Girlfriend, Friends, and Everything In Between

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Jesse Prideux

<COLOR color="#000">Jesse Thomas Prideux

Jesse is a seventh year durmstrang student who's quiet, a little shy, and eager to please. His whole life is devoted to pleasing the people he loves and he tends to take it pretty harshly if he fails them. Other than that he's still in development stages, but I do have his general personality down pat.

Girlfriend : Right now I have a great idea to take advantage of his personality. I need two girls. One could be his best friend (lets call her X) and one could be a b!tchy girl (lets call her Y.) So Y would start to go out with Jesse and take advantage of him. After a messy break up girl X would be there as the 'friend that has always been there.' and a shoulder to cry on for him. If you're interested in any of those roles just reply below. :)

Friends : He also needs some friends! After all what is a guy without his pack? For this I'm looking for guys, with exception to girl X.

Anything else is good! I hadn't really thought of anything for enemies, but that's cool too.
Okay well, I have this character Annie, she is a seventh year at Beauxbatons and she would be able to fit the role for Girl X. Annie isn't very mean so she would fit the role of girl X better. Annie is an aspiring photographer and a life guard in training. She is really easy going and can be somewhat of a hippie at times. Any other information is in her biography. Let me know what you think.​
Well, I have here Nathalie Blanchard, 5th year, Beauxbatons. She's sweet and all, but she does have a rough side too, meaning she does get a little too excited sometimes, especially if there is really something that greatly interests her. You can look at her CD for more information about her.

Oh, and by the way, she's a part-Veela. :D

Another one is Hikari Izumi, 5th year, Durmstrang. She has this generally tomboyish nature, but she's really kind and can be sweet too at times. Here's her Character Development. And well, she's a werewolf.

They can both take whichever role that you see that fits. :D
I have Alexa Venturino 6th year homeschooled student. She could be Y. Alexa is known to start fights with other girls. She doesn't have much experience with guys but it'd be pretty easy for her to use one :)
Hey :D

I have just read this and think that i have a plot that could work. But only could if you want it to. If not, im not upset :D

So I have Amelia Johnson, 6th year Beaxbatons who is a half-veela. She is a big flirt and likes to hang around guys. I was thinking that she could be y and then they could date for a while. Then Jack, this character ( :p ) who is in Jesse's year at school. They could already be friends, but when Jack realises that Jesse is dating his cousin (Amy) then he could get really nasty towards him. They could stop being friends (maybe they could have been friends since they had been young.) and then Amy could break up with Jesse (however you wanted it to happen) but she wouldn't be upset by it, for she believes that there are many more fish in the sea :p Jack and Jesse could become friends when Jack apologises and realises that he is in the wrong. Then Jesse could start dating girl X.

Tell me what you think, i have only just thought it up..... so it probably has big holes in it that need to be addressed.... :p

I think it would work, because it would show Amy for how i had planned her to be (roughly) and then Jesse could also have a friend that becomes a stronger friend when they get over the problem....

Sorry if this is rubbish,

Can offer Tuska Wolf!
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