping her candy and popping it in her mouth.

Oliver smirked in amusement hearing Sapphire explain the workings behind it. She had thought this through, and he admired the way she downplayed her cleverness with a simple shrug. He thanked her as she handed him a wipe and began working away at his skin, instantly finding relief as the cool cloth lifted most of the glitter away. The Hufflepuff chuckled as he watched her pull a new treat from her bag. "I wonder what's not in there." He teased lightly, amused by her resourcefulness. She was definitely sorted into the right house he thought admirably.

He pondered her question for a moment before answering "Actually, yeah. But I think that's just because I've met more people and done more things this year." Also, because I met you. He thought, but he didn't mention that. Oliver slung his messenger bag off his shoulder and gave it a good shake to rid the glitter before opening it. He reached in and groped around until he found his other unopened candy bar, and he brought it out and offered it to Sapphire. "Here. I know it's not a sucker, but it's pretty good." He stated as he handed it to her, feeling a little guilty for using up most of her wipes.
Sapphire didn't bother glancing up at Oliver as she pulled out a second sucker, figuring if he didn't take this one he was a sweets hater. When he made a snarky comment about her bag, she glanced up at him with a smirk. "You know what's not in here? Your business."

She wondered if she would meet more people next year than she did this year. The thought almost made her gag. She was almost up to her limit with new people. She had met maybe half a dozen she liked, or could stand, since coming here, and that was in a four house class system with probably a hundred students. Most of them she couldn't even remember their faces, and couple dozen she remembered, half of them annoyed her by breathing.

But still, she'd thought she may have made a few friends, and that was something. She went to hand Oliver her other sucker when he offered her a candy bar. Her eyes went wide. "... Wanna trade?"

Oliver couldn't help but chuckle at Sapphire's witty if not slightly snippy reply concerning his tease about her bag. He deserved it and he found her reply rather funny. Looking up to see another sucker in her outstretched hand and he grinned. "I'd love to." The youth replied with a warm smile, taking the offered treat with his free hand and slipping the candy bar into her's with his other.

"I hope I see you around some more." Oliver said, hoping it would be soon. He felt like he'd made his first real friend at the school, and that put him in high spirits. Glancing outside one the of abandoned classroom's old windows, the sun had moved further west and he needed to get freshly showered in time for dinner.

"Oh, and keep up the good work." He added gesturing towards the cauldron before heading back towards the door. Oliver unwrapped the sucker and stuck it in his mouth. "Mhmm. I like this! See you later, Sapphire."
Sapph grinned and examined the candy bar when he handed it to her. It seemed normal enough, and she felt slightly better knowing she wasn't the only one who carried treats around in her bag.

She spent a little too long studying the candy, though, cuz when she looked up Oliver had the sucker in his mouth and was bidding her farewell. "Oh, right, yeah. Later, Olivander." She smiled at him and went back to her cauldron. She could have this finished up soon and be on her way, herself. She had maybe ten minutes before the upperclassmen came looking for the room.

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