Getting sidetracked

Luna Paramore

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" with a Essence of Phoenix Ash
It was the second day of school and Luna was zipping around the castle like she was on speed. It had been four days now since the evening in which Angus had told Luna he liked her and flooed away before she could answer. Had he taken her lack of response as a no? The shock of it had crushed her for a few seconds and that was all it took for Angus to be back on the other side of the world far beyond earshot. Even though they had alot more classes together now she hadn't gotten the chance to talk to him and was trying to do so now. She was so focused on her mission that she didn't notice someone approaching her until she ran smack dab into them. "Sorry!" she exclaimed to the person "I need to watch where I'm going..." she said
Patricia was glad to be back at Hogwarts, the summer had seemed to drag in with nothing interesting. The only highlights, and they were pretty good highlights, was seeing her best friend Bianca again after a whole year and seeing Jude a few times. As if nothing had changed Patricia found herself wondering down to the lakefront to her spot under her favourite tree. For some reason she always ended up coming here to think but for some reason today she had nothing to think about, or at least she didn't think she had.

As she reached the tree she smiled to see that it wasn't occupied. She was glad to be out of the castle, the first years had already seemed to have taken over and the common room was no longer safe, she hoped that this year they would be a bit more behaved that last year's bunch. Sitting down on the grass she rested her head on the big oak trunk and with a sigh she took out her new textbook and began to read.

After a few minutes of relaxing reading the first years had left the castle and were now near the lake, annoyed she put her book back into her bag and made her way back to the castle, all the first years were at the lake now, the common room was bound to emptier. As Patricia made her way up to the castle she wasn't looking where she was going, which was always a big mistake at Hogwarts, and suddenly she felt something, or someone, collide with her. Dropping her bag Patricia quickly dipped down to pick it was, "No it's alright, I wasn't watching where I was going either." She said quickly as she picked up her last book. Once she was at full height again she saw who she had collided with, Luna Paramore, she was a girl who she didn't know well at all, despite being in the same year as her. "Oh hey Luna," She said, glad that she at least knew her name. "Sorry about that."
"Hey... Patricia isn't it? I think we hung out at Halloween last year." Luna started hoping to god she had the right girl, she didn't really know Patricia that well to be completely honest. She didn't think she had dropped anything but the necklace Angus had given her for Christmas was rather lopsided, she straightened it out and decided to see if maybe Patricia could help her. "Hey... You wouldn't have happened to see Angus around anywhere would you?" she asked her eyes begging that she had. So many things needed to be straightened out... She was still up on a cloud from this all.

[Wow that sucked o_o]
"Yep, that's me." She said smiling, at least she wasn't the only one who wasn't sure. "Oh yeah." She said laughing, "Didn't recognise you without your bright orange hood." Patricia continued, remembering her costume. When Luna asked if she had seen Angus anywhere Patricia asked, "Angus Greenwood?" Not expecting there was another Angus' the two girls would no she continued, "No I haven't sorry. What's up?" She asked, wondering if she could help in anyway.
"That was a pretty distinctive costume wasn't it? I almost burnt to a crisp though... I'm definitely wearing something cooler this year..." she replied with a small laugh, "Yep, that's the one... It's not anything really big but..." Wow what an understatement... she thought before continuing "I just need to talk to him about something important. I suppose I can catch him after our next class." she ended realizing how big of a walking contradiction she just appeared to be. She hoped Patricia hadn't noticed or she'd start asking questions, nothing was certain yet.
Patricia laughed along with Luna, "It was. Speaking of this year, I'm a bit pathetic, but I already have my costume sorted." She said the last part in a whisper, normally girls made a big deal out of their Yule Ball dress, which she had too, but Halloween was a bit different.

She listened to Luna, ramble slightly, she was almost sure nothing big and important was a contradiction, but waved off the idea, "So how was your holiday?" She asked, not sure what else to talk about.
"Wow you do? Well you're way ahead of me in that department... I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to be yet but whatever... I have two months to decide don't I?" she said "So what are you going to be?" she asked flicking off a bug that had decided to land on her arm. "Oh, I had a good summer. Angus came over a few times a week and I went over to his place some... I got caught up with some of my muggle friends and Dad started my driving lessons even though It'll be almost two years until I can try for my permit... How was yours?" she asked
Patricia blushed slightly when Luna seemed to be surprised, "It's nothing impressive. It's a gangster look." She said with a shrug. "You know, dark make up, black hat, black leather jacket, skirt and boots." She explained. "I feel weird wearing it, but it'll be different, and you only get one time a year to do it, so I thought, what the heck." She said with a laugh.

Patricia listened to Luna say what she did during the summer, when she mentioned she spent time with Angus she figured she needed to talk to him about something that happened, or maybe he or she forgot something at each others house. "Wow driving, your lucky. I have to wait at least four years before I can get mine." She said with a frown. "Mine was good, went to Natasha's house for a few days, she has a huge family." She commented, not sure if Luna even knew who Natasha was. "Worked for a bit, meet up with Bianca and Jude." She said, grinning broadly at saying the last two people's names.

"So are you looking forward to this year. I can't believe we're third year already!" She exclaimed, excited and nervous at the same time.
"Well that certainly sounds interesting... I can't wait to see it." she said encouragingly, the costume really did seem like a good idea and Luna needed to start thinking about what she was going to do, sure she had a little under two months but Luna could be rather indecisive at times and if it took alot of work she'd need to know what it was way in advance. "I just hope no one tries to go as freaking Voldemort again this year." she said dryly remembering the slightly idiotic first year who had tried to pull that off the year before.

"It sounds like you had a good summer too, No driving for four years? Yikes... Why not? Are the ages different where you live? Where ever that may be? Because you can get your permit at 15 back home..." Luna said in response to Patricia going over her summer. "But maybe that's not such a good thing, ask Angus how horrible my first try was! It was hilarious..." she added remembering how jerky and panicky her driving had been. That reminded er of why she had been in such a rush in the first place. Angus liked her too! Her eyes melted over when she remembered that last day of summer.

She snapped out of it and realized Patricia was asking her a question. "Oh, yeah I am. It's unbelievable that we're third years already! Seems like yesterday I was a Beauxbatons first year..." she said, another perk about third year. All of the houses were lumped together for classes. This was going to be a good year for her, she just knew it.
Patricia nodded, "It's certainly different but as you said, not that long now until Halloween." She said with a smile, getting excited now. When Luna brought up the small boy who dressed as Voldemort laughed year Patricia shook her head, "That was a bad call whoever the boy was. Hopefully he learned his lesson, but first years.." She cut of with a shrug and a laugh, they did some of the silliest things.

Patricia laughed at Luna's reaction to her having to wait for years to be able to drive, "Well, legally where I'm from your not allowed to drive until you are 18, but can get your permit at 17. But having a brother who works with cars, I've tried." She said shaking her head. "I'm from Northern Ireland." She said, she was surprised how much her accent had faded in the past three years, she didn't recognise it half the time. "I take it your from America then?" She asked. Patricia laughed, "I'm sure you'll get better with time, no one can get it perfect." She said encouragingly.

Patricia nodded it was hard to believe, "Wait, you were in Beaubaxtons?" She asked shocked, no wonder I never talked to her much she thought to herself.
"I'll probably do something more feminine this year... I mean, dressing up as a guy two years in a row would be a bit odd, don't you think?" she said lightly with a laugh "Last years first years were horrible, I hope we have a better batch of them this year or I truly fear for the wizarding world in about ten years." Luna said half joking but sometimes she really did worry. That was just her nature though... easy to get used to.

"Yeah, Tennessee to be more specific. The age for permit is 15 and License is 16... So since I turn 14 soon I should be 100% legal to drive by mid-5th year." Luna chirped, happy at this development. "I hope you're right, I'm a horrible driver at the moment... Hit the breaks so hard once Angus almost hit his heat on the back of my seat..." Luna trailed off remembering how bad she felt afterward. "Yeah, I just transferred over to HNZ last year..." she ended
Patricia looked at Luna with curious eyes, "Two years? What did you do in your first year?" She asked. "And yes it's a bit odd, but as I said Halloween is for dressing up as something completely different." She repeated, that's what she loved about it, be as weird as you like and not get ridiculed for it.

Patricia listened to Luna explain the American driving system, she was so lucky, Patricia always wanted to drive but the closest she got to was sitting behind the wheel of the car, turned off, and pretending to drive. Patricia quickly covered her mouth trying to laugh out loud, "Poor Angus." She said between laughs. "Well that's as good lesson, don't hit the breaks so hard next time." She added.

"Oh right. No wonder I don't remember you much from our first year. I thought I was loosing my memory." She said with a laugh. "Why did you transfer?" She asked.
"Oh, by two years I meant last year and this one coming up. I was Alice Cullen my first year." Luna replied clearing up the confusion "I'm going to try to go all out this year, but knowing me I'll probably end up waiting until the last minute and throwing together some crappy one." she said, that's what she had done the year before but the costume was still good none the less she supposed.

"Lets just say that I had dad take me on all of my other Driving lessons on days that Angus wasn't there!" Luna exclaimed, "Though it is funny to think back on... Sure wasn't funny at the time. I felt horrible... But yeah, I had a really fun summer." Luna chirped. Having Angus there had made all the difference, once she realized on that hot summer day how she felt she had went into full blown crush mode and even though Luna hated it... To everyone but him it showed.

"Get your cane and dentures Pat... Kidding of course. But are you wanting to know why I transferred over? Or why I came back?" she asked seeing as she had been at HNz for a week or two in her first year as well.
"Oh." Patricia said laughing, even though she didn't have a clue who Alice Cullen was she didn't bother asking for fear of seeming stupid by not know someone famous. "Well, why not start thinking now, when it's fresh in your head." She suggested. "That's how I did it." She said with a shrug.

Patricia listened to Luna, "If you felt horrible, how did Angus feel?" She asked laughing, but she knew it was a funny matter, for both passenger and driver, it must have been scary. "Aw that's nice that your dad would take you out driving, my dad probably wouldn't do it for some excuse." She said with a roll of her eyes.

Patricia stuck out her tongue playfully at Luna and nudged her lightly, "Funny aren't you." She said pretending to glare at her. Shrugging she answered, "Both I suppose, but I'm sure you came back because of how awesome we are." She said with a laugh.
"Yeah... Me and a Few Beauxbatons friends went as the whole Twilight coven. We couldn't find a Jasper though... I didn't have a boyfriend and no guy was willing to get all up in sparkles for someone they weren't dating." she said with a laugh "It was still fun though. What were you first year?" she asked wondering what crossed before Cowgirl then Gangster.

"I can only imagine, the seats in the car are soft enough but still... That probably would have hurt like hell." Luna said before sighing "Part of the time I think my dad only does it so we'll have ties to the muggle lifestyle... Him and magic don't mix that well with one another." Luna said, a bit amazed at how quickly she was opening up to Patricia.

Luna mock bowed at Patricia, "Yes, I'm amazing! A comedic Genius! No flash photography inside the building please!" she said joking around. Even funnier because they were out on the lakefront and not even in a building. "Well, I don't really remember why I transferred over. I must have been crazy I mean... I couldn't possibly leave here again I like hi- it too much!" she exclaimed
Patricia listened to Luna explain her first year Halloween, Twilight? she thought, it sounded vaguely familiar, Was that a book or a movie? she wondered. Sparkles? She wondered, then she remembered the series of books she read when she was younger, she didn't like it that much, figures why I couldn't place the name. she thought to herself. When Luna asked what she was in first year, she went bright red and hung her, "A bright, pink, fluffy sheep." She said trying not to laugh. She never knew what possessed her to do such a silly thing, "And you thought your costume was warm last year." She said with a roll of her eyes.

Patricia nodded in understanding, "My dad, isn't too fond of magic either, but I still don't think that's a good enough reason for him to teach me to drive. Even though he'd never admit it, he doesn't like seeing his little girl growing up." She said shaking her head, "Kinda silly really." She said with a shrug.

Patricia folded her arms as Luna joked about, "Are you done yet?" She asked with an annoyed smile. But quickly unfolded them and laughed along with Luna. "Yes you were crazy." She said nodding her head, with a straight face. Patricia noticed that Luna had changed what she was going to say, she wondered what it was, but she didn't want to say something that might offend her, plus they barely knew each other, but she liked that they seemed to be getting along, making up for two years she thought to herself.

"So what electives have you chosen?" She asked, running out of subject changers.
"A big... Pink... Fluffy...Sheep?" Luna asked holding back her laughter. But she couldn't help it and laughed a bit anyways. "Sorry... But picturing you in a giant pink sheep costume..." Luna trailed off laughing again, but it was clear her intent wasn't malicious in any way shape of form. "I can only imagine, that thing must have been hell." Luna said thinking about how hot that must have been.

"My dad has made it clear in his own way that he doesn't want his little girl to grow up... Which came in the form of Angus. We're not dating or anything but my dad still intimidated the crap out of him then they first met." she said remembering the incident and the even worse one when they fell asleep on the couch and Doug found them there at Three in the morning.

Luna laughed, "Maybe... Maybe not!" she said before going back onto the subject. "I must have been, this place is amazing... Probably why I came back." she said looking over at the large castle. "Electives... I took Divination, Muggle studies, and Care of magical creatures. How about you? I don't really need muggle studies seeing as my dad is a muggle but hey, I'm not going to turn down an easy O." she said
Patricia held back her laugh and folded her arms as Luna started to laugh, "Go on get it out, it was pretty hilarious." She said with a roll of her eyes. "Yeah, it was warm, went outside afterward, it cooled me down a bit." She said recalling the night. "I still have it if you want to try it out for this year?" Patricia asked sticking her tongue out playfully.

Patricia listened to Luna talk about her dad and Angus, she seemed to dismiss them dating a bit too quickly, Patricia didn't want to say anything but... "If your not dating, I'm surprised Angus let himself be intimidated. Normally boys don't show anything like that unless.." she cut off, assuming Luna to catch her drift. Patricia didn't know Angus that well but he certainly seemed like the type of boy could stick up for himself when it came to things like that.

Patricia nodded in agreement, "True, don't know what I would do without this place." She said to herself, looking back at the castle. Turning round again she heard Luna mention her electives. "Eww Divination." Patricia said with a small cringe. "That's the only one I didn't take on." She added. "Haha, I'm taking Muggle Studies for the same reason, should be a breeze of a class, seeing as I'm Muggleborn. But if I end up getting anything below an O I think I may just have to crawl under a rock and stay there." She said with a nervous laugh, she knew the class should be easy for her, but the fear of failing with never fully removed.

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