Getting Started

Kaia Rosemary Grimm

former 'claw • seeking balance
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
08/04/2030 (21)
The reason why Kaia had signed up for tutoring was so that she could spend her time doing something, instead of simply being in her dorm or outside reading or studying all the time, as that seemed to be the only things she did these days. It would give her a break from that considering she barely saw Lycus anymore and it would give her a chance to socialize with people - it didn't bother her if they were younger than her, as long as they weren't annoying or they listened to her when she helped them out. In this case her student was a girl in Slytherin, so Kaia had made sure to send a note with her family friend in Slytherin who was in the same dorm as her. She entered the library and sat down at a table close to the window, not too close to the entrance in order not to be disturbed when people came in and went out. She placed her bag next to her on the floor as she waited and took out her charms notes from this year and previous years if the younger girl wanted to refer to them. The Ravenclaw had completely forgotten she had them, so if she wasn't going to use them she might as well give them to her if it helped more.​
Jessica hadn't really wanted to sign up for Charms tutoring, as it felt like a rather public declaration of how badly she was performing in the subject, but knew that it would be the most sensible and effective way of improving her skill at casting spells. At least she had a chance of getting better at Charms - Jessica had already realised that any efforts she put towards Transfiguration were fruitless at this stage, and didn't want to have to experience the embarrassment of continuing to fail in front of her tutor. At least she didn't know the girl who would be helping her out with Charms, which was good - she would be less likely to think Jessica was pathetic. Entering the library, she looked around for a moment before spotting an older girl who matched the description her dormmate had given her. Jessica had made sure not to be late for the session, and she approached the table close to the window quickly. "Hello," she said with a smile, pleased to note that the girl had charms notes in front of her - she was definitely in the right place. "Are you Kaia? I'm Jessica, your Charms, er, student." She sat down across from the girl and laid her hands on top of one another horizontally along the table. "It's nice to meet you; thank you for helping me." It was always important to make a pleasant impression on new people - particularly someone she needed something from.
Kaia hadn't expected to be recognized so easily, but then again it was much better that than having to waste time to look for her student. So when a girl approached her and introduced herself, Kaia smiled and offered her a seat. "Hello Jessica, yes I am indeed." At least the girl was friendly, it was never easy trying to help someone who wasn't as grateful or nice. She waited for Jessica to sit and once she did, the Ravenclaw opened her Charms textbook, that had all of her notes from previous years, just in case the girl needed them or asked to have a look at them. "No worries, it's nice to meet you too. So how about we start by you telling me what exactly you need help with in Charms? What you're having trouble with?" Kaia knew there were some spells that were not easy to learn, though there was also the practicing of spells and remembering the incantations.
Jessica was glad that her tutor seemed pleasant in return, which made her feel instantly more agreeable to doing as the older girl wished. If she had expressed condescension or amusement at Jessica's predicament, she wouldn't have taken it very well - maybe even complained to the professors running the programme. But that didn't seem like it would be necessary, and so instead she just tipped her head to the side slightly, considering how best to word her answer. "Well... I think during my first year, the problem was that I didn't practice the spells enough." Or barely at all, actually, but there was no need to let the tutor know that much about her efforts when that cause was already clear enough to herself. "So this year I've been doing more practice as we learned each new spell, but I'm still not quite at the level I want to be." That had been the real issue, to Jessica's annoyance. She'd thought that if she actually applied herself to the learning, unlike last year, that would take care of the problem and she'd do just as well as everyone else. Which hadn't been the case. "Is there something I'm missing?" she asked, making her tone and expression slightly pleading. She hoped the tutor would be able to help her sort it out, or this session was likely going to become a waste of her time - not that she'd let the older girl know it.

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