Ginny's unconscious

Kiara Ana

Well-Known Member
Professor Kiara Ana was still carring Ginny as she rushed into the Hospital wing. She was not running but it was close. She didn't know what had happened to Ginny. She didn't know if her mother had done a spell or if Ginny had just fallen unconscious. Professor Kiara Ana only knew that she was carrying an unconscious Ginny in her arms.

She rushed towards an empty bed and placed her down gently. "We are here Ginny you're safe now" she said calmly checking quickly for a pulse relieved to find one. Professor Kiara Ana looked around for the nurse "Nurse Nurse" she yelled. Where is he? she questioned herself as she continued to look around for him. "Nurse" she yelled once more. She continued to stand over Ginny's bed wondering if she was going to wake up soon.
ginny felt heat aginst her skin again before feeling it leaving it agian. she couldn't stand it. she knew it was too late to get it back but she didn't care. she clenched her hand up but regretted it as her scar underneath her fingers burned.
Kasey's feet landed into the hospital wing and her eyes were feeling a bit odd due to the coming from pitch darkness to the lit hospital wing.Her injured elbow was tied with the piece of shirt that Professor Ana had torned from her's(?).She looked around to see if the nurse was here yet.She hoped Ginny would be allright.She couldn't wait to tell her mom about all this, like her sixth sense had worked so well in time of action."Professor..."she said looking terrfied "Is Gin..y ok...ay?"her teeth were now clattering due to the cold chill she had at the mansion, though she had worn her travelling coat, she felt cold...she wished she could have a sip of butterbeer.
Patrick heard some commotion but had to finish pouring the last few drops of the potion he had brewed into it's cask. He heard hollering and wanted to yell he was coming but thought better of it. He corked the cask and went outside pulling his hospital robes tighter about his athletic frame.

He saw some familiar faces, Professor Kiara Ana from Ravenclaw and some of her students. Ms. Carla and Ms. Porter.
"Take a seat Ms. Carla" he motioned to one by the large table, he walked straight over to where Ms. Porter was lying.
"What happened to her?" he checked her pulse which was weak and noted the bleeding from her hand. The damned curse again he thought.
"We dont know, I figured out that she is unconcious but her mom said that the destruction is done.I guess her mom put her under a curse or something"Kasey spoke with alow voice but fast."She will be okay, yeah?"she asked as she took a seat.
"I hope she will be" Professor Kiara Ana said to Kasey's question. She noticed that Kasey was cold "Are you ok though?" She asked making sure that Kasey wasn't hurt either mentally or physically due to this accident.

When the nurse arrive he seemed to already know the two girls. Professor Kiara Ana had only been in the hospital once and to think about it both girls were involved. Professor Kiara Ana listened to Kasey explain. This whole thing was confusing and barely believable to Professor Kiara Ana, and she was there. Professor Kiara Ana felt like she was missing something really big out of this picture some important information that she didn't know of.

Professor Kiara Ana turned to the nurse. "We found her unconscious on the ground after we had a little encounter with her mother. I haven't heard a sound from Ginny yet" Professor Kiara An said getting a little worried. "I wish I could help more but I really don't know what happened." She said wishing she knew more.
Patrick decided that protocol could go out the window for now, he called the girls by their first names instead.

He looked quickly at Karla, "are you alright Karla? what happened to you?"

As he waited for her to speak he was holding his wand very carefully over Ginny casting a healing charm in his mind. This would heal the gashes she had, it broke his heart that he knew he could do no more as of yet for her.
ginny heard voices again but they were still muddled up. She felt weird again before noticng there was less pain than before. She didn't know why there was less pain though. She tried remembering what happened before and relization kicked in again. she was fine, just too tired to get up. She had fought tiredness before hadn't she? Why couldn't she now. She struggled trying to think how she did it before but her thoughts swamped her now and she saw her dad agin. She shot open her eyes to see if he was there but nothing. She relaxed but then she wan't in the house either. She saw a ceiling and then the people who were blurry to her. Her eyes closed again, unvoluntarly.
Patrick watched as she seemed to come to for the briefest of moments.
"Right now it could be exhaustion more than anything. I'm going to let her rest here until morning and will treat her then" he turned to Kasey.

"Right we'll get you taken care of then", he quickly looked at the professor, "are you injured as well?"
"No I am fine" Professor Kiara Ana said. She felt extremely guilty that her students were injuried and she made it out perfectly fine. It should have been me hurt not Ginny Professor Kiara Ana said looking from Ginny to Kasey.
"Just put a bandage for me"said Kasey now being curious to know what was all about Ginny's mom.She waited for mr.O'Brien to put the bandage and asked"Professor, Are you going to ask Ginny about all this tommrrow?"
Professor Kiara Ana thought about Kasey's question. Professor Kiara Ana really did want to know what this was all about "I don't want to pry" She said not wanting to get too involved in student's personal lives. "but since this may be a danger to Ginny herself maybe I should ask a few questions" She finally said wondering how Ginny would respond to even the simplest questions about her family.

Then Professor Kiara Ana turned to Nurse O'Brien "Will Ginny be ok then?" She asked
Patrick walked to Kasey and flicking his wand over her elbow cast the minor healing charm to heal her arm. He smiled kindly at her before looking back to Ginny. He heard the question and wished he knew himself.

"I'll do all I can for her that's all I can promise you for now", he told them.
ginny made out Mr.O'Briens voice before dozing off into a dreamless doze. She hadn't payed attention to the clues to where she was at all. Just that she knew Mr.o'Brien was there. What happened to my mum?she thought.
[[ Miss Kasey Carla I do apologise I usually only get on very early in the morning and am still not fully awake. I assure you it will never happen again.]]
((thats totally okay.i just thought i had to say. :D ))

Kasey thought she should tell Professor Ana that she wanted to know about Ginny's mom so she would ask her to come when she interrogated Ginny but thought it was not the right time."Goodnight Mr.O'Brien"she said as she put on her coat."Goodnight Professor Ana, see you tommorrow"she said hoping that she would get it.

((So know we can Rp coming here tommorrow morning an dasking ginny, yeah?))
Professor Kiara Ana looked as Kasey took her leave. Professor Kiara Ana looked over at Ginny. She looked so helpless laying there on the hospital bed. "Please take care of her" Professor Kiara Ana said to Nurse O'Brien "And if you need anything at all please send an owl I can be here in a seconds notice" Professor Kiara Ana said looking at Ginny once more.

There was so much about this girl that she did not know and Ginny kept it all bottled up. Professor Kiara Ana would have to find it out sometime and hopefully Ginny would wake up soon. Professor Kiara Ana would not ask anything about these adventures tonight. She would wait until morning. She looked back up at the nurse "If that is all I guess I am just in the way standing here not helping" she said trying to put a smile on her face.

"I'll be off remember I am just an owl away" she said once more. Professor Kiara Ana picked up all her things and left the hospital wing not looking back at Ginny laying in the bed.

((I think so but only if its ok with Mr. O'Brien *?*))
(I'm actually going to put her to sleep and hope that a decent rest will help her some bit so that she'll be able to talk with me clearly at least. once Ginny has posted that she has woken up, come away in.)

Patrick smiled "Goodbye Kasey, Professor". He inclined his head and turned back to Ginny. He waved his wand at the potions cabinet and called for the Draught of Peace potion. The bottle came into his hand instantly.

"Ginny I'm going to give you some of this now?" He told her, lifting her head slightly and administering a few drops. He lowered her head back down and watched her for a moment.

He wasn't sure if she could hear him or not but decided to speak anyway.
"Just rest for now, we'll sort this don't worry if it's the last thing we do, we'll get this taken care of."

Patrick turned and went back to his office, hoping that the night ahead would be a peaceful and restful one for her.
Ginny felt liquid go down her throat. She listened as Mr.O'Briem said that he would sort this out. Sort what out she thought as she became calmer and calmer, drifting off into a peaceful dreamless sleep. She felt as if she had been as leep for ages and rolled over, opening her eyes, seeing herself in the hospital wing. She stared for a second before sitting up shocked and confused. She loked at her clothes and how they were blood stained. 'Oh no, what have i done?'she muttered under her breath as rubbed her eyes. 'i'm so stupid, so stupid,'she continued muttering as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and looked round for her mum. 'Mum?'she called out hoping she was alright.

(sorry it took so long. had a slight accident with the WPC group. <_< )
Patrick heard her voice calling out and ran into the hospital wing.
"Ginny are you alright?" he asked seeing that she had tried to sit herself up on the side of the bed.
"Don't over do it ok" he walked over and sat opposite her, "Ginny we really need to figure out what is happening with you. This isn't the first time that you've had scars and blood all over you. Now please, before your friends come back I need to know the full story. I'm here to help you, I will not judge you or anything else. That isn't who I am or part of my job. I'm simply here to help, so let me. Please".
ginny turned round abrubtly when she heard someone come in. She frowned confused about why it was Mr.O'Brien. She couldn't see her mum. 'I'm fine. What happened to my mum. is she ok? the c-c-creature.. did it hurt her?'she asked quickly to Mr.O'Brien ignoring the questions he ahd just asked her.. he would know, wouldn't he?
"Ginny your professor and your friend Kasey brought you in here last night, I don't know anything about your mother or a creature" he told her, "would you like to start from the beginning and tell me everything you can remember?"
ginny listened as he told her what happened. She sat there a bit stunned but even more confussed. 'What?'she said though it was only a whisper. 'Kasey? But how...are they ok?'Ginny asked trying to figure it out in her head, putting the peices together.
Kasey hadn't a wonderful sleep last night.She had gone back to her dormitory but she couldn't sleep.She tried to make herself understand that Ginny was going to tell her about it next morning, yet no sleep came.Lastly, she barried herself under History Of Magic book by Bathilda Bagshot but she wasnt reading, because she wasnt in her senses.They didnt have history this term!!At last she knew it was 8.30in the morning and ran to the hospital wing and found Mr.O'Briena dn Ginny,awake!."Ginny,are you okay?"she asked
ginny heard someone else and looked at her.'Kasey. Are you ok?'she asked quickly sliding off the bed and almost running to her but she lost balance halfway and fell to her knees hard. silent tears ran down her face. . 'I'm so sorry. i really am. I was so stupid,'she babbled out.she tried to get herself up but didn't have the strenght anymore

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