Giselle Varius

Giselle Varius

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OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
Giselle Kaethe Varius
[First name:] Giselle: Pledge
[Middle name:] : Pure
[Surname:] Varius: Versatile
[Character's Birthdate:] April 7th 2015
[Hometown:] Nice, France
[Current location:] New Zealand
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
[Wand:] Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
[Hogwarts House:] Gryffindor
[Occupation:] Football Ferns Player
[Martial Status:] Single

Long wavy, medium brown hair
[Eyes:] Bright blue eye
[Height:] 5' 10"
[Style:] Giselle is very much a tom-boy. She has never been one for skirts and dresses; due to her love of sports she never did well in nice clothes. Giselle feels very comfortable in a pair of jeans, convers and t-shirts. She hardly ever wears anything fancy but can be tempted to wear a dress for the right occasion, but when she can get away with it - she wears her convers.

[A Little Deeper
Gissy has a bit of a mixed personality and chooses to show who to act nicely or rudely to. But in general she is a typical teenager, very energenic, polite, sweet, honest and loving. She is also very confident (border-line cocky), competitive (mainly in running and quidditch),and street smart.

[History:] Giselle doesn't remember much of her childhood. Her mother died while giving birth to Giselle so obviously she doesn't remember anything about her but her older brother Aiden made sure that there was always pictures of their mother in the house when they were growing up and that Giselle knew as much about her mother as she could. Being the only girl in the house growing up Giselle didn't have much of a female influence and so became quite tomboy-ish and would take after her bother in terms of her attitude and interests. She was a very energenic child and loved all kinds of sports, even the muggle ones - especially the muggle ones. When Giselle was four her fathers daughter from his affair came to live with her and her family after the girl's mother died. Giselle didn't really understand what was happening at the time but because she idolised her brother she took after him and due to him despising Joceline, Giselle then developed a disliking towards her.

The year before Giselle started school her father died. While she was sad about it she still didn't quite understand what was going on. Due to her still being a minor and her brother still being in school Giselle had to be put into an orphanage but it wasn't for long as she quickly adopted by Grezhen and Brunhilde Varius and moved away from her lovely home in France to New Zealand. While they were a lovely couple Giselle couldn't bring herself to like them or get close to them as she didn't like being away from Aiden. When she started Hogwarts New Zealand, she was sorted into Gryffindor - just like Aiden. Giselle enjoyed her time at Hogwarts and even became Prefect in her last years. When she graduated she fulfilled her dream of becoming a professional football player and joined the New Zealand Woman's National Football Team, The Football Ferns.

[Mother] Ophielle (Mauven) Lorka
[DOB] June 7th 1974
[DOD] April 7th 2015
[Blood Status] Pure Blood
[Occupation] Housewife
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin

[Father] Gaspard Lorka
[DOB] August 3rd 1977
[DOD] September 4th 2025
[Blood Status] Mixed Blood
[Occupation] Unemployed
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw

[Adoptive Mother] Brunhilde Sigurd
[DOB] September 13th 1985
[Blood Status] Pure Blood
[Occupation] Member of the International Office of Law, Ministry of Magic New Zealand
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin

[Adoptive Father] Grezhen Varius
[DOB] September 11th 1984
[Blood Status] Half Blood/Werewolf
[Occupation] ZealandMagical Creatures Regulation Official, Ministry of Magic New Zealand
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin

[Brother] Aiden Mauven
[DOB] January 1st 2009
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Vratsa Vultures Player
[Education] HNZ, Gryffindor

[Half Sister] Joceline Richard
[DOB] May 7th 2010
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Journalist
[Education] HNZ, Slytherin

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